Tuesday 30 January 2024

Renewed Communal Clash: Osun Govt Imposes 6pm -6am Curfew on Ifon and Ilobu communities.


Renewed Communal Clash: Osun Govt Imposes 6pm -6am Curfew on Ifon and Ilobu communities. ....Sues for total Peace and Order

OSOGBO - 30/1/2024 Osunstate.gov.ng

Following the just concluded state security meeting, Osun state government has taken the following decisions aimed at ensuring lasting peace in the warring communities of Ifon and Ilobu:

1.That a 6pm to 6am curfew will be imposed with immediate effect starting from today, Tuesday, the 30th of Jan 2024 on the warring communities;

2.That the Osun state government should set up a joint task force of all stakeholders in the warring communities, which should include traditional chiefs of Ifon, Ilobu and Erin Osun with immediate effect;

3.That a high powered stakeholders meeting will be held with all traditional chiefs and rulers from the three communities with government officials and all security chiefs in attendance;

4.That a contingent of all security personnels, comprising the Army, Police, Civil Defence, be deployed to the warring communities with immediate effect.

While the present administration under the leadership of His Excellency, Senator Ademola Adeleke, has mobilized all the necessary security personnel to the warring communities, it sympathises, accordingly with the affected people, who lost their loved ones in the wake of the renewed violence

Premised on the review of the security situation, His Excellency, Senator Ademola Adeleke, in his capacity as the Chief Security Officer of the state, has approved that the 6pm to 6am curfew be imposed with immediate effect.

Finally, in this regard, anyone or group of persons found or caught doing or instigating any further violence, knowingly or unknowingly, in breach of lasting peace would be made to face the music, via necessary prosecution, in line with the dictates of the law of Nigeria.

Signed: Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment



Commend Adeleke’s Choice to Represent South West on National Wage Committee

OSOGBO - osunpdp.com

Osun State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has raised alarm over what it called a sponsored ploy by the opposition party to destabilize Osun state through sponsored kidnappings and fomenting of conflicts across towns and villages in the state.

In a statement issued to newsmen in Osogbo, the ruling party said it was in possession of confidential intelligence from several caucus meetings of the All Progressive Congress(APC) where issues of destabilizing Osun were the center of discussions.

The party posited that some unscrupulous politicians are colluding to launch a wave of kidnappings and communal violence to portray Osun as ungovernable and disrupt the ongoing delivery of good governance., adding that “ at one of the meetings attended by top APC leaders, several towns were marked as good spots for communal violence.

“It is strange that a few days after their evil meetings, Ifon/Ilobu erupted in violence again. Few days ago, APC operatives pushed for an uprising at Ikirun, Iree, and Igbajo but the people of the town rejected the ploy to mobilize them for violence.

“ Now, we have reports that there are plans to start kidnapping people randomly across the state. Towns like Ile Ife, Ilesa, Iwo, Ikirun, Ila Orangun, Ede, and Osogbo are being targeted.

“ We have briefed Mr Governor and we know he must have alerted the security agencies. We are using this opportunity to warn the opposition to be a responsible organization. Osun people abhor violence. They want good roads, modern schools, and health centers. They want economic freedom.

“ That is why they voted massively for the PDP at all levels. Presently, the PDP is fulfilling its electoral promises. Roads are being fixed. Public service is being reformed. Schools and health centers are being upgraded. Pensioners are happy. Osun has never had it so good”, the PDP stated.

We call on security agencies to rise to the occasion. They must brace up for action. Our government has just announced the setting up of. StateSecurity Trust Fund. This is a commendable step.

We also call on our local government chairmen to hold regular security council meetings with the service commanders in their area. Such meetings should now be a regular feature. It is the best way to foil the evil plot of Osun APC.

Meanwhile, the party has commended the Presidency for the nomination of Governor Adeleke as the representative of the South West on the National Minimum Wage Committee.

This is an endorsement of Mr. Governor by the Presidency. It is an attestation to Governor Adeleke’s love and far-reaching policies and programs in favour of workers, both formal and informal.

The Presidency saw clearly that the Osun Governor was pro-workers and would have a lot to share with the committee. We thank Mr. President. We are humbled as a party for the recognition bestowed on our Governor.

Signed Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman Osun PDP 30-01-2024



By Adetefa Adeolu

In the last 24 hours, a shameless Mr Oyetola has been junketing around Osun, walking on his record of bad governance and poking his leprous fingers in the eyes of the government of the day. A failed Governor whose legacy is that of wicked maladministration just messed up a SMEDAN programme by politicizing an SME event.

Oyetola invited his factional members to attend SMEDAN and insisted that only APC members should be allowed into the venue. He instructed SMEDAN against best practice to insist on likely beneficiaries showing their APC membership card before being enrolled in the SME programme.

Oyetola was reported to have fought the Minister of Trade and Investment who disagreed with the former Governor over the politicization of the SMEDAN event. Reports confirm that the Trade Minister even threatened to report the Osun former Governor to the Chief of Staff , Femi Gbajabiamila.

The SMEDAN Director General was also said to be unhappy about the politicization of the event. He was reported to have resisted Oyetola’s insistence that participants should show their APC cards, calling it unnecessary as Mr President directed that all Nigerians should benefit irrespective of party affiliations. He was blackmailed to succumb to the desecration of a well planned programme.

Why is Oyetola desperate to disrupt the well intentioned programme of President Tinubu? Why is the Marine minister embarrassing Mr President all the time?

First he performed woefully as a Governor, making many to mock the President for supporting a dead horse.

Secondly, he has failed as a minister as the sector remain.moribund without any sign of rejuvenation. In his ministry in Abuja, staffers are already grumbling about the ineffective style and anachronistic approach of Oyetola to management of the Ministry.

Why is Oyetola dancing naked in the marketplace?

For four years , he neglected most schools in Osun. The mega schools were left to rot away. He bastardized the public school system out of vengeance and mediocrity.

Because of his angling for a party ticket, he yesterday remembered his alma mata and chose to visit the school. The questions are as follows: why did Oyetola abandon the school for four years as a Governor? Can he allow such to happen under his wicked governance? Can he still remember how he barred Aregbesola from Osun during his reign of terror?

Kudos to the current government for showing liberality and maturity. I don't like Ademola Adeleke but I commend his approach , his civility and democratic mind.

If it were to be some other leaders, by now, the school principal would have been queried. In reality, the visitation would have been aborted because an Oyetola as a Governor would not grant the permission.

Why is Oyetola behaving out of normal?

Many reasons. First, the Dancing Governor at Abere has broken all records, shining where the Iragbiji man failed.

Two, his comeback bid is facing resistance. Ajibola Bashiru is digging deep against him.

Three, Senator Iyiola Omisore is hiding his dagger ready to stab the minister in the.back at the right time.

Four, the Aregbesola camp is strengthening their presence despite attacks.

Five, Oyetola is still badly hunted by missed opportunities when he served as a Governor.

Lastly, he is lost in the sea where he was posted to. The ministry is moribund.

Unfortunately, dancing naked in the marketplace worsens the minister's plight. He may be one of the few to be sacked as minister in due course.

●Adeyefa Adeolu writes from Ilobu

Monday 29 January 2024

Governor Adeleke Commends TCN, Seeks Early Completion of Ede Transmission Project


29/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has commended the Transmission Company of Nigeria for completing many abandoned transmission project across the country , describing the TCN as the heartbeat of the Nigerian electricity system.

The Governor was at the TCN headquarters to follow up on the preliminary work already done by his Chief of Staff, Hon Kazeem Akinleye and the House of Representative member representing Ede/Egbedore/Ejigbo federal Constituency , Hon Bamidele Sallam.

Saluting the commitment of the TCN management to sustaining power transmission in Nigeria, Governor Adeleke affirmed that Osun which hosts Osogbo national transmission station is a key stakeholder in the nation’s electricity system.

According to the Governor , Osogbo is a critical center for power transmission in Nigeria, describing Osun as “a good host to TCN and other stakeholders.

“We are here to thank the Federal Government through your office for your support so far on the ongoing 132/33 KV Transmission station project at Ede. The project started during late President Yar’Adua’s presidency but work stopped in 2010.

“ About three years ago, work started again. Presently, the project has reached between 80 to 90 percent completion. We seek your support for the urgent completion of the project. An early completion will enhance power supply across Osun West and beyond '', the Governor told top management of the TCN led by the Managing Director, Engr Sule Ahmed Abdulazeez.

Responding, the TCN boss appreciated the direct intervention and commendation by the state Governor, describing the Ede Transmission project as high on the list of projects listed for completion by the Federal Government through the TCN.

Assuring the Governor that the Ede station will be completed soon, Engr Abdulazeez said the project is almost finalised as noted by the Governor.

According to him, the delay was due to funding challenges, noting that transmission projects are capital intensive.

He explained that the Ede project has gone so far so good as he said the contractor has almost concluded key sections of the substations.

The TCN boss said the last hurdle to cross is the processing of the variation request by the contractor, assuring that due process is ongoing on the variation request.

“ The contractor has assured us that once the variation is approved , the commissioning of the project by the end of this year is a strong possibility.

“ Once the commissioning is accomplished by the end of this year, power supply to Ede will improve. Supply to the Iwo area will also change for the better. Mr Governor, we shared your vision and we are committed to early completion of the project”, the TCN Chief noted.

Governor Adeleke was accompanied to the TCN headquarters by the State Commissioner for Federal Affairs, Mrs Adenike Adeleke.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Sunday 28 January 2024

Don’t Fail again at Marine Ministry as you Failed in Osun, Osun PDP Tackles Oyetola


OSOGBO- 28/01/2024 - Osunpdp.com

Osun state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) has advised Marine Minister, Adegboyega Oyetola to face his mandate at federal level so as not to repeat his records of failure as Osun state governor at the National level.

The party’s position was conveyed in a statement issued by the State Chairman of the Party, Hon Sunday Bisi who mocked Oyetola for hijacking the SMEDAN programme in a desperate bid to revive his dying political fortunes.

The statement called attention of President Bola Tinubu to the disruptive conduct of the Minister who not only abandoned his duty post in Abuja but is window shopping to take over other minister’s responsibilities, all in pursuance of an ambition already rejected by APC members in Osun state.

While we are aware of the rejection of Oyetola’s candidacy within the badly factionalized Osun APC, we are shocked that the Minister is unaware of his violation of the electoral act by usurping the SMEDAN event as a launchpad for a dead on arrival 2026 political campaign.

Suffering from political isolation and deepening rejection of his comeback bid, the Minister is shamelessly sending out invitations to APC members to attend a SMEDAN event which to all intent and purpose is an apolitical gathering.

We are surprised that instead of the Minister supporting President Tinubu to address the worsening national economic situation, he has chosen to abandon the ship in breach of the law to undermine the integrity of an SME programme created by the young chief executive of SMEDAN.

In this period of national economic emergency, ministers and Governors are rallying round the presidency to address the many challenges confronting the nation, abandoning party affiliation and putting patriotism as first line charge.

Unfortunately, Mr Oyetola is less concerned about the national task at hand but would rather hijack the job of the Minister for Trade and Investment only to come to Osun state to muddle up a federal programme with his five leprous political fingers.

As he messed up Mr President on Christmas rice distribution in Osun state, the Minister has started on the same path, pushing to dilute and politicize SMEDAN and other federal programmes.

While we urge Mr President to call Mr Oyetola to order, we also affirm that the state government will frustrate any effort by the former Governor to destabilize and make the state ungovernable.

Any attempt to start the 2026 campaign in contravention of the Electoral Act is unacceptable. As Mr President is working hard to deliver at federal level, so has Governor Adeleke assumed the appellation of Mr Performer. This is time for governance.

We had thought Oyetola would work hard to redeem his image as a low rated former governor but his records so far at the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy confirmed that he cannot meet up with 21st century good governance requirements, hence his lack of focus and failure to match up with his federal mandate.

We urge the former Governor to redeem himself before it is too late by delivering on his mandate as a Minister of Marine and Blue Economy. He should allow Osun people to enjoy good governance which he denied them while at the helm of affairs.

Signed Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman, Osun State PDP.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Ejigbo Killings: Governor Adeleke Orders Thorough Investigation


● Despatch High Powered Team to Ejigbo

● Condoles Ogiyan and Ejigbo People

OSOGBO- 27/01/2024 - Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has ordered immediate investigation into the killing and counter-killing at Ejigbo during the 50 years coronation celebration of the Ogiyan of Ejigbo, HRM Oba Omowonuola Oyeyode Oyeyosin.

The Governor who commiserates with the people of Ejigbo town directed law enforcement agencies to investigate the remote and immediate causes of the incident and ensure that the law takes its cause.

Mr Governor further called for pre-emptive action by the security agencies to prevent any possible counter-attacks or eruption of violence in the ancient town following the sad incident.

Urging families of the deceased not to take laws into their hands, the Governor has also dispatched a high powered delegation to visit Ejigbo and ensure restoration of calm while investigation continues.

Members of the delegation include the Commissioner of Police, the State Commissioner for Chieftaincy and Local Government Affairs, the State Commissioner for Information and the Special Adviser to the Governor of Security.

“ What happened today at Ejigbo is really sad. I extend my condolences to the families of the deceased. I have directed an immediate investigation into the killings of Dr Richard Adeoriokin and the subsequent killing of his killer.

“ I have also instructed the State Police Command to issue guidelines on usage of local guns. Such regulations will enhance safety and protection of the citizens especially at public functions”, the Governor was quoted as saying.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Governor Adeleke Extends Tenure of Head of Service


OSOGBO-27/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has extended the tenure of the Head of Service, Elder Samuel Ayanleye Aina till 2026 to deepen and conclude ongoing reform and revitalization of the civil service.

The approval which was convened to the Head of service via a letter signed by the Chief of Staff to the Governor cited constitutional powers conferred on the Governor with respect to the appointments of top civil service officials.

The State Governor acknowledged the commitment of Elder Aina to efficient public service and productivity, appreciating his successful implementation of various public sector reforms after governorship approvals.

The Governor further directed top officials of the service to continue to maintain strong discipline and teamwork for seamless implementation of the administration's five point agenda.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

You are Doing Well, Obasanjo Tells Governor Adeleke


You are Doing Well, Obasanjo Tells Governor Adeleke OSOGBO- 27/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has again commended Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun state for his commendable performance , urging the Governor not to derail as a people's Governor.

The elder statesman who attended the conferment of the title of Baba Oba of Joga-Orile on Governor Adeleke on Friday evening said almighty God has guided Senator Adeleke to be performing very well and prayed that God will not forsake him.

“ You are doing well with God’s grace. You must continue on that path. The good Lord who is guiding and directing you will not forsake you” , the former President noted.

He affirmed that he valued the Governor’s respect for elders, explaining how the Governor declared he won't go for the event unless he (Obasanjo) blessed the occasion.

Also speaking, the host Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun of Ogun state who recalled his long term. affiliation with the Adeleke family said the chieftaincy title brought golden memory of the first executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Isiaka Adeleke.

According to the Governor , the conferment of the title on Governor Adeleke is a celebration of the good memories of the late Isiaka Adeleke , declaring that “ we are for families, not politics.

Prince Abiodun who said the event was his first public function at Yewa since he won at the Supreme Court said the gathering brough great emotions but noted that it is also a celebration of grace and mercy of God on the Adeleke family.

The host king, Oba Adeyemi Adekeye who also celebrated his birthday on Friday said the first holder of the title was late Governor Isiaka Adeleke, emotionally noting that “ after the transition of Dey Gov, we deem it right and proper to bestow the honour on my brother, Governor Ademola Adeleke.

“ God who took away my brother, Isiaka is the one who returned the Governorship to the Adelekes through my brother, the new Baba Oba. You will live long with grace, mercy and divine shield”, the royal father prayed.

He however told dignitaries that he got due approval and blessing from the Timi of Ede Land, His Royal Highness, Muniru Adesola Lawal, who was also present at the occasion.

Governor Adeleke in his response to the new title said he dedicated the memory of his late brother , describing the occasion as “ a celebration of life” and a worthy remembrance of my brother, Senator Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke.

“ I thank Kabiyesi for returning the title to my family. I will keep the flag flying”, Governor Adeleke promised.

He expresses deep appreciation to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Governor Dapo Abiodun and his team; Chief (Mrs) Yeyeluwa Dupe Adeleke Sanni; the state Deputy Governor, Prince Kola Adewusi; the House Speaker, Hon Adewale Egbedun; the Secretary to the State Government, Hon Teslim Igbalaye; Chief of Staff, Hon Kazeem Akinleye;publishers of Ovation Magazine, Chief Dele Momofu; members of the Executive Council among others.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor



27/02/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

The Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed has tendered unreserved apologies to the Ogun State chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) for the reported unruly conduct of some security men at the Joga-Orile chieftaincy event.

On behalf of the State Governor, I apologize to the Ogun State Secretary of the NUJ and any other journalist who may have been affected by the incident.

However, we want to put it on records that several dignitaries attended the event with several security personnel of various sections and departments. The officials shown in the video do not belong to the convoy of the Osun state Governor

While an internal investigation has been conducted, Governor Adeleke’ team, especially the security apparatus, operates strict guidelines to ensure full respect not just for journalists on their legitimate assignments but also to members of the public in the discharge of their duties.

Governor Adeleke is a deeply media friendly leader who recently hosted the South West team of the NUJ with all state chairmen and officials in attendance.

The Governor is also working to support the South West NUJ to host the national NUJ Conference later this year as the grand patron of NUJ for Osun state.

However as my Principal was the key guest at the Joga-Orile event, we apologize to the Ogun State Council Secretary and assure the NUJ locally and nationally that such incident will not reoccur again.

Signed, Mallam Olawale Rasheed , Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Friday 26 January 2024

Governor Adeleke Appoints Acting Provost for Osun State College of Education


OSOGBO- 26/01/2024

Governor Ademola Adeleke has approved the appointment of Dr Jimoh Lasisi Ayanda as the acting Provost of the Osun State College of Education, Ila Orangun.

The appointment was sequel to the suspension of Prof Jimoh Atanda Afolabi as Provost on grounds of financial impropriety, concealment of official information/ records; and failure to update the Governing Council on the important issues of the College.

Dr Jimoh Lasisi Ayanda holds the following qualifications: National Certificate of Education (English/Islamic Studies (Ila-Orangun, 1990); Bachelor of Arts (Islamic Studies, University of Ilorin, 1996); Masters of Arts, University of Ilorin, 2004) and Ph.D, Islamic Studies( University of Ilorin, 2016)

The acting Provost has spent a cumulative 22 years as a lecturer at the College.

His total number of years of experience as a lecturer in the College of Education sector including years in the Federal College of Education (Special Oyo, Oyo State) is 25 years.

A specialist in Islamic History and Jurisprudence, the acting provost has served the College in various capacities as follows:

● Assistant Secretary, COEASU OSSCE Ila-Orangun 2005-2007

●Secretary COEASU OSSCE Ila-Orangun, 2008- 2010

●Chairman, COEASU OSSCE Ila-Orangun 2010- 2014

●Chairman, Council of Academic Unions of Osun State Tertiary Institutions ( CASUOSTI) 2013- 2016.

The acting appointment takes immediate effect.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Osun State College of Education: Governor Adeleke Approves Suspension of Provost, Clears Governing Council Chairman


OSOGBO- 25/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has approved the immediate suspension of the Provost of Ila College of Education in line with the interim report of the Investigation Panel headed by the Chief of Staff, Hon Kazeem Akinleye.

The Governor also approved the recommendation of the committee that the Chairman of the Governing Council, Dr Peter Babalola should remain in office as there is no proven case of abuse of power or financial wrongdoings against him.

The allegation of over Two Hundred Million Naira fraud leveled against the Council Chairman was found to be unsubstantiated with documentary proof or transaction details.

The cash advance of Three Million Naira to the Council chairman was found to be within the college’s financial regulations with all documentations verified by the committee.

Based on thorough review, the committee discovered that the allegation of N200m fraud leveled against the Chairman of the Governing Council is untrue, diversionary, baseless and fallacious.

Documentary evidence (voucher) revealed that he only collected a sum of Three Million Naira (N3m) as cash advance which is officially allowed.

On the Provost, the Committee reviewed three previous reports of investigations into various allegations of financial malfeasance, abuse of power and corruption leveled against him dating from past administrations to date.

The Committee after a thorough review of the reports including that of the State House of Assembly alongside its own investigations recommended immediate suspension of the Provost, which is now endorsed by the State Governor.

Sequel to the findings of the investigative Panel, the Provost of Osun State College of Education,Ila- Orangun, Dr.Jimoh Atanda Afolabi is hereby suspended on the grounds of financial impropriety, concealment of official information/ records; and failure to update the Governing Council on the important issues of the College.

The Committee is billed to submit its final report at a later date.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Thursday 25 January 2024

Infra Devt: Governor Adeleke Preaches Deeper Regional Collaboration, Hails Governor Seyi Makinde


25/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has showered praises on Governor Seyi Makinde for his landmark achievement on infrastructural upgrade of Oyo state, calling on South West states to deepen development partnership.

Speaking at the commissioning of the dualised Alakia-Adegbayi -Iwo road, Governor Adeleke described his host as “an uncommon engineer of good governance”, tagging him “a trailblazer” in the quest to regain South West’s pre-eminent position as a region of first class development.

At the commissioning ceremony attended by top leaders and former Governors, Senator Adeleke commended the efficient management of little resources to achieve so much by the Oyo state leadership, noting that South West Governors are running a competitive race to regain the region’s leading position in good governance.

“The old Western Region was reputed to be the leading zone in the areas of innovations, infrastructure and good governance. We lost that rating for some time now.

“ But I want to put it on record that the South West has regained its momentum. The Oyo state governor is a trailblazer. From Lagos to Ekiti, Ondo, Osun and Ogun states, South West is witnessing infra upgrades. Our roads are being fixed. Our schools and health centers are undergoing rehabilitation.

“Governors of the zone are keeping alive the great memories of our founding leaders.We are placing South West on the national and global map.

“ It is on this note that I congratulate my brother , Governor Seyi Makimde. You are an uncommon engineer of good governance.

“ As a Governor of Osun state , I watched with keen interest the positive development in Oyo State. I do peer review. I must say that Oyo state is lucky to have Governor Makinde at the helm of affairs. We are proud of him.

“ In Osun, we are implementing a multi- billion naira infrastructure plan. We are working to revive our dilapidated infrastructures. Oyo state performance is a great motivation , not just for Osun but for other states in the South West.

“ As we celebrate my brother today, I call for closer developmental cooperation among South West states. We must deepen regional collaboration”, Governor Adeleke who was awarded recognition as agent of good governance noted.

Speaking earlier, the host Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde said his infra agenda has premised on expanding business opportunities and creating multiple zones of development in Oyo state.

He noted that his administration prioritized inter-city roads to widen the net of development even with limited resources.

“ We are here today to again celebrate good governance”, Governor Makinde said, explaining that infra upgrades deepen the ease of doing business and diversify state development efforts.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Monday 22 January 2024





The present administration in Osun state under the leadership of H.E.Senator ( Dr) Ademola Adeleke has observed that in recent times, as if just waking up from slumber, the opposition party APC in the state are fixated with desperate quest to continue to cause unnecessary tension and bad blood in the state.

While not miffed by their actions and inactions in unnecessarily whipping up all kinds of sentiments mischievously aimed at nothing but bringing the already soaring reputation and acceptability of the Ademola Adeleke down, the need to carry out all the reforms that are of course distasteful to the opposition party APC will not be mortgaged .

While the present administration will also not in anyway be cowed into not carrying out its people oriented programmes, policies and activities, it is imperative on our part as a government to continue to set the record straight so that the minds of the teeming supporters and lovers of the shining light of Osun state will not be corrupted and misguided by the daily sinking ship of members of the opposition APC.

While we are not perfect thereby welcoming constructive criticism from any quarter, it is inconceivable to note that since the release of the government white paper especially on obaship debacles in Iree, Igbajo and Ikirun, confusion bothering on a sense of guilt has set in the opposition camp. It must be emphasized that were it not because of the haphazardness and lopsidedness associated with the way their sponsor and former governor of Osun state, now Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Mr Adegboyega Oyetola went about by not following due process in the selection and subsequent appointment of the Obas, there wouldn't have been such attendant skirmishes and bad blood as it were that greeted the white paper release.

If anything, Oyetola is guilty of bringing the highly reputed and respected institution of Obaship down with the way he hurriedly through the backdoor like a drunken chief executive appoint the subject Obas. To correct the cold war currently pervading the affected towns, the present administration had to take the bulls by the horns in reeling out the Government's White Paper aimed at correcting all the correctables associated with all the kingship tussles in Osun state.

The present issue as it were is at best between Osun state government and the communities involved. Why then is the opposition APC now crying more than the bereaved with the way and manner they are going about with no sense of dignity and decorum.

For the last time, if at all they will take heed, it is high time for the APC to stop politicizing the issue of obaship conundrum in Osun state so as not to jeopardize the much enjoyed peace and unity of our dear state .

It is also laughable to hear and read that the on-going multi million naira projects in different towns and cities of Osun is giving the opposition party APC sleepless nights in such a manner that they are calling for the identity of the contractors handling one project or the other.

For their knowledge and attention of the public at large, Osun state government under the leadership of Mr Project, H.E. Senator Ademola Adeleke followed due process in awarding all the contracts. Doubters and naysayers as opposition APC have turned out to be in recent times, should go and fact check because it is already in the public domain.

The contractors that are carrying out the projects in different towns and cities are seasoned professionals who are all well established .

On the issue of Government White Paper in respect of the recovery of all government vehicles illegally taken away by the former public office holders, Osun state government under the leadership of Senator Ademola Adeleke will not go back on its stand. It is a project that must see the light of the day. It is only those who have skeletons in their cupboard that will be afraid. We make bold to say that any moment from now, a special task force comprising of security agencies and government officials will be out to implement the recovery.

On the issue of JUSUN strike, the state Government warn the opposition APC from politicizing the industrial strike which is an internal crisis within the judiciary sector and to which the state Government is trying to mediate for amicable resolution by even taking over the payment of some of the claims of the striking judiciary staffs. The state Government deserves commendations rather than condemnation.

Finally, we are again using this medium to announce for the umpteenth time that, no amount of gerrymandering and political mischief being hatched and orchestrated on a daily basis by the opposition APC will stop the present administration in Osun state from carrying out all the listed contents of the Government White Paper to a logical conclusion.

We call on the members of the public, to disregard and put at bay all the antics of the opposition APC in Osun state as Ademola Adeleke led administration will not let the people of Osun state down in righting all the many wrongs and shortcomings of the defeated administration of Adegboyega Oyetola.

Thank you.

Oluomo Kolapo Alimi Hon.Comm Information and Public Enlightenment.

President Tinubu Will Not Support Looting of Public Assets - Governor Adeleke


Osogbo- 22/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke has responded to a recent reaction by Osun APC to the state government white paper report, asserting that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will not support looting of public assets

In a statement by his Spokesperson, Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Governor Adeleke stated that the President has always commended him for clearing the mess he met in Osun while also emphasizing that President Tinubu abhors looting of public assets.

"I have interacted with President Tinubu a lot of times, and I know he appreciates my effort in cleaning the many messes I encountered in Osun.

“From the actions of the President, he has shown he is a man of due process and, as such, will never support looting of public assets. It's now unfortunate that Osun APC is showing acts that are contrary to the President’s style of governance

"Moreso, at the inception of our government, I set up an Asset Recovery Committee, with most of those with government properties alerted to the need to return them. It is now the report of the committee I'm acting on as demanded by the good people of the state", the Governor stated.

Governor Adeleke made this known to pressmen after meeting with management of Segilola Mining Company at the Governor's office in Osogbo.

Governor Adeleke further asserts that since he took over, he has been governing the state without any partisan affiliation and has not dragged any political adversaries to the anti-graft agencies even when there are clear reasons to do so.

He said his administration would leave no stone unturned to recover all looted government properties while urging the appointees of the previous administration in the state to return all government properties in their care.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed Spokesperson to the State Governor




As part of efforts to secure lives and property of residents in Osun State, Governor Ademola Adeleke has directed the establishment of a State Security Trust Fund as a matter of urgency.

In response to logistic and operational needs of the various security services, the Governor directed a committee of five to work out the modalities for the take off of the fund as quickly as possible.

The Governor hinted that the Fund will operate on a public-private Partnership model in close collaboration with corporate organizations, business communities, industrialists and critical stakeholders.

The Fund will be deployed for the provision of material and logistic support for security operatives in the State.

To instill confidence and achieve set goals, the committee will include members of the security services with a view to proffering solutions to security challenges facing the state.

Members of the Organised Private Sector will also be included to serve as a vehicle to institutionalize an enduring public private partnership approach to the resource problems of security institutions.

The Governor who commended security operatives for their painstaking efforts in safeguarding lives and property in the State noted that he recently discussed close partnership with the Inspector General of Police in Abuja.

“ We must ramp up protection of lives and properties. We cannot achieve this goal without properly equipping and strengthening our security services. Our administration is committed to achieving a fully secured state to complement ongoing reconstruction and recovery process in the state.

“ But the operational and logistics needs of our security agencies are enormous. So our best approach is a PPP arrangement through a State Security Trust Fund. We seek the buy in of the private sector. The implementation committee will soon roll out modalities for the actualisation of this policy”, the Governor was quoted as saying.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Sunday 21 January 2024

Osun State Government Says Oyetola’s Governance Record is a Disaster, Affirms Osun Education System undergoing Reformation


OSOGBO - 21/01/2023 - Osunstate.gov.ng

Osun state government has attributed the huge number of out of school children in Osun state to years of neglect of the education sector inherited from Oyetola administration, listing upcoming recruitment of 6000 teachers as part of the administration’s three pronged approach to redressing the situation

In a rebuke of a statement credited to the former Governor, the state government described the linkage of high number of out of school to disengagement of last minute, illegally recruited teachers as an insult on the people of Osun state, positing that Osun suffers years of educational neglect and misplaced priority under Oyetola government.

It is on records that the last administration in a series of post election bobby traps employed over 10,000 workers to make the state ungovernable for the incoming Adeleke government, a development the new government promptly addressed with six executive orders to restore normalcy.

If the former Governor was really interested in addressing the rot in the education sector, how come he waited till he lost the election before rushing through recruitment of teachers against due process and extant laws?

If the so-called recruited teachers were retained , how would that have positively impacted on poor learning conditions, dilapidated school infrastructures,parental economic crisis and overwhelming dislocations within the school environment which are the real reasons for the high number of out of school children inherited from Oyetola government?

As part of efforts to clear the mess of past government, the state government organized an education summit which proffered far reaching recommendations covering all sub-sectors of the state education system.

A white paper has now being approved by the state Executive Council for the implementation of the recommendations of the summit.

The administration further posited that his administration embarked on holistic reform of the education sector by addressing the three key determinants of educational performance namely teachers’ welfare, learning environment and learning materials, noting that the administration is simultaneously implementing measures on the three areas.

In the last one year, 31 schools have been comprehensively rehabilitated with another 32 ongoing statewide. The administration is also paying close attention to the welfare of teachers through ongoing addressing of issues tabled before the government by the association of school principals, Nigerian Union of Teachers and the Parents and Teachers Association.

Accusing the past government of neglecting and politicizing the education sector, the administration cited the abandonment of the mega schools, the crippling of the school system and the neglect of the six technical colleges, noting that his administration has since commenced actions to restore the state educational glory.

Following need assessment across Osun schools, the statement signed by the Commissioner for Information, Oluomo Kolapo Alimi posited that the administration is set to employ six thousand teachers before the end of June, adding that “the reform is holistic as school environment, personnel requirement and welfare as well upgrade of school buildings are simultaneously being effected”

It must also be recalled that the so called processes employed in the recruitment of the said 1,500 teachers was not only shrouded in political mischief smd illegality but clinically embedded with many shenanigans and favoritism anchored principally on the intention of finding soft landings for Oyetola’s political cronies and sympathizers.

With all humility and sincerity, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, should put blood relationship sentiment he has with Oyetola apart and be nationalistic enough, to embrace the fact that, with the likes of Oyetola in his cabinet, the coast is not too good for him enough in the minds of the people of Osun state, because, Oyetola's present state of mind is nothing short of a drowning man, who will always catch at a straw.

The sins of Oyetola, officially and unofficially, as a former Governor in Osun state, are so humongous and unpardonable that, for many years to come, the people of this state,will never forget in a hurry the many wrong polivies and actions which his administration imposed on the people of Osun state.

As a way of recall,it was Oyetola who put peace loving people of Ikirun , Igbajo,Iree and others into the present Obaship cul- de-sac and unnecessary conflicts due to the abuse of power he manifested in filling the vacant positions of the royal stools in the aforementioned towns.

Or have we forgotten the Yes or No, aberration which Oyetola put in place in the name of the so-called Local Government elections in Osun state ? It was a charade of an election, not known to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which Oyetola committed the sum of over two billion naira tax payers money of Osun people into ?

Or the already ramshackled nature of a construct in the name of a so-called mega flyover bridge, in Osogbo, the Osun state capital,which Oyetola put in place and which is already cracking?

The sins of Oyetola while at the helm of affairs in Osun were legion in nature but can only be given a reference one after the other as the occasion demands.

Oyetola represented and still represents nothing short of bad influence for the people of Osun state. Unfortunately and perhaps deliberately, he is yet to come to terms with the reality of the mother of all political falls he experienced from the good people of Osun state during the 2022 free ,fair and credible governorship election.

Like we earlier advised and warned ,President Bola Ahmed Tinubu ,should be wary of such bad influence like Mr Oyetola in the present National Executive Council. His type portends a bad omen for anything good and developmental, not only in Osun state but Nigeria as a whole.

The commissioner advised his predecessor to admit to multi-sectoral failure as a Governor of Osun state, stressing that no amount of white wash can erase the fact that the four years of Oyetola governance of Osun state was a disaster.

Signed Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Hon Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Saturday 20 January 2024



OSOGBO - 20/01/2024 - Osunpdp.com

Osun state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has slammed the All Progressive Congress (APC) for supporting its members who illegally charted away government vehicles and plunged the state into another round of multi-billion naira expenditure for car purchase.

We are shocked at the shameless release from the state APC and depth of immorality displayed by the opposition. Your child stole an item and instead of scolding your son, you are canvassing that the owner should forget the matter.

Your members “stole” government vehicles and the state is asking them to return it. You are reprehensibly justifying daylight robbery. In saner clime, those who issued that press statement should be arraigned in court as accomplice in robbery crime.

A group of former state officials claimed and confirmed that they went away with government vehicles. Yet, a discredited political party cannot summon a meeting and order them to return such properties. Rather, party leaders are audaciously trying to spin theft in a political chess game.

What has happened to the moral compass of Sooko Tajudeen Lawal and his cohorts? Why will a party chairman be defending “thieves” who for more than a year refused to return government vehicles they took away illegally?

The flagrant display of immoral audaciousness by Tajudeen Lawal and Kolawole Olabisi stinks to high heaven and confirms the correctness of popular vote which ousted these political marauders from office. Or how can a public official steal, get caught and still brashingly dare owners of properties?

These officials claimed there was a law that protected them. When the law was checked and revealed to the public, there was no cover,no clause that allowed such illegality.

At another time, they claimed the former Governor simply dashed them the cars. In law ,the former Governor as a public official, has no power to dash government properties to anybody. No law empowered him to do so. Hence, those with the cars are beneficiaries of an illegal act.

As of today, the state government is still struggling to buy cars for cabinet members because those official vehicles were illegally taken away by commissioners and special advisers under former Governor Oyetola. Worst still, these same APC without a sense of shame will have the scruple to advocate against government spending on purchase of cars. What a height of deceit and dishonesty!!!

The government of the day therefore has the duty to recover all stolen and diverted government properties. This is not about politics or political witch hunts. It is purely about law enforcement.

As indicated in the White Paper, the Taskforce will issue its modus operandi and will follow due process in the recovery process. The Taskforce will issue due notice and will follow up the notice with enforcement.

As a party , the PDP called on former officials of the state government to return government vehicles in their possession. The longer the vehicles stay with them, the more they incur reputation damage and public wrath because there is no law in Osun state that protects those who stole government properties.

Signed Bamiji Oladele HOB Director of Media, Osun State PDP 20/01/2024



OSOGBO - 20/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Secretary to the State Government and former Chairman of ALGON in Osun state, Hon Teslim Igbalaye has denied a statement credited to an Ondo born civil society activist, Ayo Ologun in which he  claimed Council Chairmen who served under former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola went away with their official vehicles.

Responding on behalf of former Council bosses which also include the current Chief of Staff to the state Governor, Hon Kazeem Akinleye, the Secretary to the State Government described the assertion as “a lie from the pit of hell”, declaring that no council Chief took away any official car.

He corrected the civil society activist by noting that the official vehicles for which the then council bosses pay part payment were taken from them immediately the court ruled against former Governor Oyinlola.

Wondering why Ologun decided to assert what he knew nothing about , Igbalaye stated further that similar treatment was meted out to the wives of former council bosses whose official cars were also taken away.

He narrated that under Aregbesola, caretaker council bosses of the ACN were allowed to take the official vehicles away after serving five years in office, a privilege not accorded the Oyinlola appointees.

“I affirm here that none of the local government  chairmen and their wives took away their official cars during Oyinlola's administration. We were eased out of the government through the Supreme Court Judgment.

“The official cars bought by local government chairmen during the Oyinlola regime were given as take home to all ACN caretaker  local government chairmen that took over from us under Aregbesola administration.

“The only car that I took home as an official car was the one bought by ALGON as ALGON State chairman. This has been the practice from National Headquarters in Abuja by paying  the necessary fees which I did with my receipt intact.

“And I was not the only beneficiary of the practice. During Chief Bisi Akande’s administration, the ALGON chairman, Dotun Adebiyi (of blessed memory) went away with his own ALGON official car as ALGON Chairman then”, the SSG asserted.

While cautioning commentators against spreading fake news, the SSG reaffirmed the decision of the state government to enforce the recommendation of the Committee on Recovery of Government Assets.

“ No fake news will stop recovery of vehicles and other assets belonging to the state. The Taskforce will soon commence operation. My advice to those who took away government vehicles is to return it as quickly as possible’, the SSG concluded in the statement.

Kehinde Adeoye,

Media Assistant to the Secretary to the Osun state Government.

Friday 19 January 2024

The White Paper on Chieftaincy Affairs Stands, No Reversal Of Decision On Igbajo Or Any Other Town– Spokesperson


OSOGBO- 19/01/2024 - Osunstate.gov.ng

The attention of the media department of the Osun State Governor has been drawn to fake news about the government going back on the decisions contained in a White Paper on Chieftaincy Matter released yesterday.

The purveyor of falsehood credited the factually incorrect claim to the Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor. There is no truth in the report and it should be regarded as the handiwork of beneficiaries of illegality perpetrated by the previous administration.

We want to reiterate that the Government stands by the decision of the White Paper and urge the public to discountenance any report to the contrary.

I did not at any time make or issue any statement as credited to me. The public should disregard it entirely.

Governor Ademola Adeleke expresses his appreciation to the people and stakeholders of the affected towns for their positive reception of the white paper.

Mr Governor appreciates the warm reception of the outcome which is premised on due process, rule of law and customs and tradition of the people.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed Spokesperson to the State Governor

Thursday 18 January 2024

Oyetola's Aide, Oyintiloye Admits Governor Adeleke Didn't Inherit Osun Job Centre

By Ismail Abdulganiyu Mastermind

Few days ago, Osun State Government set the record straight that Governor Adeleke didn't inherit Osun Job Centre as against a misleading report that Governor Adeleke shut down Osun Job Centre and witheld 12 months salaries of staff. This job center was initially established by Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola.

In the recent Government release, it was stated that Oyetola tactically shut down the job center by allocating the building of the job center to his former Special Adviser on Civic Engagement, Hon. Olatunbosun Oyintiloye. However, Oyintiloye in his reply said, he was only allocated a fraction of the place to engage people on Government policies. Is this not an admission that Oyetola tactically shut down the place?

In legal terms, whether partial or full, an admission is any statement made by a party which tends to support another person's position or diminish his. Oyintiloye's statement that part of the place was reassigned to him is an admission that justified that the job center was indeed abandoned by Oyetola.

Also, in his myopic thinking, Oyintiloye claimed he was appointed on july 25th 2020 and his appointment was civil engagement not political engagement contrary to Government release. If we critically examine his date of appointment and portfolio, it is clear, that his appointment was politically motivated. He was appointed less than 18 months to 2022 Governorship election in the state. By implication, his office was a political engagement not for civil engagement. Moreso, applying the Golden rule of interpretation in his circumstance, there is no difference between Civil and Political Engagement. Therefore, Oyintiloye's appointment was for Political Engagement not civil engagement. His efforts in his reply to differentiate between Civil and Political Engagement was futile.

Flowing from the response of Oyintiloye, it is clear, audible, correct, accurate and perfect that Oyetola Administration abolished, abandoned and closed down Osun Job Centre not Governor Adeleke.

Ismail Abdulganiyu Mastermind, from Erin Osun, Irepodun Local Government, Osun State

Queen Moremi Global Ambassador Empowers 125 People from Queen Moremi Ajasoro Indigenous Family

In a bid to uplift the lives of indigenes of Ile Ife, the Queen Moremi Global Ambassador, led by Queen Aderonke Ademiluyi (QMA), has embarked on a noble mission to empower 125 individuals from the Queen Moremi Ajasoro Indigenous Family (The Yekeres) under the leadership of Owa Yekere, Chief Oluwagbemileke Obisanya. This empowerment sponsored by the former First Lady of Ogun State and the Yeye Moremi of the Source, Olufunso Amosun, aims to create positive change and opportunities for the community.

The empowerment program, which marks the 4th edition of its kind, was unveiled in December 2020. It seeks to provide support and resources to deserving members of the indigenous family, acknowledging their unique heritage and contributions to the community. Through this initiative, Queen Aderonke Ademiluyi and her team are committed to fostering sustainable development and growth among the Yekeres.

The beneficiaries of the grants expressed their heartfelt appreciation to Chief (Mrs) Olufunso Amosun and Queen Aderonke Ademiluyi (QMA) for their generous contributions to the upliftment of their community. They emphasized the significant impact of such initiatives in improving their lives and empowering them to pursue their aspirations. Furthermore, they encouraged other well-to-do sons and daughters of Ile Ife to emulate this noble gesture and contribute to the betterment of their community according to their capacity.

The Queen Moremi Global Ambassador's dedication to empowering communities and fostering development reflects a commitment to social responsibility and positive change. As the program continues to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities, it serves as a shining example of how collaborative efforts can create lasting impact and transform societies for the better.

Everyone appreciate the Custodian of Yoruba culture and tradition Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II who set up the Queen Moremi Ajasoro Initiative. May his days be long, and may God Almighty continue to guide and protect him more.




OSOGBO- 18/01/2024- Osunstate.gov.ng

Osun State government has today released six white papers, five on various committees which investigated issues raised by the executive orders issued by His Excellency, Senator (Dr.) Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke at the inception of the administration in November 2022, as well as White paper on Education Summit.

The White Papers earlier approved by the State Executive Council were finally ratified after further review by a special committee chaired by Governor Adeleke in line with the Governor's promise to ensure due process, indepth consultation and compliance with the rule of law.

Among the white papers approved include those of Committees on Chieftaincy Matters, Contracts/MOU/Agreements review Committee, Solid Minerals Committee, Assets Inventory and Recovery Committee, Staff Audit /Appointments/ Promotions review Committee, as well as white paper on Education Summit.

On the report on the chieftaincy matters chaired by Honourable Bunmi Jenyo, the white paper overwhelmingly prioritized compliance with legal requirements as a basis for final decisions.

By the report of the White Paper, all previous steps taken in relation to the installation of Aree of Iree and Owa of Igbajo stands nullified. And that all inclusive selection process(es) for a new Aree of Iree and Owa of Igbajo, respectively, should commence immediately.

Specifically on Aree of Iree Chieftaincy, the substantive chiefs are enjoined to withdraw their suit before the Court so as to allow for commencement of the selection process denovo in line with due process and tradition.

And on the stool of Owa of Igbajo, the White Paper nullified the previous selection process, which produced Prince Gboyega Famodun and directed an all-inclusive selection process for a new Owa nominee.

On the disputed Akirun stool, the White Paper directed that the parties await the outcome of the case before the Court of Appeal. And that the stool remains vacant.

On other disputed kingship stools, the white paper further recommended compliance with the requirements of the law as in the Alawo stool where the government accepted the committee recommendation that the government should await the outcome of the pending suit before the Supreme Court.

The Government has directed the setting up of a task force for the recovery of government vehicles carted away by officials of the Gboyega Oyetola administration.

Meanwhile, the State Government has also directed the Ministry of Information and Public Enlightenment to publish the six white papers in the official government gazette.

Members of the public interested in acquiring and possessing copies of the white papers should approach the Ministry of Information and Public Enlightenment, State Secretariat, Osogbo.

Signed Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment



OSOGBO- 18/01/2024 - Osunstate.gov.ng

The Investigative Committee on the leadership crisis rocking the Ila Orangun College of Education has reversed the suspension of the college provost, Prof Jimoh Afolabi and ordered status quo ante pending the outcome of the investigation.

At its meeting chaired by the Committee Chairman who is also the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Hon Kazeem Akinleye, both the Governing Council and the College management were directed to revert to state of affais before the eruption of the crisis.

After almost four hours of presentations by both parties, the committee further instructed both the Provost and the Governing Council Chairman to avoid further escalation either through media war or litigation.

The Committee Chairman, Hon Akinleye reminded the principal officers of the college’s enabling law, the public service financial regulations and the oath of office they took upon their appointments.

“We also don't want the crisis to paralyze the school. Any protracted leadership crisis can disrupt academic activities and even the peace of the Ila Orangun community.

“At the same time, we want to ensure protection of public funds. We have made far reaching recommendations to prevent any future re-occurrence of such infighting and confrontation”, the Committee Chairman noted after the meeting.

The Governing Council Chairman, Dr Peter Babalola; the College Provost, Prof Jimoh Afolabi and other top officials of the College attended the committee hearing.

The Committee hearing continues.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Wednesday 17 January 2024



OSOGBO- 17-01-2024- osunstate.gov.ng

A delegation of the Osun State Government has visited the family of the late father and his three children who lost their lives in the fatal accident that occurred yesterday at the front of WOCDIF event center, Ring Road, Osogbo.

The delegation was led by the Secretary to the state government, Hon. Teslim Igbalaye who was accompanied by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Oluomo Kolapo Alimi.

Hon. Tesleem Igbalaye conveyed Governor Adeleke’s condolence message to the grieving family while assuring that the state government will do everything possible to ensure the treatment of the survivors.

“We are here on the instruction of Governor Adeleke who is currently out of the state, to condole with you on the unfortunate incident that happened yesterday. We pray that God almighty gives you the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

“I am directed to also inform you that the state government will take charge of all the medical bills of the children currently undergoing treatment at Uniosun Teaching Hospital (UTH) until they recover fully” ,Hon Igbalaye noted.

The team then proceeded to Uniosun Teaching Hospital to assess the condition of the surviving children where they are currently receiving medical care.

Received by the Chief Medical Director, Prof. Peter Olaitan who took the state government’s delegation to the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital complex, Hon. Igbalaye informed the leadership of the hospital to ensure adequate treatment of the children while assuring that the state government will take over any cost incurred in their treatment.

“The Governor has directed that the treatment cost of the children will be taken over by the state government, kindly ensure that all necessary steps and procedures are taken to ensure speedy recovery of the ailing children”, Hon. Igbalaye assured.

While responding, Prof. Olaitan assured the state government’s team that all personnel have been deployed to ensure recovery of the surviving children.

Signed: Oluomo Kolapo Alimi Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Ibokun Grammar School "Set 84" Pays WAEC Fees For Osun Indigent Students

The 1984 Set of Ibokun Grammar School, Ibokun, Osun State, has given back to their alma mater.

The Old Students presented a cheque of N800,000 for the payment of the forthcoming West African Examination Fees of indigent but Diligent students of the School.

The Alumni presented the cheque at GADMIS Hotels Conference Room, Ibokun on Saturday, the President of the House 84 Set, the Osun State Commissioner for Environment and Sanitation, Hon. Mayowa Adejoorin on behalf of other Old Students within the Set, charged the benef iciaries to be more studious and ensure they come out in flying colours in their examinations.

The President recognised the efforts of the pioneer Executives and BOT under the headship of Segun Amokeodo and Dr Adeniyi Adeosun respectively ,the administration in which he served as the General Secretary in laying good foundations for the successful take off and the various impacts they made on our Almamata

He affirmed that the Executive Governor of Osun State, His Excellency Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke has meaningful agenda for the citizenry particularly, in the areas of education adding that the dividend of democracy shall be brought to the door step of all and sundry. He then used the occasion to appeal to the residents of the State to continue with their good support and belief they have on the present administration.

The President emphatically stated that education remains the best means of emancipating oneself and the society. He warned the Students not to involve in any acts of criminal vices and should see this gesture as a rare opportunity to advance their respective career progressions

While congratulating the beneficiaries, the Honourable Commissioner urged the beneficiaries to prepare ahead for excellent performances that will qualify them for admission into higher institutions ,through that, they can be in Positions of honours and can give render similar gestures to others in the future.

He charged the Parents in attendance to provide enabling environments for their children in order to achieve the desired goals in life

The President commended the efforts of two illustrious and notable members of the Association, Dr Niyi Adeosun and Engineer Olutoyin Kolawole for proving free textbooks to the Final year Students. He mentioned that the two characters among few others have been very supportive of our Association in many ways too numerous to mention and charged others to emulate these kind gestures

In his remarks, the Chairman Education Committee of the House 84Set, Dr Adeniyi Adeosun appreciated God Almighty for His compounded Blessings on each and every member of the Old Students Association, 1984 Set having left the school forty years ago.

He narrated the likely various experiences of each and every member of House 84Set in the attempt to struggle for life and thank God for being wonderful eventually The Set having parades classes of Professionals, Technocrats, Public and Civil Servants ,Political leaders, Business Tycoons and Entrepreneurs

Dr Adeosun advised the students against Examination malpractices and urged their parents to be more committed to their academic pursuits. He also enjoined the beneficiaries to be dedicated so that their junior ones will benefit from whatever they become in the future.

While commending the School Principal, Vice Principal and Teachers, he urged other philanthropists in the society and well meaning individuals to join hands in developing the citadel of learning. He promised that the alumni would offer University Scholarships to Students who have distinctions in their external examinations.

The House 84Set presenting the cheque to the School Management

While appreciating the giant strides of the 1984 Set, the School Principal, Mrs Nike Adeyemi thanked God Almighty for allowing good things like this to happen during her service period and thanked the Old Students Association for fulfilling the promise.

She stated that, punctuality/regular, seriousness, dedication and the grace of God was the secret behind the attainment of this success story by the beneficiaries. She then promised unbehalf of the Teachers to continue with the good work.

Similarly, the Head Girl - Damilola Oyemakinde and Head Boy - Ayomide Idowu with enthusiasm appreciated the 1984 Set unbehalf of other colleagues and promised to put in their best in their examinations.

Parents of the beneficiaries heaped praises on the 1984 Set and assured that they would always be there for their children. Having conclude his two constitutional terms of office, The President, Hon Mayowa Adejoorin handed over the baton to a deserving and popularly elected member Rasaq Olaleye as President and other Executive members to continue from where the former administrations ended their tenure

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Stay Away from Government Properties or face the wrath of the law, Osun Water Resources Commissioner Warns.

Olayemi Olla Olojede

Osun State Government,has frowned at incessant encroachment of Government properties by Land grabbers/ Estate developers,even the Federal Government.

The Governor, who was represented by the Commissioner for Water Resources, Hon. Sunday Oroniyi, gave this warning during his visit to Owalla Dam in Oba- Oke , Osun State, where Federal groups have invaded and bulldozed the area without authorization.

The construction of Owala dam was completed in the year 1988 purposely for potable water production to about 12 LGAs of the State and it's being achieved through the construction of the New Ede Headworks.The specific maximum depth and length of not less than 600m and the catchment area is about 20KMsquare.

At the completion of the project, it was officially handed over to Osun State Water Corporation and since then, the entire land has been under the administration and maintenance of the Water Corporation.

The dam was constructed under Water Corporation of Oyo State and the land acquired before it was ceded to Osun water Corporation in 1991.

The Commissioner condemned the alarming rate at which the land had been encroached upon by the Federal Group,estate developers and Land grabbers.

According to him , Government’s policies on encroachment still remains the same and consequently,encroachment of any nature will no longer be tolerated by the State Government.

He added that a monitoring committee has been set up , in a bid to curb further unlawful encroachment of the lands.

Hon Oroniyi therefore warned that Government would not hesitate to allow the law take it’s full course if those engaged in the activities remained recalcitrant.

Hon Sunday Oroniyi
Commissioner for Water Resources. Osun State. 16th January, 2024.

Governor Adeleke Mourns death of school students, others in a fatal accident, condoles families


OSOGBO– 16/01/2024– Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State is deeply hurt by the news of the death of some school students and another citizen from a fatal accident that occured in Osogbo, the Osun state capital, in the early hours of today (Tuesday).

A bus and a tricycle conveying students was reported to have collided at the front of WOCDIF in the Ring road area of Osogbo, causing the unfortunate loss of lives and severe injuries to some others.

Responding to the incident, Governor Adeleke expresses deep pain at the disturbing event, conveying the heartfelt sympathy of the Government and the people of Osun state to the families of those touched by the incident.

Governor Adeleke reiterated the call on users of road to exercise caution and adhere strictly to safety guidance on roads, saying the State Government under him will work with relevant authorities to make our road more safer for road users.

While commending the state's emergency service for the swiftness in responding to mishap as the current incident, the Governor declared the willingness of his administration to continue to pursue efforts to guide against an experience like this.

"I am distraught to hear about the terrible accident that resulted in the death of five people in Osogbo due to a fatal accident while five other people sustained injuries of varying degrees. It is really painful for me, and I want to use this avenue to commiserate with the families of the deceased," Governor Adeleke noted.

"It is my prayer that God Almighty repose their souls and give their loved ones the fortitude to bear the irreparable losses occasioned by their death. As a government, we will give the needed support to the injured and pray for their quick recoveries."

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Executive Governor of Osun State

Governor Adeleke Celebrates Chief Akande at 85


Governor Adeleke Celebrates Chief Akande at 85 OSOGBO– 16/01/2024– Osunstate.gov.ng

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated a former governor of the state, Chief Bisi Kareem Akande, on the occasion of his 85th birthday, eulogizing his life of dedicated service and impact.

Governor Adeleke recognizes Chief Akande rewarding years of public service to Osun state, achieving great strides from lean resources, and setting the pace for the infrastructural presence in Osun state.

The Governor applauds Chief Akande for inspiring a sense of direction for young people through purposeful governance, saying his birthday offers an opportunity to thank him for his contributions to the social and economic development of Osun state.

"Today, I celebrate a politician of note, Chief Bisi Kareem Akande, as he turns 85 years on Earth. Baba Akande, as I fondly identify him, is a remarkable administrator, navigating through one of the toughest moments in the history of the state," the Governor was quoted as saying.

"Showing discipline and focus, Baba Akande's tenure achieved the unthinkable, giving the state a Secretariat among other notable achievements. More appealing about his personality is the warm and receptive policy that defines him, endearing him to people across political divides and faith.

"As he marks a new age, I convey the heartfelt wishes of the people of Osun state, and thank him for his contributions to the state as a Governor and as a politician who made a lot of difference in our society."

Governor Adeleke prays to God to bless him with good health and soundness of mind so as to continue to enjoy the benefits of his experience and counsel in advancing development for Osun state and Nigeria as a whole.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Monday 15 January 2024

Osun Government Raises Alarm over Fake Federal Agents Harassing State Officials


● Armed Men Attacks Osun Revenue Official

● Another Federal Group Hijacks State Land

OSOGBO– 15/01/2024– Osunstate.gov.ng

The Osun State Government is constrained to bring to the attention of the public the appearance of some illegal operators stopping revenue collection activities, hijacking state land and frustrating lawful operations of officials of the state government.

The illegal operators who parade themselves as 'Federal Monitoring' patrol forest reserves belonging to the Osun State Government and prevent state officials from conducting lawful businesses of generating revenues.

We are concerned to note that these brazen and illegal activities have the backing of some compromised security agents who are obviously providing cover for them.

A recent experience lends credence to this as the illegal operators invaded a property of the Osun State Government in Asejire with some mobile policemen, launching vicious attack on state officials at the control post and hitting one of them on the foot with a bullet shot.

in a related development , an alleged federal group has invaded and occupied lands around Owalla dams bulldozing the areas around the dams without any authorisation

The group, when confronted, claimed to be acting on the directive of an unnamed federal group.

It is to be noted that the land and the area are being managed by the water corporation.

These incursions are quite crude, unconstitutional and unacceptable. As a Government, we strongly condemn the violence visited on state officials while discharging their lawful duties by illegal operators with the active participation of some compromised security agents.

We call on the Police authority to fish out officers involved in this despicable act that threatens not just the peace of Osun state but also its economic stability.

We also alert Mr President on the unhealthy development suspectedly being encouraged by some operatives of the opposition All Progressive Congress.

It is important that we point out that the lands around the Owalla dams are being managed by the Water Corporation, putting the question on ownership beyond any doubt.

The State Government has concluded plans to develop the dams area as a hinterland beach resort, and as such, unlock the economic benefits of the natural asset for the state.

This is why we find it troubling that any group under whatever guise will want to appropriate what belongs to the people of Osun State. We warn that nothing will stop us from safeguarding the lawful assets of the Osun people.

It is for this reason that we call on the relevant federal agencies to look into the activities of their agents in Osun state and ensure that they do not involve themselves in illegality or economic sabotage of Osun state.

While:we are ready as a state to cooperate with any Federal Government Agencies for the betterment of Osun citizenry, we sternly warn against the encroachment of assets belonging to the State Government as we will be willing to take every necessary action to keep every asset of the state away from abuse.

Signed Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Hon Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Osun Masterminds is Mischievous on Roads and Fertilizer Allegations - Adeleke's Spokesperson

NEWS RELEASE OSOGBO- 29/06/2024 - Osunstate.gov.ng Osun Masterminds is very weak on research and still laced with partisanship in its ...