Thursday 30 November 2023

Addressing the Red-Herring of Omipidan, An Aide to A Non Performing Minister

_By Oluniyi Isamotu_

It's always unfortunate and disappointing to be treated to ridiculous and stinking stupidity where you best expect wisdom

After throwing all sorts of mudslinging to the performing Governor of Osun State to no effect, the next attempt by the traducers is to drag the most refined and philanthropic elder brother of the Governor to unwarranted political roforofo.

Addressing the intangible take of Mr Omipidan, let me ask him, if there's no removal of fuel subsidy by the Tinubu led federal government, will there have been any need for a palliative measure by the federal government or sub-national government of the country?

If the economy of the country is not at a 'balabulu mode' where both the rich and poor are grappling with the survival of the fittest contest, will there be any need for a Governor to create a sort of wage award for his worker's or pensioners at the moment aside from paying their statutory emoluments or increment when there's need for such?

How an aide to an unperforming former Governor of Osun and an under-par Federal Minister will think his warped line of thought holds sway in Osun is what baffles me.

The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led federal government announced Wage Award for Workers since October with an official declaration that they will start paid from September. As at today, only one month out of three months have so far being paid, infact some federal workers are still doubting the President declaration as staff of some Ministries are yet to receive one out of the three months ought to have been paid so far.

According to a news report on Punch November 1 2023, a federal civil servant was quoted thus; “Yes I did receive it. I saw the alert about 15 minutes ago. I think it is for September because the alert indicated September.”

If the federal government can only have the capacity to pay one month out of three months expected to have been paid so far, then what moral justification does Omipidan has to think he can question when Osun should have pay its own?

Moreover, it is even overrating of capacity for Omipidan to think his fallacious and garrulous statement on radio resulted to why the People's Governor Ademola Adeleke announced his wage award for worker's and retirees to cushion the effect of subsidy removal caused by Mr Tinubu led federal government.

The Osun cyberspace have been awash consistently for two weeks now where Labour Leaders had reported to their union members the discussion they've been having with the joint-negotiating team of the government concerning this wage award. How then does Governor Ademola Adeleke approving the negotiations of several weeks and agreement of the Joint negotiating team of that of the government and Osun Labour Leaders relate to whatever gibberish Omipidan said on-air on Monday? Quite laughable.

The general public opinion in Nigeria is that Mr Bunmi Tunji-Ojo, present Minister of Interior should have been left to man the new Ministry of 'Marine and Blue Economy' he was initially designated for instead of the ineffective Mr Oyetola who is only busy with non-productive meetings and photo-ops in that Ministry now.

Peradventure, if Mr Oyetola understands his job, Omipidan would had have alot on his desk to busy himself with instead of pokenosing his affairs into a state he and his principal were angrily chase away with votes by the good people of Osun State.

I least expected Omipidan who understands the ethics of journalism to result to red-herring and condescend so low to the point of going on personal attack to a man who can buy off his first to fifth generation in life. Quite disappointing.

The attempt at defamation or personal attack on Dr. Deji Adeleke shouldn't have come from the spokesperson of a governor who hid the Covid-19 palliatives from his subjects in 2020. A government that awarded about N1.3bn projects to non-existent companies as reported by a reputable investigative journalistic outfit(ICIR). A government that camouflage the Osun State Examination Board to execute several contracts to non-existent companies (name withheld) at an exorbitant cost between June and July 2021.

Omipidan principal and the government he served committed the most insidious financial atrocities in the history of Osun. No wonder they were booted out, and the good people of Osun will never want them back again

Osun people are enjoying good governance under the administration of people's Governor, His Excellency Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke and no amount of character assassination and defamatory attempt against him or his good family with a long history of helping people and impacting humanity positively will deter the good progress Osun is now enjoying.

We urge Mr. Ismail Omipidan to stop being embittered with the current administration in Osun State

Whether he and his gang of traducers like it or not, Governor Ademola Adeleke will continue to triumph and succeed where they fail.

Osun will not go back to Egypt again. Never again.

_Oluniyi Isamotu writes from Osogbo.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Osun and Ismail Omipidan

By James Bamgbose

In "The Diane Kalen-Sakra, Save Your City: How Toxic Culture Kills Community & What to Do About It," good governance is depicted as the art of putting wise thought into prudent action, advancing the well-being of those governed. This reflection mirrors the current situation in Osun State since Governor Ademola Adeleke took office last year. Where I'm going is not far, but where I will branch is much.

"When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, 'There is lifting up,' and he shall save the humble person." This excerpt is from the Book of Job in the Bible, illustrating differing experiences despite a shared state or circumstance. One sees "casting down" while the other sees "lifting up."

This statement mirrors Osun State's situation. Osun people now enjoy the democracy dividends they were denied for about 12 years, yet some pessimists, in the name of politics, suggest otherwise. They ought to remember they are first human before being members of a political group; empathy matters.

My big brother, the former CPS of the rejected Oyetola administration, Mr. Ismail Omipidan, was once smart, brilliant, vibrant, and held a reputable, integral stance. However, as the Yoruba adage goes, "Ona ofun, ona orun ni," he has taken this adage to heart, even at the expense of his decades-long profile.

His only mistake was serving under a rudderless administration. By association, he's become an advocate of delusion and fallacy regarding Osun's development. My regard for him shifted after the July 16, 2022, Osun Gubernatorial Election when he coined the phrase "My Principal did not lose the election, he only lost the vote count."

Subsequent articles by him indicate a lingering disbelief in his principal's rejection, colouring his biased opinions. He once advocated that Senator Natasha Akpoto of Kogi Central Senatorial District should support an Ebira candidate not minding her party candidate. In one of the groups the piece was sent to, someone posed a question to him about the last General Election asking if he voted for his kinsman (Ajagunla) as against his party candidate (SRJ), only if Boda would respond today.

Some find Osun's situation odd because they've forgotten what good governance entails. They treated people inhumanely when they had the chance to govern, hence why individuals like Mr Ismail Omipidan perceive mismanagement in Osun. Comparing the state now to a year ago makes those criticizing its management seem uninformed.

Good governance means effective, responsible management of resources, institutions, and processes within a society, embracing transparency, accountability, the rule of law, participation, and inclusiveness. It ensures fair resource distribution, upholds human rights, fosters growth, and builds public trust.

Addressing my brother, based on this definition, can he claim Osun State isn't experiencing good governance? His perspective might differ due to his distant writing location and reliance on hearsay in WhatsApp groups.

Let me correct Egbon with the words of Harlan Ellison which says, "You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." Let Boda be told that there is a need for proper consultation before making policies and decisions for any government that is focused on the delivery of good governance.

This might be strange to him because the administration he served with employed people without any budgetary provision for them, Idan Move from the "Encyclopedia of Finance". Mr Omipidan's sudden concern about the welfare of the workers in Osun is highly hypocritical. Mr. Omipidan who served under the administration that silenced the workers amid inhumane policies has suddenly become the advocate for them.

Let My Brother be informed that the workers are strongly behind the Senator Ademola Adeleke-led administration and the civil servants can now air opinions without fear or intimidation. Also, since Egbon has turned Abuja to his new home after their 4 years in governance, is he not aware that the Federal Government owes the FG workers their October palliative? Maybe he does not know because they did not send it to their WhatsApp group. Focus more on promoting your principal if things are still fine between you two.

My advice to my brother, Ismail Omipidan, aligns with a lesson learned from my good brother, Ayotunde Rasheed: "SILENCE." Speaking when necessary, avoiding ignorance's tune. Silence is golden, especially in cases of uninformed thoughts.

James Bamgbose writes from Osogbo, Osun State, and can be reached via

Re: When will Dr. Deji Adeleke Address that Press Conference?

By Sarafa Adeniyi

The glowing performance of Governor Ademola Adeleke is a source of envy, anger, frustration and sadness to some people. What is making some people sad is what is eliciting gratitude and happiness for many well meaning Osun people including Dr Deji Adeleke.

The last one year has witnessed achievements in one year that a former governor could not achieve in four years. Governor Adeleke's achievements in health, education, digital economy, workers's welfare, infrastructure among others elated the majority of Osun people and endeared him to so many locally and nationally. Hence, as the Governor is performing wonderfully well as attested to by so many well meaning Osun residents and Nigerians at large, there is no need for intervention from stakeholders including Dr Deji Adeleke.

For those who are frustrated with the strong performance of Governor Adeleke, they should be waiting for more shocks in the form of enhanced delivery of good governance. They have not seen anything yet. The Governor is poised to press on with his stellar management of state matters which has made him the envy of those rejected by Osun people.

Today, Osun workers and people are full of joy for a Governor who is fulfilling his election pledges and placing the state on the path of sustainable development. As Osun is making huge progress, stakeholders including Dr Deji Adeleke are only praying for more wisdom and divine support for Mr Governor.

To the haters and envious lot, Osun is leaving them behind.

● Sarafa Adeniyi writes from Osogbo

Governor Adeleke Approves N15,000 wage award for civil servants, N10,000 for pensioners


OSOGBO– 29/11/2023–

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has approved the payment of wage award to civil servants and pensioners in the state as a measure to mitigate the impact of subsidy removal.

The Governor stated that the action was in a continuation of his avowed commitment to workers' welfare and a fulfillment of his pledge for the gradual rollout of palliative measures to cushion the effect of subsidy removal.

"On the first day of my second year in office, I unveil this wage award and reaffirm our five point agenda which has workers' welfare as number one item", Governor Adeleke noted.

Governor Adeleke's approval was conveyed in a circular issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Capacity Building, disclosing that workers in the service of the state will get a N15,000 wage award while pensioners will receive N10,000.

The circular which was signed by Sunday Olugbenga Fadele, a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, noted that the wage award will run for six months, beginning from the month of December.

"Sequel to the negotiation meetings and interactions with labour movement in Osun state, including the representatives of Nigeria Union of Pensioners, the Governor of Osun State, His Excellency, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke, has approved the monthly payment of N15,000 to each active worker and N10,000 to each pensioners in Osun state as palliatives to assuage the pains being experienced as a result of removal of petroleum subsidy by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The payment, as approved, is to commence from the month of December, 2023 for a period of six (6) months," the circular reads in part.

"While acknowledging and appreciating the understanding of Osun state workers and pensioners for their show of understanding regarding the efforts of the State Government in the last one year to improve tremendously on their welfare, being the first on the 5-point Action Plan, the present administration will continue to ensure its commitment to the welfare of workers are met at all times.

"It is expected that this gesture of government will spur workers in the State to be more diligent and committed to their duties."

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Tuesday 28 November 2023



OSOGBO -28/11/2023 -


Osun APC: Mismanagement of over N130 billion revenue accrued to the State in the last 12 months. FALSE

FACT: Data from a recently published document of Osun budget performance on BudgIT Openstate website, which can also be verified with publications on the Office of the Accountant-General and Nigeria Bureau of Statistics websites, put Osun share of FAAC revenue from Q1-Q3 at N61,791,671,831.96 and Independent Revenue at N27,405,272,559.69. The sum of both revenue source did not in anyway match the bogus figure quoted by the Osun APC.

2. Osun APC: Extra budgetary spending since November last year without the approval of the Osun State House of Assembly. FALSE

FACT: On November 23, 2022, the All Progressives Congress (APC) dominated House of Assembly passed the 2023 Appropriation Bill proposed by former Governor Gboyega Oyetola four days before the inauguration of Governor Ademola Adeleke. And Governor Adeleke recently sought and got the approval of the House of Assembly for the 2023 Supplementary Budget. Therefore, it is not just false but a fallacy for the APC in Osun state to claim that Governor Adeleke is spending out of budgetary provision.

3. Osun APC: Immoral allocation of N10bn to his office in the Supplementary Budget to take care of his comfort and expensive lifestyle. FALSE

FACT: The Governor Office is not restricted to Governor Adeleke's office but several agencies, departments and units. No part of the appropriated fund is for Governor Adeleke's comfort or expensive lifestyle as it is well known that he forfeited monthly security votes that was accessed by his predecessors. The fund is largely to replace movable and immovable public assets in the Governor's office and agencies, departments and units in the enlarged Governor's office, looted by the immediate past administration. Part of the money is to fund capital projects, such as the renovation of the State Secretariat and some selected offices and the Government House, which was left in a terrible state.

4. Osun APC: Spent N2bn on food, refreshment and entertainment in 3 months whereas in Kwara state, just N88m was spent for the same purpose in 9 months. FALSE

FACT: Data from a recently published document of Osun budget performance on BudgIT Openstate website put spending on meals and refreshment in the period under review at N456,401,071.13 as against the N2bn misleading claim of the Osun APC. It is worth noting that the amount quoted above was spent by the entire government, including tertiary institutions, for meals and refreshment at office and public functions.

5. Osun APC: Reduced budgetary allocations to key MDAs (Education, health, UNIOSUN, Youth and Sports, Rural Development, Water Corporation, etc) in order to accommodate budget for the Office of the Governor. FALSE

FACT: Budget data showed that out of a total N5,980,551,000.00 voted for Osun State University (UNIOSUN) in the 2023 budget, N4,100,235,705.94 has so far being released from Q1-Q3, representing 68.6% budget performance. This same line of budget performance can be seen from the other sectors, but as usual, APC stood logic on its head and promote false narratives.

6. Osun APC: Running administration without cabinet meeting. FALSE

FACT: Since the inauguration of cabinet in June, 2023, Governor Adeleke has held cabinet meeting regularly in consistent with the Constitutional provisions. What the Osun APC has shown is sheer ignorance, making erroneous claim about what they lack information about.


Osun APC: Suspended 28 Traditional rulers without due process. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke averted major crisis in towns across Osun state caused by the deliberate disregard for laid down rules, guidelines, traditions and even court orders by the APC administration in installation traditional rulers. Places like Ikirun and Iree had descended to violent crisis as people showed open rejection of the unlawfully imposed monarch's by the APC shortly after its loss at the governorship poll. The Osun APC show of lawlessness caused the unfortunate loss of lives, destruction of properties, among other social upheavals. Governor Adeleke took action to restore peace and ensure sanity of our institutions, and contrary to the lies of the Osun APC, only a handful of traditional rulers was affected, as the Olupo of Olupona which the APC usually add to its erroneous claim celebrated one year in office few days ago, hence, defeating the lies of been suspended.

8. Osun APC: Sacked elected local government chairmen illegally and replaced them with unelected caretaker members. FALSE

FACT: On November 26, 2022, Justice Nathaniel Ayo-Emmanuel of the Federal High Court in Osogbo nullified the council election conducted by the Oyetola-led administration shortly after losing reelection bid. The court ruled that the YES or NO election was held in clear violation of the Electoral Act, 2022, and so, officials produced are not lawful and should vacate office. It is therefore an evil and irresponsible lie by the Osun APC to claim that Governor Adeleke sacked the illegal council officials, because available facts showed otherwise.

9. Osun APC: Spent almost one billion naira local government fund monthly. FALSE

FACT: This is a claim not supported by logic or any fact. Perhaps the Osun APC is confusing Governor Adeleke for former Governor Oyetola, who undoubtedly abused local government fund while at the helm of affairs.


Osun APC: Increased WAEC fee from N18,000 to N37,000 per student. FALSE

FACT: First and foremost, WAEC just like NECO, is an external exam, which Osun state does not have control over, including charges on services. Therefore, the claim by the Osun APC that Osun Government under Governor Ademola Adeleke increased WAEC fee is nothing but fallacy. It is important to note that WAEC had in July of 2022, about four months before Governor Adeleke took office announced a 29% increase in WAEC fee and this cuts across Nigeria, not just Osun state, hence only retard will attribute the change in fee to Governor Adeleke as the APC erroneous portrayed.

11. Osun APC: Sacked Rector of Osun State Polytechnic without due process and replaced with unqualified kinsman, Kehinde Alabi

FACT: The Rector of the Osun State Polytechnic is on suspension pending the conclusion of an investigation into allegations raised against him. This is the practice everywhere in order to ensure fairness and transparency in investigation, because it is against the principle of justice to allow a person who is under investigation to sit in the same office while it last. Mr. Kehinde Alabi was drafted in acting capacity, not because he's Governor Adeleke kinsmen, but to ensure a thorough and unbiased investigation of the suspended Rector on allegations of misappropriation raised against him, and will step aside once the investigation proved the innocence of the suspended Rector.

12. Osun APC: Interrupted the academic activities in Iree on account of his unwholesome practice. FALSE

FACT: There was no disruption of academic activities in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, except in the wildest imagination of the rudderless opposition in the state. While the examination of students was delayed for few days due to knotty management issues, but it was quickly resolved and students took their papers. At the moment, the Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, is in session, with academic activities going seamlessly, contrary to the misleading impression the Osun APC tried to create.

13. Osun APC: Reduced subventions due to tertiary institutions like Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke, Osun State University, etc. FALSE

FACT: Just like it goofed on the funding of the Osun State University (UNIOSUN), the Osun APC claim on subventions to public tertiary institutions in Osun state is patent falsehood. For the records, the Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke, the Osun State Polytechnic, the Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, the Osun State College of Education, Ila, and Osun State University (UNIOSUN) has accessed N719,896,77.00, N1,254,772,230.89, N288,802,591.87, N313,570,636.00 and N4,100,235,705.94 respectively as at the end of quarter 3. All of these represents a better performance compared to the quarter 3 of 2022 when the APC was in charge.

14. Osun APC: Increased the school fees of UNIOSUN students. FALSE

FACT: The Management of UNIOSUN had categorically denied claim of increasing the school fees of the institution. Ademola Adesoji, the University's Public Relations Officer noted in a statement that "Osun Defender's interpretation of the breakdown of the University fee is inaccurate and misleading. We urge the public to disregard such misinformation and seek accurate details directly from official University channels."

15. Osun APC: Sacked management of Ilesa University without due process and recourse to the NUC. FALSE

FACT: Just as many other claims, this is also unfounded and misleading. Governor Adeleke inherited a deeply flawed process in the University of Ilesa, which would have hampered the sustainability of the school if allowed to stand. One of such is the unresolved question on the faith of staff of College of Education, Ilesa, after it transmute to a University, pitching the unions against the successful take-off the institution.


Osun APC: Dissolved statutory boards (OSSIEC, Judicial Service Commission etc) without due process. FALSE

FACT: On October 13, 2023, the Ibadan Division of the National Industrial Court invalidated laws made by Osun Assembly under the name State of Osun Assembly. Justice Dele Peters who was adjudicating on a suit filed by Chief Owoeye Abiodun and six others against the Osun State Government, its Attorney-General and four others over their purported dissolution of Obokun Local Government Education Board, said law of the agency was made by a non-existing State of Osun House of Assembly. Justice Peters ruled that any law allegedly made by such an illegal and unconstitutional institution whether it is called State of Osun House of Assembly or any other name is illegal, null, void and unconstitutional.

The clear import of the judgement is that, all boards, whether statutory or otherwise, set up under laws of State of Osun House of Assembly, which the court declared as unconstitutional, is nothing but illegal and it is in application of this lawful court judgement that Governor Adeleke ordered dissolution of the boards. The Governor acted legally to unwind the illegal actions of the Osun APC.

17. Osun APC: Appointed his Special Adviser as Chairman of Osun Independent Electoral Commission. MISCHIEF

CLARIFICATION: Barrister Hashim Abioye is a lawyer by profession and well versed in electoral matters. In fact, he was the one that first drew the attention of the outgone OSSIEC to the illegality of the October 15, 2022, local poll, but was rebuffed. That illegality cost Osun state over N2bn, which could have been saved if Otunba Oladitan and the APC had listened to the wise counsel of Barrister Hashim. Barrister Hashim is competent and capable, hence, the pettiness of the Osun APC. Barrister Hashim is a man of impeccable character and strick on laws and constitutionality, hence, guarantees a transparent and credible poll.

18. Osun APC: Suspended the State Chief Judge illegally. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke did not suspend the Chief Judge as claimed by the Osun APC, rather, he acted in line with the Provision of the 1999 Constitution (as amended). Governor Adeleke did not act outside the National Judicial Commission (NJC) as he had communicated to them and waiting for their decision on it. It is a public knowledge that Governor Adeleke is a man of due process and will not act outside the provisions of the laws as mischievously suggested by the Osun APC.


Osun APC: Failure to account for the N2bn palliative grant and N7bn share of the savings from fuel subsidy removal. FALSE

FACT: First and foremost, the N2bn palliative fund is not a grant but a facility that will be repaid back. And on utilization, Governor Adeleke at Ipade Imole on October 5, 2023, gave a detailed explanation on how the fund will be utilized. For the record, Governor Adeleke disclosed that the N2bn fund will fund the purchase of buses to complement the buses in the pool of the state, which has been repaired, for public usage. Part of the fund, according to the Governor, will fund rehabilitation of some healthcare centres while the remainder will go to the purchase of food items for distribution to the public. Procurement order has already been made already.

On the N7bn refund, the Osun APC continues to show its ignorance on the source of the fund and purpose. It should be recalled that Governor Adeleke is the first Governor to announce receipt of the N7bn refund, and contrary to the outright lies of the APC, the money is nowhere connected to subsidy removal. It was earned revenue of Osun state just like other State, which the Federal Government duly refunded it. While making the disclosure, Governor Adeleke said the N7bn will be used to fund infrastructural projects. Governor Adeleke has shown transparency and accountability, unlike what was obtainable under the APC where refunds are shrouded in secrecy and utilization a misery.

20. Osun APC: Inability to provide the needed palliative measure for Osun citizens as against what obtains in other states. Besides 6000 bags of rice provided by the FG, Osun didn't provide additional rice. FALSE

FACT: On August 29, 2023, the Osun State Government began the distribution of the first batch of rice, which stood at 6,300 bags of 50kg. This was out of the over 14,000 bags of 50kg rice that was distributed across Osun state in three batches. The template for the distribution of the palliative rice was designed by Osun stakeholders, which has membership drawn from every segment of the state. In fact, the APC was among the socio-political groups that benefited from the palliative rice and just being mischievous with its unreasonable concoction.


Osun APC: Non of the committees (Mining and Solid Mineral Committee, Asset Recovery Committee, Obaship and Appointment Review Committees) set up through his Executive Orders some 12 months ago has seen the light of the day. FALSE

FACT: The Committees set up by Governor Adeleke through Executive Orders have completed their assignments, submitted reports and white papers drawn. The Adeleke administration is however tightening every legal issues so as to ensure that none of the findings will be faulted under judicial scrutiny. The unease of the Osun APC on the findings of the Committees is not unconnected to its past corruptions and abuse, which it feared will be unveiled through the release of the Committee's findings.


Osun APC: Failure to fulfill his campaign promise of clearing backlog of salary within 100 days in office. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke at no point during campaigning promised to clear owed backlog of salary within 100 days. The promise of Governor Adeleke, which can be confirmed from clips at campaigns and debates, is to see to the payment of owed salary, which Oyetola ignored for 48 months should he get elected. And one year in office, he has lived up to that promise by paying 3 months out of the 30 months half salary.

23. Osun APC: Lack accountability in management of state resources. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke is open and accountable in the use of public fund. Ipade Imole is a forum purposely put up by Governor Adeleke to give account on public spendings and get feedback from the people aside the regular public engagements by the Governor's media team to provide public account to the public. Under the Oyetola-led APC administration, the Osun people were treated with disdain as it totally shun giving account to the public, and was forced on a number of occasion by revelations to disclose receipt of refund from the Federal Government. Governor Adeleke, without any prompting disclosed receipt of N7 billion refund and how it will be used.

24. Osun APC: Awarding revenue collection to friends and cronies who first collect levies into their private accounts before remittance to government. FALSE

FACT: Available records of staffs or consultants tasked with revenue collection is at variance with the Osun APC ludicrous claim, as no friends or cronies of the Adelekes is engaged. It should be noted that consultants involved in collecting revenues in private accounts are inherited from the APC administration, who think their unwholesome practice can continue under the Adeleke administration, but has since been shown the way out. Revenue collection has been cleaned and that explains the surge in revenue that accrues to the state.

25. Osun APC: Lack capacity to block leakages. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke financial discipline has blocked a lot of wastages and freed more money for the use of the public. This is why Governor Adeleke has been able to do a lot of things which the APC had through its ruinous years in government termed impossible.


Osun APC: About 200 health workers sacked on his assumption in office out of hatred for predecessor. FALSE

FACT: Upon assumption of office, Governor Adeleke stopped a dangerous move of the APC to dump its members on the state's wage bill illegally. No health worker was sacked as falsely alleged by the APC and we challenge them to produce a letter of disenchantment issued by the Government to the fictitious health workers. The truth is that the Osun APC tried to illegally load the state wage bill with unqualified party members but failed.

27. Osun APC: He thus recruited without the needed advertisement. FALSE

FACT: Governor Adeleke is a man of due process and rule of law and anything that did not align with this principle will not get his support. Governor Adeleke will always ensure that all Osun citizens are given a chance at any available opportunity, especially in job recruitment, hence, his insistence on the adherence to the rule of law and due process. No kobo of Osun money was wasted as falsely alleged by the Osun APC.

Sarafa Ibrahim Special Assistant to the Osun State Governor on Print Media

Osun APC and Sooko's continuous Outbursts, A public nuisance displays of shenanigans.

By Azeez Mao Olakunle Dinho

It is paramount that one should not always expect that the measure of what you lack or have is accurately replicated in others. If you feel that everybody should think or work in your myopic way, insanity is inevitable. That's the case of Osun APC and Mr. Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, the factional chairman of the All Progressive Congress in Osun State.

I was on social media yesterday reading different write ups from the people of Osun State, celebrating the evidence of good governance of Senator Ademola Adeleke in his one year in office. Incidentally, I came across the poorly written scorecard of Osun factional APC led by one Mr. Sooko and signed by Mr. Kola Olabisi describing the administration of His Excellency as the worst ever in the history of Osun State.

This erroneous position reminded me of my undergraduate days when we were taught about love and hate in psychology class. Psychologically, hate belongs to a psychiatric condition. It does not form in people except when they first lose their natural mind like in the case of Osun APC, at which point they start seeing the other person as another person or something productive in darkness.

This is exactly the psychological condition of a madman. A Madman does not want to live comfortably amongst people and enjoys picking dirt from anywhere and bring same to the house because he sees things in a different world as if those things and people are in the dark.

In the same way, when people hate or see things in ugly manners, they fall into darkness, their minds begin to pick things that are discomfiting to the natural state of their hearts into the house of their minds, the psychological weight of their minds shift suddenly and double itself to the contrary. Aggressiveness, bitterness, strive are always the outcomes of their state of mind because the person is no longer normal for a moment.

Osun APC is not disappointing though, there's a Yoruba adage that says "𝑨̀𝒈𝒖̀𝒏𝒕𝒂̀𝒏 𝒕𝒊́ 𝒂𝒈𝒃𝒂 𝑶𝒎𝒐 𝒍'𝒆́𝒚𝒊̀𝒏 𝒓𝒆̀ 𝑲𝒐̀𝒏𝒊́𝒊́𝒅𝒂́𝒌𝒆́ 𝑨𝒓𝒊𝒘𝒐 𝒍𝒂́𝒚𝒆́𝒍𝒂́𝒚𝒆́" the mind of Sooko Tajudeen and his cohorts already become more than what they could hold per thought, that's the rationale behind their continuous nuisance display of shenanigans.

I don't want to fault Sooko completely, but the APC members who knew he was not competent, yet handed over the script to him. Sooko is only walking with a chain on his leg, had it been he gone through the poorly written scorecard presented to him, he wouldn't have started to fight within which outwardly reveals his ignorance against Senator Ademola Adeleke and the PDP administration in the state.

I appreciate the fact that Osun APC admitted their failure in the area of Workers' and pensioners' welfare by pointing out Governor Adeleke's inability to clear the backlog of 30 months salaries owed by their administration within his 100 days in office as promised, they only failed to acknowledge the fact that, four out of these backlogs has been paid by Adeleke's administration in his 1 year of office and he maintains his promise to clear it as long as he remains the Governor of State. If the last administration led by Governor Oyetola were like Governor Adeleke, 20 out of the backlogs would have been cleared by now, but the lives of Osun workers were not important to them, that's why Governor Adeleke began afresh.

Since the day APC became a rejected vessel in Osun State, Sooko Tajudeen and his deserted members have been living in darkness, they walk in darkness and are blinded by darkness. Aside from the fact that Sooko is a hater of good governance, personally, he is a pernicious liar. Osun masses who voted against APC at all levels knew the party was built on a wrong foundation of lies, malicious propaganda, and desperation, a party of strange bad fellows.

Apart from being the resident slave to the minority opposition members in the state, Sooko's achievement ever since he accepted his unglorified assignment is to accuse the PDP and Governor Ademola Adeleke, forgetting their failed twelve years of maladministration in the state where pensioners were living in abject deprivation, where the civil servants can no longer eat twice in a day as a result of modulated salary, where Education sector in the state was rated 35 out of 36 States in the country, where major roads were in the state of comatose with poor health sector and facilities.

Building a smart, prosperous Osun state for all has become the vision of Senator Nurudeen Ademola Adeleke, as the journey to build Osun state of our dreams becomes intensified. Before the end of this administration, Osun will become a top destination for individuals, who wish to practically learn about good governance. Sooko should stop living in the past. This is not the APC administration where your tin god shares a larger percentage of the state treasury.

Senator Ademola Adeleke has the foresight and he has resolved to invest in new ideas that will revolutionize Osun state, leaving a footprint that the generations that are coming behind will be proud of. APC should bury their heads in shame, our David is now on the throne.

Monday 27 November 2023

Adeleke has Vindicated those who Booted Oyetola out of Office, Olawale Rasheed Replies Omipidan


OSOGBO - 28/112023 -

The one year record of Governor Ademola Adeleke far outshined and outpaced the lackluster performance of former Governor Gboyega Oyetola in four years, Spokesperson to Governor Adeleke, Mallam Olawale Rasheed has declared.

He affirmed that Governor Adeleke by any impartial assessment, has justified the confidence reposed in him by the Osun electorate who massively booted Mr Oyetola out of office using their ballot papers on July 16, 2022.

As Osun people in a democratic process voted Governor Adeleke into office, it is a misnomer and a busybody venture to accuse an eminent Osun citizen and a global business icon , Dr Deji Adeleke of imposing his brother in an election that stands out as a model in Nigeria's electoral victory. Is it a crime for Dr Deji Adeleke to support his brother's political ambition in line with the constitutional right to vote and be voted for?

Every Osun voter and citizen who actively supported and ensured electoral victory of Governor Adeleke are today happy to see the positive turn of events in the state, leaving only sore losers of July 2022 elections as classless wailers. An APC friend called me this Monday and said " Demola has done so well but we will continue to attack him". His reason- politics and partisanship

Responding to a statement credited to Ismail Omipidan, a former aide to Mr Oyetola, the Governor's spokesperson described Omipidan's statements as a compendium of lies and baseless assertions without any foundation in reality of today's Osun state and a futile attempt to deny the self-evident sterling performance of Governor Adeleke in the last one year.

"No matter how painful it is to some people,including Omipidan, the last one year witnessed verifiable evidence and manifestation of democratic dividends across the sectors which conscientious members of the opposition defied politics to affirm and which non-partisan members of the public endorsed.

"If Omipidan is doubting that Governor Adeleke has surpassed expectations as well as his boss's performance in one year, let's ask him if Oyetola constructed 90 kilometers of road as Adeleke did under one year? Or is it not true that Oyetola was only able to commission a maternity centre during his one year anniversary?

"If Omipidan thinks appointing a transition committee implies a lack of governance agenda, ask him if Governor Adeleke's five point agenda was not unveiled before and during the governorship elections. Or is the five point agenda till date not the governing ideology of the state government?

"When the former press aide questioned what investors has been to Osun or which investor the Governor has traveled to meet, tell him to come to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and read the list of investors interested in the free trade zone, tourism creative industry, agro-processing, mining processing and revitalisation of Osun airport among others.

"What law has the Governor broken by taking a break a year after assuming office? What is wrong in briefing the public about a Governor's itineraries? If anybody is interested in investment inflow into Osun, why jump ship? Why not wait for usual annual returns?

"If the Ila man questioned Governor's delivery on his electoral promises, ask him what best way to deliver on electoral promises than constructing 90 kilometers of road, creating medical surgeries and access benefiting over 50,000 residents, enrolling 23,000 pensioners in health insurance, completely reconstructing 31 schools under a year, rehabilitating four out of 10 small towns water schemes, drilling 332 boreholes, continuous rehabilitation of four major water works and more, all under a year?

"If Mr Omipidan still insists that Adeleke's government is fraudulent, dare him to go to contributory pensioners and abuse Governor Adeleke. They will tutor him that under a year Adeleke paid five months arrears while Oyetola under four years paid only two months.

"He should go to John Mackay area in Osogbo, and tell them Adeleke did not build that almost three kilometer road and reconstructed the dilapidated school there. He will be lucky if he is not mobbed.

"Even when Oyetola left Osun with close to 90 percent infrastructure deficit now being fixed by Governor Adeleke, sore losers take ongoing construction of Osogbo ring road as final work and assumed others are like them who manipulated and violated procurement process as attested to by an investigative report of a media institute into a fake but fully paid for borehole project awarded by the Oyetola administration.

"When he mentioned state of insecurity, ask him to stop quoting false statistics, remind him security agencies are under the control of the Federal Government and that Osun is gradually getting rid of the elevation of thuggery to state assets as witnessed during APC reign in the state.

"As Mr Omipidan questioned the digital economy agenda in Osun state, let's ask him if Osun under Oyetola had an ICT policy, Tech Innovation policy and a Startup bill? Today, Osun has a State ICT Policy, a Tech Innovation Policy and draft bill to domesticate Nigeria's Startup Act.

"Is he aware of the Broadband Fiber Optic project? Ask him to look for those red,yellow and blue cords being laid along roads in Osun state. Those are broadband materials to deepen internet penetration in Osun.

"If the Ila man continues to assert that the Governor has no capacity, question him about the multi billion naira infrastructure plan just unveiled by Mr Governor. Such an ambitious, thoughtful and acclaimed programme is a product of an ingenious leader of Adeleke calibre.

"When he raised false claims over non-upward reviews of workers' salaries, let's ask him why Oyetola refused to pay the pension and half salary debt now being shouldered by the current government. Why did the past government not cash backed promotion arrears? Why did the former Governor bastardized the public service, destroying the careers of thousands?

"Failure in governance is simply a lack of capacity to deliver good governance to the citizenry. Oyetola failed in several areas where Adeleke succeeded as I listed above. Above are facts for fact checking as Governor Adeleke will say.

"No level of polemics, rhetorics, excuses and buck passing can cover up or rewrite that lackluster Osun state leadership of between 2018 to 2022, a tenure built on the stolen mandate of 2018", the Spokesperson noted in the statement.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to Governor Adeleke

Sunday 26 November 2023

One Year Anniversary: We Surpassed our Targets on Good Governance Deliverables-Governor Adeleke


OSOGBO - 26/11/2023 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke has declared that his administration surpassed the annual good governance target it set while assuming office in November 27, 2022.

The Governor made this assertion in a special interview granted to some journalists before embarking on a working vacation.

"When I assumed office, we had benchmarks and deliverables according to each sectors. Our team sets milestones to achieve in health, education, infrastructures, ICT, agriculture, youth, women among others. I looked back and I can tell you we performed beyond our plans.

The opposition APC is still nursing the wound of their electoral defeat. So the party is ashamed to see the positive changes we are recording in the state. Our achievements are there for all to see.

"In the road sector, we reconstructed a total of 90 kilometers of roads with another 45 kilometers ongoing. We completed key intercity roads like the Ikirun-Osogbo road while Iwo-Osogbo is ongoing. We completely rehabilitated 31 schools with another 31 in the pipelines. We built 332 water projects while major water works at Iwo, Ede, Osogbo, Eko ende are under rehabilitation.

"We focused on the health sector through Imole medical outreach which provides immediate surgeries with over 50 000 beneficiaries so far. We address welfare needs of doctors and we have selected 345 health centers in the state for complete rehabilitation.

"In science and technology, we introduced a digital economy agenda with new ICT and tech innovations policies. We developed a bill to domesticate the Nigeria Startup Act and launched programmes to deepen internet penetration of the state through broadband fiber optic projects.

"I reformed the public service by ensuring professionalism. I launched a phased payment of inherited pension and half salary debt. I just enrolled all pensioners in the health insurance scheme. We have done a lot in just under one year.

"I am repositioning the tourism sector into a tourism and cultural industry. A lot of work is ongoing into raising the sector as a major revenue source for Osun state. In my advocacy for positive change, I've emphasized the power of entertainment. Our administration is actively creating an environment for the thriving of our creatives.

"The sport sector is undergoing major reform. We are setting up a sports commission and expanding into other games beyond football. In agriculture, we are working on the establishment of agric processing zones as well as further support for mechanization of farming in the state. And of course, we have restored the local government system with elections to hold in a year or so. Grassroot government is now ongoing.

"For the mining sector , like I recently stated, we are recording an increase in revenue generation. Accumulated service charges on our licenses have been cleared. We are at the tail end of upgrading our exploration leases to mining leases. We are now operating an environmentally friendly operation. EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and EMP ( Environmental management plan) is now a must before mining operation", the Governor noted in the interview.

While thanking the people of Osun state for their support and prayers, Governor Adeleke assured them of his steadfast commitment to deliver on his five point agenda , adding "Osun is on the path of sustainable growth and development.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor


By Sarafa Ibrahim On Monday, Governor Ademola Adeleke would mark a year that he took the oath of office. And like every administration, there will certainly be an opportunity to look back and compare what things were like when he assumed office to be able to measure the scorecard of Governor Adeleke in 365 days

In one year, Governor Adeleke has demonstrated a true sense of service in many aspects of governance, despite the difficult situation he inherited. When Adeleke took office a year ago, there were a lot of things considered impossible, but are now possible, largely due to the firm commitment to good governance. One year ago, heavy debt burden, reckless looting of public assets, and distressed public infrastructure had drained hopes of meaningful governance.

A Canadian-born American economist and public servant, John Kenneth Galbraith provided some clarity to the question of the essence of leadership when he opined that "All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their times. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership." And looking at Osun in one year and the incredible turnaround that Governor Adeleke has been able to achieve in almost all sectors, you will not agree less with the conclusion of Galbraith.

Governor Adeleke understands that being a Governor means pursuing the general good rather than the self-interest that defined the past. This explains why many policies, activities, and interventions of the Governor in one year focus on helping the people overcome the horrible experience of the past for something relishing and promising about the future.

The strides of Governor Adeleke in one year in office can not only be felt but visible for all to see. And impressively, the touch of Governor Adeleke's impactful governance cuts across the state and sector, departing from the concentration of government presence in one place that defined the past.

Out of sheer and deliberate mischief, some people deride it, saying nothing has been achieved so far. This is in spite of the fact that many of their failures while at the helm of affairs are being undone for a better experience for the people. Well, when you have become accustomed to failures, it would be hard to appreciate serious efforts to touch lives positively.

The Osun APC is so engrossed in its maladministration that it will not be able to see the impressive turnaround of the state from the hopelessness it inspired to one that is promising. Take, for instance, that for 48 months that Gboyega Oyetola was the Governor of Osun State, he did not attempt to defray the 30 months half salary owed workers and pensioners despite being a part of the government that incurred it.

In one year, however, Governor Adeleke has paid 3 months from the owed wages, and will most likely be making the fourth payment before this year runs out. This is aside from the implementation of the financial implication of promotion given to workers in the state since 2019. Just like the half-salary debacle, former Governor Oyetola approved a promotion for civil servants in 2019 but refused to implement its financial implication. In essence, the promotion was merely a paper award, or as some would call it, 'audio promotion' until April of this year when Governor Adeleke implemented the payment of the money earned through the promotion to civil servants.

Between November 27 and now, Governor Adeleke has expended over N17 billion in pensions and gratuities payment out of the humongous over N76 billion liability inherited from the previous government. On November 8, 2023, Governor Adeleke did something unprecedented, not just in Osun but the whole of Nigeria, as he enrolled the entire retirees in the state on healthcare coverage. The intervention, which will benefit at least 23,000 pensioners in Osun state, will take up the burden of managing the health challenges that confront the senior citizens, which usually come at a huge cost to them, and are difficult to handle, causing untimely deaths.

And so far, the Adeleke administration has constructed and delivered over 50 kilometers of roads across the state while about 50 kilometers of roads are at different stages of completion. Broken culverts were restored for public use while channelization of waterways was undertaken by the Adeleke administration to prevent homes from being washed away by flood.

To cap it, Governor Adeleke few weeks ago unveiled an ambitious infrastructure plan, underscoring his firm desire to address the infrastructure deficit and open up the state for industrialization to drive meaningful progress and prosperity for the people. In the infrastructure plan, at least five overhead bridges will be constructed in the state, with two of such to be situated in Osogbo, while the remaining will go to the two other senatorial districts. And to note that the infrastructure plan will be funded without any loan from financial institutions, to the extent of burdening the future, makes it even more superb.

And not just overhead bridges, but the dualization of identified roads in Ede, Osogbo, and Ilesa in a bid to ease traffic jams and reduce accidents. In addition to this, Governor Adeleke will be undertaking the construction of a total of 45 kilometers of roads across the state, with each local government having at least 1.5 kilometers to improve connectivity and enhance the local economy.

Some weeks ago, the Vice Chancellor of the state-owned university, Professor Clement Odunayo, relayed the remarkable transformation that the institution has seen under Governor Adeleke, detailing the unusual intervention of the Governor that revived a 52-office complex that was abandoned by the previous administrations. It is worth noting that the access road to the teaching hospital of the institution being built by its Chancellor, Folorunso Alakija, is undergoing construction after prompting by the Vice Chancellor.

That is awesome, right? But that was not all. Public school buildings across Osun state are getting a major facelift to give students and teachers the right environment to advance qualitative learning. In the first phase, a total of 31 public schools across the state received total overhauling and unlike the experience in the past, students will now learn in well-structured classrooms with the right facilities, while teachers will no longer need for tree shades to hold meetings or conduct their official businesses due to dilapidated offices. The second phase is already in the go, and just like the first phase, public schools in the state will not just be conducive for learning, but also fitting for young people who trust it for their learning.

Talk of healthcare, Governor Adeleke has done exceedingly well in just a little time. Through the Imole Surgical and Medical Outreach, no fewer than 50,000 people have benefited from free healthcare services that range from surgeries for cataracts, pterygium, hernia, and some swelling on the body. Some other beneficiaries received treatments for eye problems and even got free glasses while basic ailments like malaria also got treatments. In a matter of days, the third edition of the Imole Surgical and Medical Outreach will take off, and many more Osun residents will benefit from the intervention.

This health intervention was only a short-term fix as the administration is working assiduously in rehabilitating about 346 healthcare centres across the state to ensure better access to healthcare anywhere in the state. The rehabilitated healthcare centres will also be powered through solar to enable a 24-hours power supply. To achieve the desired objective of better healthcare, the Adeleke administration involved the people at the various local governments. Under this arrangement, the representative commitment which is drawn from religious bodies and artisan groups would monitor the rehabilitation of the healthcare centres to ensure that they are delivered to specifications.

In Osun state today, there is hardly a ward out of the 332 wards that are without a motorized borehole to serve the water needs of residents. The second phase of the installation of 332 motorized boreholes will commence shortly to deepen access to clean and drinkable water for the people of Osun state in the short term. Already, the Adeleke administration is embarking on a major repair of water workstations across Osun state to make sure that homes can enjoy portable and clean water in the long run.

This is in addition to the ambitious climate agenda of the administration in protecting the environment from the catastrophic impact of climate change. And the gains of the Adeleke administration are already bearing fruits as the National Council on Climate Change selected Osun state as a pilot site for the carbon investment project. What this means is that the Ago Owu Forest in Ayedade Local Government of the state will participate in a project aimed at supporting the implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan and the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement.

All of these and more are what Governor Adeleke has been able to achieve in 12 months. Let's assume that the Osun APC feels awkward and distraught because the progress that this administration has recorded in a short time thumped its uneventful years in the administration of the state, it should show remorse for the woes it brought to the state.

Yes, willfully blind people won't see all these, talkless of acknowledging them. But the things about the achievements of Governor Adeleke in one year in office is that they are visible, and no matter how hard those in denial try, they cannot change the fact about their existence. They use the roads; they can see the boreholes installed in their respective councils; they can see and hear testimonies of civil servants and pensioners on Governor Adeleke clearing the mess of the past administration; they can see cables installed in their vicinity; they can see, and even know the many beneficiaries of the Imole Surgical and Medical Outreach.

In short, they can see the many impacts of Governor Adeleke in one year, although, they may find it hard to say it because doing so will expose their lies over time. But what is comforting is that the Osun people, who are the true interest of Governor Adeleke can see and feel the effect of his monumental achievements in just one year, and cherish them so much. And you know what, that is actually what matters, not the wailing of chronic failures.

• Sarafa Ibrahim is a Special Assistant to the Osun State Governor and writes from Osogbo. He can be reached via through email or @SarafaNgr on Twitter

Saturday 25 November 2023

Governor Adeleke Embarks on Working Vacation to Europe and Asia, Says We are Delivering on Good Governance


OSOGBO- 25/11/2023 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke has embarked on a short working vacation to Europe and Asia to finalise partnership deals with investors and development partners.

The Governor, who has not gone on a break since assuming office a year ago, is billed to conclude partnership deals in several sectors with investors who had earlier visited the state.

Speaking before depature, the Governor said Osun people have the right to know about the movement of their Governor, hence his public disclosure of his short vacation abroad.

" This is a democracy. My masters are Osun people who elected me into office and to whom I am surely accountable. My trip is however a working one as I will be meeting foreign partners who are eager to join several sectors of our state economy.

The last one year has been rewarding as we have stabilised the state from inherited rot. We are reconstructing and simultaneously delivering good governance. That is why our 2024 budget is tagged budget of reconstruction and recovery.

In one year, we place Osun state on a path of sustainable development, upgrading critical sectors like education, health, culture and entertainment, water, sports, digital economy, workers' welfare, infrastructures, agriculture. We cap it with a multi billion naira infrastructure plan now under implementation.

I thank Osun people for their continous support and prayers. At home and abroad, I am committed to delivering on our five point agenda for better life for our people, the Governor was quoted as saying.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Friday 24 November 2023

"Osun Will Never Experience Another Rudderless Governance From You," PDP Tells APC


The Osun State Chapter of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) advises the All Progressive Congress (APC) to abandon their fallacious aspirations of dislodging the ruling party in the state come 2026.

The ruling PDP described the electoral concussion-induced sensitization purportedly embarked upon by the APC as another round of tactless jamboree of immortality champions, merely seeking to exploit remnants of their members as usual.

A recent report had indicted the same set of APC opportunists in cahoots with the former Governor and their immediate past party Chairman, Prince Famodun of wicked exploitation in the guise of giving them slots in the ill-fated Local Government Election conducted by the lawless administration.

A statement from the Media Office of the party, endorsed by the State Chairman, Hon. Sunday Bisi, rebuked the APC's unguarded utterances at their afterthought sensitization. Hon Sunday Bisi mocked the APC Chairman's reported remarks as a confirmation of the lack of direction of the APC, even in opposition.

"Lawal and his associates exhibit a profound ignorance of good governance. Their criticisms since assuming the role of opposition reveal their ineptitude in understanding participatory administration in a truly democratic society."

"The APC Chairman's criticism of the current Osun State government could only stem from a blind mind with demented optic nerves, considering their party's track record of failure and the giant strands the administration has recorded within the twinkle of just a year."

"Anyone referring to the present government as having "nothing to offer" simply smacks of a lack of insight or perhaps due to selective memory on the part of the party of the politically handcuffed robbers, who have feasted illegally on the common patrimony of the state, after benefiting from the most widely acknowledged rigged election in Nigeria."

"The assertion that the current administration has nothing to offer starkly contrasts the prevailing reality of tremendous progress in almost all sectors of development in the state."

"The APC Chairman out of mischief and shake, conveniently overlooked the twelve years of rudderless governance under the APC, leaving behind a legacy of humongous debt burden weighing heavily on the state's progress. This debt, accrued during the APC's tenure, remains a caustic testament to their fiscal mismanagement."

"Moreover, the dilapidated state of the civil service, a consequence of wicked neglect and mismanagement during Lawal's party tenure, cannot be overlooked. The current administration has worked to rectify this ugly tag and the civil service is now beaming in dignity as required by global standard practice."

"Rather than orchestrating mere sensitization programs for the party, Lawal should redirect his efforts towards acknowledging and taking responsibility for the damage his party inflicted on Osun State. Begging the people for forgiveness and understanding for the mismanagement, debt accumulation, and neglect of critical sectors like the civil service should be the priority."

"Osun people have endured the consequences of the APC's governance and are resolute in their stance: never again will they entertain the prospect of an APC-led administration again in this state. It's time for Lawal and his party to come to terms with their past mistakes and focus on taking responsibility rather than baseless criticisms."

"The future of Osun State necessitates a departure from the misguided policies and arrogant leadership of the past. Osun people are resolute and united in their rejection of APC in totality. The Opposition members are advised not to fall victim to internal scam Lawal and his journeymen are orchestrating against them as usual of their habit", Osun PDP Chairman concluded.

Hon. Sunday Bisi Osun State PDP Chairman 24/11/2023

Thursday 23 November 2023

Governor Adeleke Flaunts Progress in Mining Sector, Says Mining Processing to Start in 2024


OSOGBO - 23/11/2023 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke has applauded progress and successes his administration recorded in the mining sector with securing shareholding within Segilola Operating Limited and enforcement of environmental standards in mining operations among others.

Responding to a situation brief submitted by his Special Adviser on Mining and Solid Minerals, Prof Lukuman Adekilekun Jimoda, Governor Adeleke recalled that a year ago, he promised an overhauling of the mining sector with a view to secure maximum returns for the state from her solid mineral wealth.

We are recording an increase in revenue generation. Accumulated service charges on our licences have been cleared. We are at the tail end of upgrading our exploration leases to mining leases. This will bring more investors.

I am elated to report that we have fulfilled that promise within a year of assuming office, the Governor noted, adding that he was particularly elated with the environmental standard enforcement.

"We are now operating an environmentally friendly operation. EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and EMP ( Environmental management plan) is now a must before mining operation. Cleaning up the polluted environment is also ongoing. Our mining operation now has zero tolerance for environmental degradation.

He narrated that a long drawn negotiation with mining companies operating in Osun has been on since the beginning of the year, noting that Osun will soon be earning more revenue from the mining sector

"My strategy was to get Osun to genuinely benefit from her natural wealth within the federal set up. We have positive results now.We have secured shareholding with Segilola Resources Operating limited. Further earnings will soon be coming from Segilola very soon.

As part of the overall plan,we have increased our signature bonuses in line with reality. We are indeed starting mining processing from early next year.

To ensure full involvement of all interested parties, I have directed the solid mineral office to organize a meeting of all stakeholders before the end of the year.

Speaking earlier, Prof Jimoda assured the Governor that no effort is being spared to implement the mining sector sector reform as laid out by Mr Governor.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Governor Adeleke Directs Investigation into Night Raid on Ayegbaju Market


●Says No Government Official Is Involved

OSOGBO- 23/11/2023-
No government official is involved in the overnight raid on Ayegbaju market, officials of both Ministries of Commerce and Environment have disclosed.

In a statement issued following the reported overnight raid by unidentified individuals, the ministries clarified that they have standard guidelines for the enforcement of government regulations.

In this case, government agencies do not have provisions for night enforcement of regulations. So those unidentified individuals are definitely not staff or agents of the state.

Mr Governor has subsequently directed the Commissioners of Commerce and Industry and that of Environment to investigate the matter and take immediate corrective action.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Governor Adeleke Tasks Cabinet Members on Budget Defence, Lists Three Urgent Executive Bills


OSOGBO - 22/11/2023 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun state has directed members of the State Executive Council to be prepared for detailed budget defense at the state assembly and ensure draft executive bills are forwarded to the legislature as quickly as possible.

Speaking on Tuesday evening at a review session on the 2024 budgetary plans, Governor Adeleke reminded the cabinet members that full cooperation is needed with the legislature to speed up the budget processing in line with the assembly timetable.

The Speaker of the House, Hon Adewale Egbedun had on Tuesday announced that the appearance of the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA's) including the State owned Tertiary Institution for their budget defense will commence on Monday 27th November, 2023

The Governor charged all ministries, departments and agencies to attend assembly budget sessions with full documentations, warning that any MDA which fails to cooperate with the lawmakers will be sanctioned.

"We have a state to govern. We have a five point agenda to deliver. There is no room for distractions. All cabinet members must get their act together by ensuring a successful budget hearings at the assembly.

"Let the relevant house committees have all required information to vet and approve your proposals. I have full confidence that the legislature will understand the fiscal and economic considerations behind the 2024 budgetary proposals.

"I am also aware of new innovative ideas we are introducing that may necessitate new laws or amendment of existing ones. Let me on this note direct our MDAs with planned executive bills to speed up the internal processes.

"Three of such bills are very dear to the goodness of our state. The bill to domesticate the Nigerian Startup Act should be forwarded to the assembly without further delay. That bill holds the key to boosting and diversifying our state economy.

"The Osun State electricity market bill is also important to us. At the Governor's Forum, a resolution was particularly reached on this matter. We have to move faster to get the bill passed into law without delay.

"Of similar importance is the bill to harmonise the state tax system. Our government wants to put an end to multiple taxation and expand the tax base with a lower tax rate. That is the basic focus of the bill", the Governor was quoted as saying.

He directed the Justice Ministry and all affected MDAs to work closely for the bill to reach the State Assembly to achieve early passage.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Osun Govt Speaks on Budget 2023, Debunks Sahara Reporters' Publication on Governor Adeleke


OSOGBO- 21/11/2023-

The government of Osun state has denied news reports that Governor Ademola Adeleke spent N8 billion in three months, clarifying that the Governor's office comprises more than seven agencies and departments alongside many government wide operations and activities.

Describing as laughable the presumption that the Governor's office stands for Mr Governor alone, the statement by the Commissioner for Information, Hon Kolapo Alimi noted that the allocation to Governor's office stands for capital, recurrent and overhead cost of all agencies, departments and units operating within the Governor's office and with several government wide responsibilities.

While clearing the Governor of any misdemeanor, the statement noted that the Sahara publication mischievously and falsely attributed expenditure on refurbishment of government quarters, Imole Medical outreach, salaries and emoluments of staff of several agencies and other governmental activities as expenses by the Governor.

This is false and mere fabrication arising from deliberate misinterpretation of budget data, the government affirmed, listing several departments under Governor's office to include Bureau of Social Services, Office of Sustainable Development Goals, security department, Osun Investment Promotion Agency, Osun New Town Development Agency, Osun Signage Agency, Osun Agric and Osun Land bank among others.

Government expenditure across the various departments include refurbishment of vandalised government quarters, procurement of official vehicles, replacement of vehicles carted away by the previous government, refurbishment of offices of agencies that make up the Office of the Governor which were left in terrible states by the previous administration; provision of funds for the execution of Imole medical outreach series; provision of funds for emergencies in the welfare of the citizens as individuals and groups.

The N6.01 Billion referred to in the publication therefore encompasses the entire expenditures (Personnel, Overhead & Capital) of the Office of the Governor including the agencies and parastatals under it, for the period in question.

The statement posited further that the personnel cost which was a sum of 209m was for the 771 staff of twelve Bureau and Offices under the Office of Governor while the overhead which was a sum of N4 billion represent the amount spent on acquisition/replacement of vehicles and financing of Imole Medical outreach.

The 1.7B on Capital represents the amount spent on the refurbishment of quarters and government offices.

In the same vein, the N800m naira referred to in the publication represents the entire expenditure of the State House of Assembly for the period.

It should be noted that the amount quoted for the refreshment and meal, welfare packages, and publicity and advertising were meant for all the Ministries, Department and Agencies including all Tertiary Institutions in the State.
Moreso, the fraction spent by the Office of the Governor from these, include the amount expended on the second phase of Imole Medical Outreach conducted for the three (3) Senatorial Districts of the State.

The Government noted that the details provided above confirmed that the Governor did not spend any money outside his statutory salaries and allowances while the fund in question were mostly the overhead, capital and personnel cost of agencies and departments under the Governor's office with government wide mandate and operations.

While calling on the public to ignore the fake news from Sahara Reporters, the government calls on citizens to avail themselves of the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act for information on government activities.

Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Sunday 19 November 2023

Osun PDP Hits State APC, Says Adeleke's Clarifying Actions on Chief Judge is a Sign of Good Leadership


Governor Ademola Adeleke has demonstrated competence and patriotism in his handling of state matters by clarifying issues and setting records straight from the crisis within the state judiciary, budget 2024 and the state infra plan, the state Chairman, Osun state PDP, Hon Sunday Bisi has fired back at the State APC.

In a statement on Sunday, the State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party said President Bola Tinubu has had cause to adjust or reverse policy pronouncements depending on prevailing situations.

The public is aware of more than seven instances where the current Federal Government directly reversed itself in compliance with new facts and proofs. The Federal Government always justified such changes in policy on new facts and superior information.

In the case of issues around the Chief Judge, Governor Adeleke had done the right thing by communicating the development to the National Judicial Council for action. The NJC had received the Governor's letter since last Thursday, putting paid to all ambiguities and misinformation.

The sign of a good leader is the capacity to set records straight in cases of misinformation. This is what Mr Governor has done.

The state PDP reaffirmed its confidence in the leadership style of the State Governor and that of the State Assembly, chiding the state APC for lacking a deeper understanding of the dynamics of governance.

Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman, Osun State PDP 19/11/2023

Adedoyin case: Governor Adeleke Being Blackmailed for Refusing to Shield Chief Judge from Corruption Probe


OSOGBO- 19/11/2023-

Our attention has been drawn to a defamatory fake news alleging that Governor Ademola Adeleke and his family are after the State's Chief Judge because of the sentencing of Chief Raheem Adedoyin.

The truth which the public must be aware of is that Mr Governor is being blackmailed with the Adedoyin case for refusing to shield and protect the Chief Judge, his town woman, from corruption probe.

The blackmail is a falsehood without any foundation in truth. Chief Adedoyin is not and has never, in whatever form, been a friend of the Adelekes.

Secondly, neither the Governor nor his family had any contact or interference in the Adedoyin case while it lasted. From the beginning to the end, no member of the Adeleke family was involved in any way in the legal process.

Thirdly, Adedoyin was never in any way involved with the PDP, the party of the Governor. If anything, Adedoyin was a strong APC loyalist and an ally of the past Governor of Osun state.

What is more, throughout the trial, Adedoyin's legal team was manned by prominent APC lawyers from the beginning to the end. No single PDP lawyer was involved with the Adedoyin team.

We affirm that the crisis rocking the state judiciary has to do with a series of petitions from judicial officials on alleged misconduct of the Chief Judge. On each occasion, those petitions always ended up unprocessed over deliberate blackmail with the Adedoyin matter until recent action by the State Assembly.

The Governor's sin is his consistent refusal to accept overtures to protect his kinswoman, the Chief Judge, from probe on alleged corruption. Mr Governor has always maintained his ground that if as a Governor he is not immuned from accountability questions, why should he use his office to protect another official because of blood or town kinship?
With all sense of responsibility, we declared that neither Governor Adeleke nor any member of his family has anything to do with the travails of the Chief Judge.

The Governor's refusal to shield his town people from corruption probe including the Chief Judge is largely responsible for the failed attempt to blackmail the Governor with the Adeoyin case. We reject the shameful linkage on alleged corruption within the judiciary and the Adedoyin matter. Public officials are not immuned from accountability issues.

We assert strongly that the Governor is not in any way linked with either the petition against the Chief Judge or the infamous Adedoyin case. The Number One Citizen will not not use his office to shield anybody from accountability questions even if that person is from his family.

The Governor has subsequently directed the state law officers to prosecute anybody peddling such defamatory and libelous publications as such fake news has no foundation in truth or reality.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Executive Governor

Osun Government Says It is Open to Engagement with Civil Society Groups, Caution Against Political Partisanship


OSOGBO - 19/11/2023

Governor Ademola Adeleke and his entire team are open to engagement with civil society organisations for the common good of the state even as the administration cautions against political partisanship using civil society activism as a cover.

Responding to a press briefing by a group named Masterminds, the Governor canvassed for impartial criticism of government as the right of citizens but noted that a politically coloured statements will draw similar response from the administration, noting that if a civil group play political game, the response will also be political.

The government cited as an example the Masterminds' commendation of the state government on enrolment of pensioners which it said was laced with political colouration, positing that the policy of enroling pensioners did not exist under any previous government in Osun state.

Because of political bias, the group could not stop at commendation but had to tell stories about which administration founded or nurtured the health insurance agency.

Is the issue about who established the agency or which administration launched the health cover for pensioners?

Before responding to the many issues raised by the group, let us invite its operatives and other civil society groups in Osun state to avail themselves of the Freedom of Information Act which makes it mandatory for government agencies to provide information as may be requested by members of the public.

Information about budgets, expenditure and other data related to public finance can be accessed legally and within the bounds of the law by interested members of the public. The rules and procedures are clearly spelt out.

This administration is committed to open governance and information access especially when such efforts are not politicized or designed to score political points.

On the multi-billion Infrastructure Plan, the Governor had during Ipade Imole stated that the sources of funding include savings from revenue leakages, enhanced internally generated revenue, federal infrastructure intervention, federal refunds among others.

For the avoidance of doubt, Mr Governor made it clear that he will not borrow in any way to fund the plan, that funding of the infra plan will not affect workers' welfare and that the state will not be fiscally endangered as was the case in the past administration.

As to the question of how the Governor plans to fund the 2024 budget and if the infra plan is captured in the new budget proposal, we ask the group and other organisations to attend budget hearing sessions at the State Assembly to access the funding plans and the details of the budgetary provisions. The hearings are ongoing.

On the N10 billion naira supplementary budget and what it contains, we urged the group to access the approved supplementary budget either through the House of Assembly or the State Ministry of Budget and Economic Development. It is a public document.

Supplementary budgeting is not in anyway an abberation and such Appropriation Acts are public documents which interested parties can seek just like the 2.1 trillion naira supplementary budget just approved by the National Assembly for President Bola Tinubu

On the alleged removal of the Chief Judge, we want to set the records straight that Governor Ademola Adeleke had only written the Chief Justice of Nigeria who is the chairman of the National Judicial Council forwarding the resolution of the House of Assembly and recommending the most senior judicial officer for appointment in acting capacity depending on the final decision of the NJC.

By conveying the House resolution to the NJC and by merely recommending for NJC action an acting capacity appointment, Governor Adeleke has proved and acted within the confines of law and in recognition of the powers and responsibility of the NJC.

On the appointment of Barrister Hashim, we challenged the group to point out any legal provisions violated as Governor Adeleke is mostly fixated on competency and legality in his appointment decisions

On alleged stifling of funding to Osun State University, we call the attention of the group and the public to the public confession of the Vice Chancellor of the University to the unprecedented capital projects and overhead funding support for the university from the state government. The video indeed went viral.

We find it curious that the group finds it convenient to ignore the completion of several abandoned projects at the university by the current administration which led to the Vice Chancellor confessing that the current government has done more than any government in the state for the university.

If not for political bias, we expect the group to list university projects initiated and others completed by the Adeleke administration instead of focussing on overhead financing adjustments which even the university management accepted is compensated for by the huge capital funding support the university is getting from the state government.

As much as this administration is ready for dynamic engagement, it is also not our duty to spoon feed civil society groups as research is an integral part of advocacy and activism. For example, attending public hearings and accessing public documents are crucial responsibilities of genuine civil society groups.

We urge civil society groups to step out as genuine partners in state development by playing their parts in the advocacy and stakeholding process and by avoiding parroting opposition party's talking points.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to Governor Adeleke.

Osun Masterminds is Mischievous on Roads and Fertilizer Allegations - Adeleke's Spokesperson

NEWS RELEASE OSOGBO- 29/06/2024 - Osun Masterminds is very weak on research and still laced with partisanship in its ...