Saturday 29 June 2024

Osun Masterminds is Mischievous on Roads and Fertilizer Allegations - Adeleke's Spokesperson


OSOGBO- 29/06/2024 -

Osun Masterminds is very weak on research and still laced with partisanship in its assessment of the performance of Osun State government, the Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed has disclosed.

Responding to the press conference by the group, the Spokesperson said fertilizers from the federal-state programme started arriving in Osogbo late Thursday. The Ministry issued a statement on Friday announcing the arrival with more trucks still coming in as at the time of filing this report.

How do you start sharing fertilizers that are still arriving in the state? What better way to be transparent than the statement from the state government on arrivals including the number of trucks?

We note that the group is being mischievous and partisan as usual as it still finds it hard to abandon its old root as an appendage of the opposition during the pre-2022 election.

Another example of the group's hypocrisy is the reference to Dele Yes sir road. The Iwo - Osogbo road was awarded to Peculiar Ultimate Concerns by former Governor Gboyega Oyetola. The project is still ongoing and the contractor has done only about 30 percent of the job.

As an inherited project, the state government has been monitoring the execution of the project for quality assurance and the contract cannot be terminated unless there is concrete proof of infraction. Any termination based on hearsay and political allegations may land the state in costly litigation.

The state government is enforcing the highest level standard on the ongoing constructions across the state including the Lameco-Okefia dualisation and flyover bridges. So far, there is no evidence, technical or otherwise of any work under the infra plan being substandard. The government has zero tolerance for substandard work and we affirm that the projects are being supervised by top quality and certified engineers.

The public knows the administration will investigate any genuine complaints. All previous complaints were investigated and they were found to be baseless and more of political taunts. The administration noticed that criticisms from groups like Masterminds are borne out of political partisanship and confusion occasioned by the widely acknowledged good performance of Governor Adeleke.

As much as the administration welcomes feedback and genuine criticisms, the government will not succumb to blackmail and busybody political attacks. It is time for Masterminds to join the political process and stop fronting for the defeated club of yesterday.

Signed Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Birthday: Governor Adeleke Commends Egbedun's Contributions to State Development


OSOGBO- 29/06/2024-

Governor Ademola Adeleke has described the Osun House of Assembly Speaker, Rt. Hon. Adewale Egbedun as a reliable development partner in the push to take Osun out of the woods.

The Governor made the remarks in a birthday message issued to mark the Speaker's birthday, describing him as “a leader of the legislative arm with deep commitment to the realization of our shared vision of a new Osun that is fully developed and prosperous.

“As the state runs on three arms of government, the House of Assembly under the birthday man, is an efficiently managed and productively active chamber. The House has emerged as a pillar of support for the five point agenda of the administration even while maintaining the delicate balance of separation of powers.

“The Honourable Speaker has managed to raise the profile of the legislature as a strong oversight partner. Under his leadership, several bills and motions have been passed just as the executive arm benefits from timely advice amidst a mutually beneficial relationship.

“The Speaker's birthday is therefore an opportunity to reinforce our common partnership, brotherly love, and passion for state development. It is an occasion to express gratitude to the Almighty Creator for His Mercy and Grace on the Speaker as a young man shouldering the burden of an elder.

“On this blessed day of yours, you have my best wishes as we jointly drive the ship of state to the desired destination of collective prosperity, local growth, individual accomplishment and advancement of state for the security and comfort of the present and future generations.

“Happy blessed birthday , Mr Speaker. Long may You live by the special grace of God”, the Governor noted.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Friday 28 June 2024

No Plan to Demolish Ilesa Central Mosque - Governor Adeleke


OSOGBO- 28/06/2024 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke has responded to the appeal of Ijesa Muslim Community on the ongoing Ilesa road dualisation, reassuring Muslim faithful that there is no plan to demolish Ilesa Central Mosque.

The Governor spoke through his Spokesperson, Mallam Olawale Rasheed, noting that the assurance giving during the ‘Ipade Imole’ remains.

“ Governor Adeleke has received the plea of the Ijesa Muslim leaders and has directed that fresh assurance be given that the mosque is not billed for demolition in the ongoing road dualisation.

“ The muslim ummah should not entertain any fear as the mosque remains intact. Only the extended canopies will be affected, not the main building as earlier indicated.

“ The Governor has also directed officials of the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure to interface with the Muslim leaders on the subject matter”, the Spokesperson noted.

While commending stakeholders for actively supporting the ongoing dualisation at Ilesa, the Spokesperson explained that Mr Governor is committed to the implementation of the multi-billion naira Infrastructure upgrade with an eye on deep local content and active community engagement and collaboration.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Thursday 27 June 2024



The Adeleke Dynasty of Edeland has expressed appreciation to families, friends and associates for gracing the wedding of their son, David Adeleke, to Chioma Rowland on Tuesday, June 25th in Lagos.

The message of appreciation was contained in a statement personally signed by the President of the Adeleke dynasty, Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State, who described attendance and goodwill at the wedding as “quite robust and overwhelming."

“We thank friends and associates from far and near for the love they showered on the Adeleke family by their enthusiastic presence and messages to the new couple on their memorable and historic wedding. We were overwhelmed by the massive show of brotherhood for the family in our time of happiness and joy.

"We take note of the love and support from former President Olusegun Obasanjo; the former National Chairman of the PDP, Dr Iyorchia Ayu; Lagos State Governor and his wife, Mr and Mrs Sanwoolu, Ogun State Governor and his wife, Mr and Mrs Abiodun; Abia State Governor, Dr Alex Otti; Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo state; former Governor of Akwa Ibom state, Mr Emmanuel Udom; the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Mrs Chinyere Ekomaru; the Deputy Governor of Oyo State, Chief Bayo Lawal; the former Governor of Abia State, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu; Oyo State Assembly Speaker, Rt Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin.

"Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to Senator Sanusi Daggash; Mr Seyi Tinubu; Mrs Abike Dabiri; Senator Daisy Danjuma; Senator Abiodun Olujinmi; Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe; Senator Osita Izunaso.

We also appreciate our royal fathers such as His Royal Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi; the Soun of Ogbomoso land, Oba Gandi Adeoye; the Ataoja of Osogboland, Oba Jimoh Olanipekun; the Timi of Edeland, Oba Munir Adesola Lawal; Oba Saheed Ademola, Elegushi of Ikateland and many other royal fathers.

We convey our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed in-laws from Igboland; top business and political leaders from far and near; countless traditional rulers, leading lights of Nigerian entertainment industry; members of the National Assembly from Osun state; members of the Osun State Executive Council, members of the Osun State House of Assembly, members of the diplomatic Corps, members of the diaspora community and several other dignitaries too numerous to mention here.

"On behalf of my big brother, the father of the bridegroom; Dr Deji Adeleke; my sister, Chief (Mrs) Modupe Adeleke-Sanni, and the entire Adeleke family, we extend our best wishes to all those who honour the wedding of our son, Davido and his lovely wife, Chioma. We pray that sounds and thrills of joy and happiness shall be our portion all the time of our lives. Amen"

Thanks for coming.

HE, Senator Ademola Adeleke, For the Adeleke family

Monday 24 June 2024

Why Is APC So Desirous Of Cholera In Osun, Dr. Akindele Queries


Why Is APC So Desirous Of Cholera In Osun, Dr. Akindele Queries

▪︎▪︎▪︎ We are taking proactive actions to contain epidemic

OSOGBO– 24/06/2024–

The Special Adviser to the Osun State Governor on Public Health, Dr Adekunle Akindele has wondered on why the All Progressives Congress (APC) is hellbent on the spread of Cholera in the state given the reckless politicization of the disease, saying it is wrong for the main opposition to reduce the lives of citizens to its despicable politics.

Dr. Akindele noted that Cholera epidemic is a national health problem which requires the support of all to contain, describing the antics of the Osun APC as inhumane and a clear indication of its evil mindset against the people of the state.

"The pronounced expectations of the APC for the Cholera outbreak in Osun state is the worst kind of politics that anyone will ever expect. It goes to show how desperate the APC has become in its unreasonably quest for power in the state," he noted.

Dr. Akindele enjoined the APC to take a cue from the PDP responsible and solidarity disposition at the height of the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic under Gboyega Oyetola as Governor, cautioning that political considerations should never come above human lives in any situation as the APC is currently doing.

"While COVID-19 ravages the world, the PDP as an opposition in Osun at the time showed humanity and did not play the irresponsible politics that the APC is playing with the ongoing Cholera outbreak" Dr. Akindele recalled.

"That was the reasonable thing to do, because disease outbreak, whether COVID-19, Ebola or the current Cholera in Nigeria, doesn't distinguish between PDP or the APC. More so, any outbreak will affect Osun people, who should be the priority of any political party of whatever name or color. Unfortunately, power appears to weigh more significance to the APC than the lives of Osun people who will be the eventual victims of a Cholera outbreak in the state, hence, the relentless wish for it to happen here.

"Even when empirical laboratory examination showed no confirmed case of Cholera in Osun state, the APC moves from one media houses to the other to instigate otherwise, pronouncing, although without any scientific basis, that the case is underreported in a clear anticipation for possible outbreak and spread of the epidemic in the state.

"It is important I note that the Government have no reason whatsoever to underreport the occurrence of a globally feared epidemic like Cholera or any disease for that matter. As against the desperation of the APC, I must include that the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other health based organisations are in Osun at the moment and monitoring developments, which will make it almost impossible to manipulate the record."

Dr. Akindele maintained that the Osun State Government under Governor Ademola Adeleke has put in place proactive measures to contain the spread of Cholera in the state, vowing not to allow the evil intentions of the APC on the good people of the state to materialise.

"Whether APC or PDP or APGA or non-partisan, the Adeleke administration places much premium on the lives of every resident and this is why it is doing everything to protect them against Cholera as evident in series of proactive measures, which the APC may be finding so hard to welcome given its bad intentions," Dr. Akindele added.

"Therefore, I urge the people of Osun to adhere strictly to preventive measures announced by the State Government through various media platforms and upon suspecting any symptoms, affected individuals should immediately contact the nearest health facility for medical examination and in the event of any positive diagnosis, such individuals are assured of adequate medical care."

Signed: Dr. Adekunle Akindele, The Special Adviser, Public Health, to the Osun State Governor

Sunday 23 June 2024



OSOGBO— 23/06/2024—

The Special Adviser to the Osun State Governor on Health Matters, Dr. Adekunle Akindele has said the state is yet to record any confirmed case of cholera, describing the report of 11 confirmed cases of Cholera in Osun state as inaccurate.

Dr. Akindele clarified that contrary to the claim in the report, Osun recorded 13 suspected cases of cholera but all turned out negative upon a laboratory assessment, assuring the people of the state of adequate preventive measures by the government to prevent the occurrence, and respond to the outbreak whenever a case is recorded.

"Osun State Government through the Ministry of Health, has proactively reactivated and established the Public Health Rapid Response Team (PHRRT) and Cholera Technical Working Group (CTWG) respectively, to ensure adequate surveillance and risk communication activities in order to guarantee the health of the citizens," he disclosed, adding that "Though, Osun is yet to record any confirmed case of Cholera, adequate preventive measures have been put in place to prevent the occurrence, and respond to the outbreak in case we eventually record a case."

Speaking further, Dr. Akindele noted that the State Government is exploring the media to sensitize the public on preventive measures against cholera while surveillance mechanisms across the 30 local government areas and border towns has been heightened to fight the spread of the disease.

"Thirteen (13) sample(s) collected so far. All 13 samples sent to laboratory, of which 13(100%) were negative, 0 positive and no pending result," he pointed out, adding that "Cholera RDT kits and Transport media has been strategically distributed to some Health Facilities across the 30 LGAs."

He said the Ministry of Health will continue to intensify public awareness on the prevention of cholera and what to do when symptoms develops, calling on the media not to pander to sensationalism at a time like this but rather focus on the dissemination of information that will save lives.

Signed: Dr. Adekunle Akindele, The Special Adviser to the Governor on Health Matters

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Count Adeleke out of your fetish, diabolical ways, Osun PDP fires APC


The Osun State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described as asinine, the latest falsehood campaign the disjointed All Progressives Congress (APC) against Governor Ademola Adeleke, warning that no amount of concoctions will sway the good people of Osun to return to the dark and painful era of the APC in the state.

The PDP in a statement signed by its State Chairman, Hon. Sunday Bisi, noted the APC in Osun clearly exhibited daftness by the outrageous lies that Governor Adeleke is coercing support for his re-election bid, saying the APC has continued to leave no one in doubt that it has nothing meaningful to offer Osun people, hence, the consistent resort to fabricating lies against Governor Adeleke.

Hon. Bisi pointed out that Governor Adeleke incredible performance, both in terms of welfare and infrastructural development naturally earned him the support of not just those in the transportation sector, but also across other sectors, saying, the Osun APC through its chairman, Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, is only echoing the disappointment of his party's rejection from transporters in the state during a recent failed attempt to win them to its side.

"Contrary to the false impression that Sooko Tajudeen Lawal tried to create, we authoritatively gathered that Osun APC advances to transporters in Osun did not yield and the only thing Kola Olabisi could come up with was to lie to the public," Hon. Bisi noted.

"To any reasonable mind in Osun, it would not be so hard to understand why transporters in Osun turned down APC advances. Its time at the helm in Osun state brought nothing but pains and anguish, and it is therefore nothing but nonsense on the part of Sooko Tajudeen Lawal to try and cover for his party's failure and the consequent rejection by cooking up cheap lies.

"Only parasitic elements as the past clearly showed us with the APC that will ever contemplate that Governor Adeleke, going by the monumental infrastructural facelift he is giving to Osun, will need to force support, especially when the only alternative are those who almost drove the state into ditch through reckless financial mismanagement and poor welfare attitude."

Hon. Bisi called on Osun APC to count the ruling PDP out of its devilish way to gain support, noting that it is never in the practice of the PDP to subscribe to oath-taking or any other voodoo means to retain support. Besides, the PDP administration is too busy to fix the state from the ruins created by APC than going about coercing people for support.

"It is well known to Osun people that the APC operates more like an occultic group than a political party, and so, can only be the one who deploys oath-taking to gain support. It must be this understanding, I presume, that is giving Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, the archaic impression about he PDP, but unfortunately, he is damned wrong," the PDP chairman noted.

"The PDP only way to gaining and retaining support is good governance, and this much explains the energy and zeal that Governor Adeleke is putting into turning Osun around for the better. While the Adeleke administration has been focused in getting Osun people on its side through series of impactful and visible programmes and projects, the APC has been fixated on spewing lies about Governor Adeleke and in some cases, pry into his personal life.

"The reason for this is no other than the wasteful years of the APC in Osun, because for the twelve years it was at the helm of affairs, the stories of pains and mismanagement reigned supreme. Not even the immediate past administration led by the APC has anything tangible to woo support of the people, hence, the resort to lies and inanities.

"As a party, we will not be distracted by the shameless attitude of charlatans who seek power not because of the people but to service their miserable lives. Governor Adeleke will continue to invest in the wellbeing of the people through meaningful interventions, and in turn, get their support, while those who are struggling so hard to get back the trust of the people they wasted through crude mismanagement and gross incompetence will continue to wail."

Signed: Hon. Sunday Bisi, Osun State PDP Chairman 18/06/2024

Friday 14 June 2024

Governor Adeleke Promises Domestication of National Senior Secondary Education Law


OSOGBO - 14/06/2024 -

Governor Ademola Adeleke has reaffirmed the pledge of his administration to upgrade Senior Secondary education in Osun State to enhance foundation for university education.

The Governor made the pledge at the Government House while hosting the Executive Secretary of the Senior Secondary Education Commission, Dr Iyela Ajayi and his team who were in the state to select a model school for rehabilitation and upgrade.

While describing Osun as a state that places a high premium on all round education from lower level to the tertiary stage, the Governor said “We are a government that believes strongly in education as a potent catalyst for state development.

“Our government therefore believes in providing a conducive environment for students and teachers to achieve learning goals. The target is to produce all rounded citizens with a sound mind.

“To achieve those lofty ideals, our government devoted precious attention to upgrading learning facilities at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. With two state universities, two polytechnics and several private and federal higher institutions, we ensure no area is lacking in terms of requisite support”, Governor Adeleke noted.

He told the delegation that Osun state is already working to domesticate the secondary education board law, adding that the state is poised to partner deeply with the national Commission.

“ I call for a deeper partnership between Osun and your commission. Before the end of this month, Osun state will domesticate the law for the establishment of a Senior Secondary education board . This is already at the third reading at the State Assembly.

He stated that the state is rebuilding almost all schools, expanding her pool of teachers by over five thousand; and sustaining the school feeding programme out of the 36 states.

Speaking earlier, the Executive Secretary, Dr Iyela Ajayi commended Governor Adeleke's delivery on education and other sectors of the state, informing that his team has visited some schools in the state and is impressed with the positive development across the state.

He expressed happiness at the embrace of the domestication request by the state government, calling a state law for senior Secondary school development as a condition for partnering with the national commission.

“I commend Your Excellency for the good job you are doing in the state. We have gone round and our commission is eager to be part of good news happening to Osun people”, the Executive Secretary accompanied by his top officials noted.


Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Ex -Government House Workers: Osun Government Denies Allegations in Viral Video


Ex -Government House Workers: Osun Government Denies Allegations in Viral Video OSOGBO- 14/06/2024 -

The attention of Governor Ademola Adeleke has been called to a viral video of former adhoc staff who claimed they are owed three months salary despite their disengagement. They also alleged that all efforts to get the Government to pay them have proved abortive including the false claim that they were snubbed by the Secretary to the State Government, Hon Teslim Igbalaye.

The multiple allegations from the ex-workers are false and laced with political propaganda especially considering that an opposition activist arranged and distributed the video with the fake news content.

After thorough investigation, the facts of the situation are hereby stated below:

1.The adhoc staff were laid off by the consultant who hired them under the former Governor Gboyega Oyetola. By the time Mr Governor assumed office, they were no longer adhoc staff at the Government House;

2. Despite the termination of their contract, the former workers remained at their duty post for three months awaiting possible reabsorption by the new government even as there is no evidence that they worked during those period;

3. The new consultant at the Government House, Genuine and Classy Cleaning Services Limited, met the ex-workers on ground without any contract with the state government and after a review , re-absorbed 15 out of the 35 who till date remain in the service of the state as contract staff;

4. Of the old and new contract staff engaged by the firm, none of them is from Ede area of Osun State based on verified records in their engagement forms;

5. The disengaged staff then demanded the payment of the salaries for the three months they waited at Government House without any contract with the Government;

6. In the magnanimity of Mr Governor, he directed the Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Teslim Igbalaye to engage the new consultant and the disengaged staff with a view to pay the reported salary arrears. The former workers however refused to relate with the consultant who in effect has the records for effecting the directive of Mr Governor;

7. The SSG however went ahead to effect the directive of Mr Governor for the payment of the ‘salaries’ by raising necessary requests for approval , a process that is now at the final stage.

8. The SSG is also working on the directive of Mr Governor that the 20 former workers not reabsorbed by the new consultant should be engaged under the Imole Youth Corps that will soon be unveiled by the government;

9. It is therefore not true that the Adeleke administration sacked the said adhoc staff. They were disengaged by the former consultant and the new consultant actually re-engaged 15 of them while the rest are due to be taken in under the Imole Corps.

10. It is also false to assert that the SSG or any other official snubbed the former workers as his office has been working round the clock to ensure the matter is amicably resolved in line with the directive of Mr Governor.

11. We reassure members of the public that the present administration under Governor Adeleke is committed to fair play and equitable treatment of all residents. Mr Governor will not stop to demonstrate and manifest magnanimity in state governance even when as in this case, the issue was inherited and touches the seat of government, the Government House.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Party Membership: Osun PDP Kickstarts Registration/Revalidation Of Members

Press Release

▪️exercise to hold in 332 electoral wards in Osun.

OSOGBO - 12-06-2024-

Osun State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party has urged lovers of the party in the state who already attained the constitutional age of 18 years to troop out en-mass and register as bonafide members of the party in Osun State.

Similarly, the party has directed all existing members to also make use of the registration window to revalidate their membership of the party in the new register and the new membership cards.

The state party chairman, Hon Sunday Bisi made the call while declaring open a one day workshop organized for the chairmen and secretaries in the 332 electoral wards in the state on the new registration, stating that the exercise became necessary to accommodate teeming members of the public yearning to become full members of the party and also to clean up the membership register for seamless administration purposes

Hon Sunday Bisi enjoined leaders of the party in the 30 local governments to accord the registration exercise all the seriousness it deserves as party membership is no more a child's play in Nigeria's political landscape, reminding stakeholders of the party that political party registers have moved from a negligible record of fun to a matter of law in the nation's electoral jurisprudence.

The new electoral act for instance, the chairman noted, has now empowered members of political parties at the ward level, to elect councilorship candidates for political parties in the local government elections. This Hon Sunday Bisi noted, would go a long way in reshaping governance at the grassroot level, as members of the society now have more say in governance process right at the heart of the grassroot where people reside.

The registration exercise which has kicked off on Tuesday,11th of June, 2024, across the 332 wards in the state, will hold for 2 weeks as directed by the national secretariat of party.

A glimpse at the new membership card showed a whole lot of improvements on the security features, including customized codes for each state and local governments unlike the general outlook of the past amongst several new innovations on the tech compliant card, which according to the PDP, would strengthen means of membership identity against vulnerability or undue duplicity.

Leaders of the party across the local governments are expected to empanel monitoring committees for the membership registration to ensure ease of access of registration centers, not just in the ward headquarters, but also in major communities making up the wards.

Signed Hon Sunday Bisi Osun State PDP Chairman 12/06/2024

Credible Elections, Potent Path to Immortalize MKO Abiola, other Heroes of Democracy- Governor Adeleke


OSOGBO– 12/06/2024–

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has highlighted free and fair elections as the best way to honour the memory of the acclaimed winner of the June 12 Presidential election, Bashorun MKO Abiola and other democratic heroes.

Describing free and fair elections as the lifeline of any virile democracy, Governor Adeleke acknowledged the sacrifices and struggles that paved the way for the civil rule that we currently enjoy today in a statement to commemorate Democracy Day.

He called on politicians in the country to submit themselves to upholding the tenets of democracy by respecting the will of the people.

According to the Governor, the political class must recommit to strengthen the country's electoral system to deliver credible elections and ensure that the will of the people is not subverted.

Calling election rigging an act of war , Governor Adeleke said “our best homage to our democratic heroes is our continued upholding the basic tenets of democracy. Such include free and fair elections and observance of rule of law.

"We cannot at one hand celebrate democracy day and on the other hand undermine the democratic machine. You cannot be applauding the great memories of the late Bashorun Abiola and at the same time be working against free and fair elections.

"I call on leaders locally and nationally to re-dedicate ourselves to democratic ideals. The will of the people freely expressed must be accepted by genuine democrats. Our electoral system must be strengthened to deliver credible elections. Under no circumstances should the will of the people be subverted.

"Free and fair elections are the lifeline of any virile democracy. Politicians must grow to know and accept that power flows from the people. Rigging elections is an act of war against democracy. Genuine democrats accept electoral verdicts as a mark of respect for the voters, the ultimate holder of sovereignty. That's what I did in 2018 when I was denied victory.

"If there is any lesson June 12 every year is to teach us, it is that democracy thrives when electoral candidates bow to people's will. We must stop being autocratic in democratic garb.

“If you are rejected at an election, take it in good faith and prepare for the next round of election. After all, Abraham Lincoln failed several polls before his eventual emergence as American president”, the Governor concluded.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Tuesday 11 June 2024



OSOGBO– 11/06/2024–

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated Dr. Nkiruka Maduekwe on her appointment as the Director–General/Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on Climate Change by President Bola Tinubu.

Governor Adeleke who also congratulated other members of the climate team appointed by the President, said the composition raises much hopes on the country's readiness to tackle the problem of climate change.

While acknowledging the rich background and experience of Dr. Maduekwe and her team to coordinate an effective green growth direction for Nigeria, Governor Adeleke notes Osun state's robust climate agenda policy as a signal of his administration's resolve to explore available opportunities.

"I'm delighted to learn of the appointment of Dr. Nkiruka Maduekwe as the Director–General/Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on Climate Change (NCCC). Dr. Maduekwe's deep experience in climate policy development and the composition of her team are assuring that Nigeria is on a solid footing to safeguard our environment from the impact of climate change and also unlock economic benefits," the Governor was quoted to have said in a congratulatory message.

Governor Adeleke recalls the deep partnership between the state and the NCCC, adding that "as the Chairman of the Osun Council on Climate Change, we are committed to efforts that will safeguard our environment and its people.

The Governor calls for continuation of the partnership under the Dr. Maduekwe-led NCCC, saying that the Osun Council on Climate Change looks forward to taking the partnership to a new level through a new MOU to be signed when the new management settles down in office.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor


We members of the Ikirun Elders Forum again wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke for his thoughtfulness and for extending developmental strides of his administration to Ikirun. We have it in our record that the first road to be completed and commissioned by the Adeleke's administration is Osogbo/Ikirun/Ila-Odo road which was completed to Ikirun axis courtesy of Governor Ademola Adeleke who mobilized the contractor back to site within few weeks of assumption of office, which gesture materialised and was top on the list of the 100 days celebration of the Administration. We will never forget the intervention of Governor Adeleke who rescued Ikirun from imminent breakdown of peace which enveloped Ikirun as a result of the Akinrun chieftaincy stool which was almost bastardized by the immediate past administration but which Governor Adeleke corrected by issuing executive order and setting up of a chieftaincy committee to resolve the matter. Ikirun indigenes and elites will forever be grateful to Mr. Governor for coming to the rescue and for delivering us from the hands of miscreants and thugs being sponsored by some desperate politicians so as to occupy the stool illegally. That correction to the glory of God would remain evergreen in our memory and the generation yet unborn will forever pray for Governor Adeleke for saving our ancestral land and the respected Akinrun stool, a first class traditional institution in Osun State.

We acknowledge other interventions of Governor Adeleke in the area of education and health which has not left Ikirun out, including the 100 billion naira infra plan which has Ikirun as one of the major towns in Osun to benefit from the flyovers and underpasses being built by this administration. We look forward to the flag off of the Ikirun axis of the infra plan very soon, Mr. Governor.

However, we are concerned with the level at which some individuals in Ikirun, especially those who felt unhappy with the state government's decision with regards to the Akinrun chieftaincy, are now embarking on recruiting thugs into their folds in an attempt to force their way to the place, illegally. The lead figure in this dastardly move is well known, and we want Mr. Governor to charge the security agencies in the State to be on guard at all times in order to curb the activities of these miscreants and their sponsors. Our utmost priority as elders is the peace of our town and we call on all meaningful and genuinely concerned Ikirun indigenes and elites to join hands with the government to ensure that the gathering of these notorious thugs and miscreants is nipped in the bud.

We also call on Mr. Governor to consider more Ikirun indigenes in the distribution of appointments both in the political circle and within the State Civil Service. We assure Mr. Governor of our support at all times. We wish his administration a huge success and we pray God Almighty to continue to guide and protect Mr. Governor.

Long live Osun State!
Long live Ikirun land!!!

Signed: Prof. Yakub L. Fabiyi Chairman

Mr. Omoloye Rasheed O. Secretary

Governor Adeleke Strengthens Grassroot Economy, Disburses N700m to Local Cooperative Societies


Governor Adeleke Strengthens Grassroot Economy, Disburses N700m to Local Cooperative Societies ● As State Launches Distribution of Rice Palliatives

OSOGBO - 11/06/2024 -

In his drive to boost local economy and alleviate hardship among the citizenry, Governor Ademola Adeleke today disburses cash backed cheques running into several millions of Naira to cooperatives societies at Ife and Obokun/Oriade federal constituencies.

Addressing a mammoth crowd of cooperative members at Ile Ife City Hall and Ijebujesa town hall, Governor Adeleke said the funds being disbursed to the local cooperatives are designed to support grassroot businesses and ensure financial inclusion for the vulnerable segments of the society.

The disbursement which came as the state government announced the commencement of distribution of federal and state rice to reach every segment of the society, drew wild applause from members of the cooperative movements in both federal constituencies.

While the Commissioner for Cooperatives and Empowerment , Bayo Ogungbangbe said this is the first time cooperative movement will be so supported , Governor Adeleke disclosed that the Federation of Osun State Cooperatives and the 332 Ward based Cooperatives are beneficiaries of the disbursement.

The Ooni of Ife, imperial Majesty, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaaja the Second applauded the initiative describing it as “a strong way to reach the grassroot of small businesses.

According to the royal father, the cooperative approach will boost the local economy and provide much needed funds for the small business operators to thrive and survive.

Addressing beneficiaries at Ile Ife and Ijebujesa, Governor Adeleke said “we are here in pursuance of financial inclusion for artisans and local businesses” adding that “our administration is determined to financially empower our grassroot traders” as “the Cooperative platform provides the best path to achieving our agenda on financial inclusion.

“You would all recall that the first Osun State Cooperative Summit was held in January,2024. Part of the fall out of the summit was our government's declaration that a sum of One Billion Naira would be released to the cooperative sector. My government is implementing that decision as can be attested to by stakeholders.

“The cooperative sector in the state comprises the Federation of Osun State Cooperative Limited ( FOSCOOP) and the newly established Ward Based Cooperative societies. In effect, there are now a minimum of about 332 Ward based cooperative societies in Osun State all of which have received about One Million Naira each.

“To date, the amount of loans released to the Federation of Osun State Cooperative Limited (FOSCOOP) is about Seven Hundred Million Naira (N700.000,000) . The loan disbursement is being handled in batches.

“Our government had earlier signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federation of Osun State Cooperative Limited. The MOU provides a strong framework for the sustainability of the loan scheme. We reaffirm our resolve to complete the loan disbursement and even expand the coverage in the near future.

“Aside from the push for financial inclusion through the cooperative movement, our government is also deepening training of cooperative professionals. The more we produce trained professionals, the more the capacity of our cooperative societies to survive and thrive.

“We have released funds for the rehabilitation and upgrade of the Odeomu Cooperative College. Work is presently ongoing. I hereby further direct the Ministry of Cooperative and Empowerment to ensure proper linkage between the College and the state universities. This will deepen the capacity of the College through academic exchanges in relevant fields.

“We are here to directly present cash backed cheques to beneficiaries across the wards. I urge those targeted for this phase of the loan disbursement to invest it judiciously in their businesses. I advise that you start somewhere or add the fund to your existing businesses.

“Our government will be following up. We promise to reward beneficiaries who grow their businesses from this exercise. We will not relent in our support to grow the local economy through financial inclusion”, Mr Governor posited..

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Re- Osun Govt., Osun Defender and their Gang of Jesters

By James Bamgbose

In responding to the above article laced with insults and name calling, the focus will be to briefly dispassionately address the three key issues raised by the writer even though he digressed largely to attack imaginary enemies.

First on budget performance, the government response remains valid as you cannot use performance of the first quarter to generalise on the outcome of the entire budget. The reality today in Osun is that sectoral performance across the sectors has picked up from the first quarter review. Overall budget performance is over 65 percent as at mid-year even as the budgetary implementation is being fast tracked in line with fund flow and availability.

The general services budget usually tagged the Governors’ office fund is mostly a service wide heading catering for governmental operations across the sectors. Specifically linking such state-wide official projects and service activities as Governor's expenditure is a failed attempt to deny official reality which was also the practice when the minister of blue economy was in charge of the state.

The writer erred by claiming no serious attempt has been made to Jumpstart the state economy. We can educate him by pointing out the following. First is that infra upgrade is a condition for economic revival and development. This is ongoing across critical sectors. Second is that specific steps are ongoing to revive the agro-industrial sector such as the cocoa and cashew agro industrial projects, the revival of Cocoa Industry Ede, the implementation of harmonized Tax codes for ease of doing business, the documentation of several investors who are interested in Osun economy , the revival of Osun Investment Promotion Agency, the robust reform of the mining sector which witnessed consolidation of Osun holdings at Segilola as well as the streamlining, upgrading and strengthening of Osun licenses for better returns. The state is strengthening small businesses with ongoing programmes of financial inclusion. This administration has a bigger view approach to jumpstarting the state economy from its comatose state of 2022.

In the usual habit of denying reality, the writer wrote that Osun has no infra deficit of above 80 percent. He was asking for evidence. What other evidence than the fact that Osun primary health centers remain moribund after the previous government expended a whopping $20 million dollars. Adeleke government has now fixed over 100 of such health centers with solar power and water supply. Many major towns were cut off from within such as Gbongan, Ile Ife and Iwo where the linking bridges collapsed and nothing was done to revive them. Many inter-state roads were unpassable with many rural roads impassable. Many schools were rundown with all the water works in the state not functioning. The state of Osun infrastructure as of 2022 was heartbreaking.

It was this bad state of infrastructure that prompted the multi-sectoral , multi-billion naira infrastructure agenda of this administration. When the agenda was proposed , the funding level was still very low but the administration planned ahead. The agenda covers complete renovation of selected schools, rehabilitation of over 400 health centers, new round of boreholes alongside rehabilitation of all water works, several kilometers of roads per local governments, private sector driven airport project, activation of state universities as in the realization of University of Ilesa and several projects at the Osun State university.

If Osun infra rating is just above 40 percent as at 2022, the infra agenda of the present administration will not face so much work at hand. The former Governor abandoned many projects including the Osogbo ring road , the Osogbo-Ikirun road and several other projects and programmes out of political vendetta. Governor Adeleke on the contrary completed the Ikirun -Osogbo road while the Osogbo ring road is nearing completion. If Oyetola had kept faith with his predecessor under whom he served as a Chief of Staff, maybe the infra situation would not be that bad as in 2022. If the writer is sticking to his way of denying reality, Osun people who know and experience the two administrations are the best judges.

The other issue is the writer's dwelling on the Governor's dancing and happiness mood. First, it is not compulsory that everybody must be a sadist. It is not anybody's fault for your leader to be a bitter minded boss with a deep level of toxicity in and around the government. In reality, happiness is a choice. If somebody chose to be in a permanent mourning mood ,that is his or her business. If another is delivering on good governance as attested to even by opposition members, Osun people have no issue with him. Osun residents are proud of a Governor that has done so much within less than two years even as he appears all the time as a very happy man.

Happy mind draws good fortunes. When a leader radiates negativity, such bad odour may affect the fortunes of the state. On the contrary, when a leader demonstrates positivity,good things manifest. This is the case of Osun. Everything is turning around for good for Osun because the Governor radiates positivity. Even Mr President and the Vice President love Governor Adeleke. Hence several federal agencies are supporting the Osun state government.

If Osun allocation improves, that is good music following a good man who is leading Osun. Interestingly, the man has mapped out state spending plans long before improvement in federal allocation. A dancer was smart enough to plan for an unknown future, pay pension debt of twelve billion naira in less than two years as against 11.7 billion in 12 years of APC governance of the state and achieve in two years what a non dancer could not achieve under four years.

The question is what is the essence of governance. And what is the expectation of the residents from a leader? What can make the people happy with their elected leader? First they want him to deliver on good governance across sectoral divides. Governor Adeleke is widely acknowledged as doing that. Secondly, he must give hope. It is not in the place of a leader to be sad mooded. That explains why Mr President has a renewed hope agenda and that is why Governor Adeleke is a boss of happiness, delivering joy and dividends of democracy collectively and individually.

Ijesa people are happy with Governor Adeleke as they now have a real university rather than the audio project of the previous administration . The Iwo people are happy that Mr Governor did not terminate the Iwo-Osogbo road contract hurriedly awarded by the former Government even as the Peculiar firm is about to be remobilised again to complete the project on time. Ikirun cherishes Mr Governor for completing the Osogbo -ikirun dualisation. Workers and pensioners are happy that half salary debt and pensions are being paid. Four star Osogbo stadium is in the oven alongside Osun state Sport. Commission being worked on.Cooperative societies in Osun just got millions of naira as operating grants.

Osun is already processing her State Electricity bill and policy to regulate generation and distribution of electricity within the state. Additionally, Osun has no ICT policy as of 2022. Today Mr Governor has delivered State ICT Policy, State Tech Innovation Policy and a draft Bill on the domestication of the Nigeria Startup Act. The Fibre optic project for internet penetration of Osun is still ongoing. Governor Adeleke is not an analogy that left Osun without an ICT policy.

All lovers of good governance love Governor Adeleke because he is delivering on his five point agenda. The man has outperformed a boardroom chief who failed woefully under four years. As he runs a governance that leaves no town behind , Osogbo people, Ila people, Ijesa people, Ile Ife people , Iwo people and others are glad that Osun is moving. I have not seen any genuine indegene of Ede who is not happy with Governor Adeleke.

On the free train ride and other policy issues, we have no time to argue with the failed men of yesterday. Free Train ride is upcoming. Osun is moving.

The miracle of Osun governance today is that an underrated little David is shining where the light of self-acclaimed giants dimmed. What many find difficult to attain is easily achieved by the dancing performing Governor. Osun people love their action oriented and delivering chief executive.

● James Bamgbose is a media aide to Governor Ademola Adeleke

Osun government dredges waterways in Iwo, promises to move to other towns

Osun State Government has begun the dredging of waterways in major towns in the state in order to ensure that there is no loss of lives or properties as the rains increase.

The Commissioner for Environment and Sanitation, Hon. Mayowa Adejoorin, said this in Osogbo on Saturday while briefing journalists on the level of preparedness of the ministry for this year’s rainy season.

The commissioner said the state government started the dredging and clearing waterways even before the flood alert was given while appealing to the residents to stop dumping refuse indiscriminately.

He stated that it would be impossible to stop flooding if residents did not stop dumping refuse at canals and rivers even if the government dredged them.

He said, “Our machines are dredging some water channels in Iwo now as I talk to you. We are not limiting this to Osogbo; we are going to clear the waterways in all the towns.

"We have dregged in Osogbo, Ilesa, Ila, Ile-Ife, Ifetedo, Modakeke and Iwo. Next is Ede, Gbongan, Ikirun, Ikire, Okinni, Ifon, Ibokun, Owena and other prone areas in the state. These shall be done in the coming weeks.

“We do not want a repeat of what happened in Osogbo some years back. We are clearing all the canals and waterways, we are working to ensure that social services do not suffer." He noted

The commissioner said the state government would adopt whistle-blowing policy to stop residents from throwing their wastes by the roadside and at other unapproved sites

He said environmental marshals are already posted out to clean our major roads, adding that some will be engaged very soon to join the existing ones so that they can help to prevent those who might want to stay up late to violate the environmental laws and regulations.

Some of the waterways that have been dredged in Iwo which were visited by our correspondent are Yemoja pokuku, Kuti aiba area, Mogaji area, Iwo Grammar School, latiko and Odo ori in Iwo.

Friday 7 June 2024

Pensions: Governor Adeleke Beats 12 Years Records of APC, Pays N12,7b against N11.1b of APC Era


OSOGBO- 07/06/

Governor Ademola Adeleke has surpassed the entire records of 12 years of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in pension payment with Twelve Billion and Seven billion naira plus within one and half years as against Eleven Billion and One Hundred million naira plus of the entire Twelve years of APC government.

Governor Adeleke made the disclosure amidst cheering responses of senior citizens as the state Governor again released another Four billion naira bond for retires at state and local levels.

Governor Adeleke spoke further at the event:

“For my administration, the amount of bonds released from December 2022 to date across State and LGAs is Twelve Billion, Seven Hundred and Nineteen Million, Two Hundred and Forty Five Naira (N12, 719,245,528,00).

“I invite us all to note that the administration of my two predecessors for 12 years paid Eleven billion, One Hundred and Fifty Five Million, Six Hundred and Fifty One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eight Hundred Naira (N11,155,651,780.56) for gratuities at the State level. At the local level, the two previous governments for twelve years paid Six billion, Four Hundred and Eighty Eight Million, Eight Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty Four Naira (N6,488,876,324.58).

“On presentation of bond to retirees from December 2022 to date, our government has presented bond worth Six Billion, Fifty Three Million, Five Hundred and Forty Seven Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy Five Naira (N6,053,547,675.49) for 930 Retirees.

“From December 2022 to date, including that of today, the amount paid is Six Billion , Six Hundred and Sixty Five Million, Six Hundred and Ninety Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty Two Naira (N6,665,697,852.87) for 1,355 retirees.

“Today, I am presenting a total of One Billion , Five Hundred and Eighty Eight Million, Four Hundred and Five Million and Four Naira (N1,588,405,004.85 ) for 247 retirees at state level. For local level, a total of Two Billion , Four Hundred and Twenty Million, Nine Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand, Four Hundred and Twenty Six Naira (N2,420,953,426.71). The total I am presenting as bind today for both states and local retirees is Four Billion, Nine Million, Three Hundred and Fifty Eight Thousand (N4,009,358,431.00)

“I invite us to note as I did on the gratuities payment comparison that my two predecessor for 12 years released bond worth Eleven Billion, One Hundred and Fifty Million, Eight Hundred and Seventy One Naira ( N11,150,871,889.00)”, the Governor affirmed.

He narrated further that “From 2022 to date, our government has paid One Billion, Eight Hundred Million Naira (N1,800,000,000.00) as gratuities to civil servants, Tertiary Institutions, Parastatals and Secondary Schools at the state level.

“Within the same period, our government has paid local government and primary school retirees a total of Two Billion , Five Hundred and Fifteen Million, Eighty Thousand and Fifty Six Naira (N2,519,080,056.62). The total for states and local governments from 2022 to date is Four Billion, Three Hundred and Nineteen Million, Eighty Thousand and Fifty Six Naira (N4,319,080,056.62)”, Mr Governor disclosed.

Governor Adeleke provides further breakdown:

• Gratuities paid from December 2022 to date at the State level = N1.8bn

• Gratuities paid at the local level from December 2022 to date = N2,519,080,056.62

• Total for both State and local level
= N4,319,080,056.62 Bonds

• Bonds released at the State level from December 2022 to date = N6,053,547,675.49

• At the local level = N6,665,697,852.87

• Total to date for both local and State levels from

▪︎ For my December 2022 to date = N12,719,245,528.00 while for my two predecessor, the total is N11,150,871,889.00.

Governor Adeleke who commend the Head of Service for his ingenuity and efficiency said his administration achieve the above uncommon feat by thinking out of the box and by personal sacrifices among my team.

“ One method that we employed was to approve the recommendation of the Head of Service to improve on the monthly releases for gratuities and bonds so that we can accommodate as many as we can on a monthly basis. And so what we did was to increase such monthly by 100%. As we speak, regular and full payment of pensions continue unabated.

“Permit me on this note to commend the Head of Service, Elder Ayanleye Aina and his team for their effective and efficient management of the public service especially with respect to the handling of salaries, pensions and gratuities of workers and pensioners. I salute the HOS for his doggedness , dedication to duty and his demonstrated strength to resolve knotty issues. I am proud of you and your able team of bureaucrats.

“I also want to reaffirm our government's commitment to upholding workers' welfare as the Number One priority on our governance agenda. For Osun state, the nexus between formal and informal workforce justifies our focus on well treated public service. We will continue to devote our time to paying off the pension and half salary debt while also providing succor to the workforce”, the Governor noted.

Representatives of the pensioners, Gbenga Oyadare and Toyin Ayinde both commended Governor Adeleke , declaring that “ there is no vacancy in Abere come 2026”

Amidst singing singing and praises, pensioners applauded the commitment of Governor Adeleke to paying off the pensions and half salaries, calling the Governor “talk and do” leader.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Ex-Minister Adesiyan Ill- Informed about State Policy -Spokesperson



Former Minister of Police Affairs, Mr Jelil Adesiyan was ill informed about his assessment of Osun infrastructure agenda and the administration of palliative support under Governor Ademola Adeleke, the Spokesperson to the State Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed has declared.

Reacting to the ex-minister's libelous allegations against Governor Ademola Adeleke and his lack of understanding of current state policy, the Governor's aide clarified that the palliative received from the Federal Government is Two Billion Naira while the state government has spent more than three billion naira on palliative support in term of wage award among others.

Mr Adesiyan demonstrated total lack of understanding of the federation account system by alleging Three Billion naira as palliative. He also failed to clearly grasp the reality of federalism as state allocation from the Federation Account is not a dash from the centre to the states.

“It is also ridiculous to assert that Osun has collected Three Hundred Billion from the Federation Account. Where the Odeomu politician got his false statistics from is questionable. In any case, the fund accruing to the State is being judiciously expended on a well articulated multi-sectoral infrastructural agenda.

“ The infra agenda covers health, education, water and roads facilities. It involves dualisation per senatorial district, one overhead bridge per Senatorial district and a total Sixty kilometers of roads across the local governments in the state. All the projects are evenly distributed as can be fact checked.

“ It is elementary that the root of under-development, economic backwardness and poverty is infrastructure deficit. Conscious effort to bridge the infra gap is a catalyst for development. How our leader,Mr Adesiyan , did not know this simple fact is a puzzle.

“ As part of the infra upgrade, close to 100 health centres have been rehabilitated and equipped with solar power and water sources. Over 90 kilometers of roads have been completed. Local water supply is on across the 332 wards. All projects complies with extant laws and due process.

“ The consensus locally and nationally today is that Governor Adeleke is delivering on good governance. I urge our leader to own up to the reality that Osun has attained an enviable position within just 17 months of Governor Adeleke's government, the Spokesperson affirmed.

The Adeleke's Spokesperson called on opposition leaders to engage the state government based on facts and best practices, adding that “ Osun has robust working relationship with the Federal Government as the Governor delivers dividends of democracy to the residents of the most peaceful state in Nigeria”

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Governor Adeleke Cautions Against Politicisation of Security Services


OSOGBO- 07/06/2024-

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State has cautioned against politicization of security services as it poses a serious threat to the deepening of the nation's democratic system.

Speaking while receiving the Deputy Inspector General of Police, DIG Biodun Alabi at the Government House Osogbo on Thursday evening, the state Governor called on security agencies to avoid political partisanship and focus on impartial discharge of their state duties.

Stressing the need to deepen Nigerian democracy, the Governor emphasized the importance of respecting constitutional stipulations even as he described non-partisan security services as the insurance for a stronger democracy.

Governor Adeleke who described Osun as “a sensitive state” said state governors and other elected officials have a duty in line with the constitution to create and ensure an atmosphere of peace for good governance, adding however that “the service chiefs have a lawful duty to obey lawful directives.

“Nigeria as a federation specifically structured its agencies to maintain national stability. The state Governor is the Chief Security Officer. It will amount to an aberration for any service chief to disobey lawful directive for maintenance of law and order. Never should anything be done to undermine the state leadership.

“We must never politicize security. Our allegiance is to the constitution which spells out duties and responsibilities of all agencies and officials of state.

“On our part, we will not ask law enforcement officers to do anything illegal. As such we will not tolerate any security officer taking illegal action or obeying illegal directives from non-state entities.

“Our state is rated as one of the most peaceful in Nigeria. With our high literacy rate, our people know their rights. Their political literacy is super high. Osun is therefore a critical state for the unity and stability of Nigeria”, the Governor posited.

While commending the close partnership between the state government and the security agencies, Governor Adeleke said his government places high premium on law and order, adding “we know and understand the importance of the security agencies particularly the Nigerian police service.

“As a government, we provide strong logistics support for the security agencies to discharge their duties with ease. As we are doing much now, we will still be doing more in term of strengthening the operational capacity of the police and other security services”, the Governor told the DIG who was accompanied by top police officers

Speaking earlier, DIG Alabi said he was in the state as part of duty tour directive as issued by the Inspector General of Police, noting the visitation was to get a situation report for the improvement of policing in the country.

“ I am here to gather feedback on our performance so as to assist the force leadership to implement ongoing reforms. I bring best wishes from the Inspector General of Police as we assure you of our readiness to partner with the state government in her drive to sustain Osun's records as one of the most peaceful states in the federation”, Alabi noted.

Both the Governor and the DIG hosted a mini-roundtable on the state of law and order in Osun State with the police chief promising to take feedback to the force leadership in Abuja.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor.

Monday 3 June 2024

How We are Delivering Good Governance in Osun - Governor Adeleke


How We are Delivering Good Governance in Osun - Governor Adeleke

OSOGBO- 03/06/2024-

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has opened up on his style and strategies in the governance of Osun State, noting that the approach is producing “a productive and pleasing outcome across the sectors”

Addressing the grand reception and induction night organised by the Osun Development Association in Lagos on Friday, Governor Adeleke who stressed the importance of non-governmental organisations said his passion to deliver within a short period of time compelled his current governance agenda.

According to the State chief executive, “our first focus was to craft an unorthodox governance agenda, the five point agenda namely workers' welfare, financial inclusion, localisation, people centered infra upgrade, social sector upliftment and agro-industrialisation.

“To implement the above, we equally deviate from the many well known pontifications on governance delivery. We put people at the centre and cut most scraps that create deep gulf between the people and state policies. We deliver by upstaging the traditional structures without breaching state laws and due process.

“We enforce localisation in project design and implementation to enhance local skills and create jobs for our people. We effect drastic cuts in project costs to deliver more with little resources. Our projects and programmes also evolved from strict need assessment across the three Senatorial districts. Our vision is holistic in terms of addressing developmental challenges from people's aspirations and needs.

“To drive these plans and agenda, we demonstrate a very high degree of transparency and accountability. As a man of means before coming into office, I ensure our contractors have no kickbacks to pay and they work with an eye to deliver the public good. The zero tolerance for corruption is combined with an ambitious infra agenda that is accompanied with a soft infra focus so that as we are building the roads, we are also building the people.

“Our government also adopted the mantra of government as a continuum. We live it and act it. I retained all contractors inherited from my predecessor. None of those contracts were terminated. No contractor was fired. My only insistence was that they must deliver on what they signed with the state.

“I am also completing most abandoned projects inherited from my predecessor. The Ikirun-Osogbo dualisation is completed and I am going to complete the road up to the border with Kwara state. The Osogbo ring road is being completed while the Osogbo-Iwo road is ongoing. In the infra sector, we insist on salvaging state assets without undue political considerations.

“Several external reviewers have rated our approach as highly successful. We also have our positive internal assessments. Within one and half years in office, we have achieved what the previous administration could not attain in four years. We have constructed over 90 kilometers of roads alongside several bridges and channelisation projects. Another 80 kilometers of roads are presently under construction. The multi billion naira infra projects which include four flyover bridges, dualisation of several roads, rehabilitation of several schools and health centers are currently ongoing. Osun is indeed a huge construction site as attested to by many visitors.

“Our fixation on soft and hard infrastructure stems from our belief that we cannot grow Osun economically unless we address the huge infra deficit. We inherited more than 80 percent infrastructure deficit when we took over in 2022. Hence, we target a quick reversal of that sad statistics before the end of our first tenure. The positive results are there for all to see.

“We then injected a huge dose of soft social focus by the gradual repayment of half salary and pension debt inherited from the previous government. We are paying back the diverted contributory pensions of our senior citizens. Our pensioners are registered for a health insurance scheme with the state paying the bills. We reform the public service and ensure regular payment of salaries, promotion arrears. In Osun, there is a nexus between the formal and informal workforce. For now, taking care of public servants boosts, enlivens and strengthens the informal workforce in the state.

“The state's investment promotion agency moribund for a long time is now up and running. A one stop desk is being created to facilitate investment into the state. And of course, very soon, you can fly directly into Osun state as we are working to deliver a functional state airport”, the Governor told the gathering of eminent Osun indigenes at the event.

He told the audience that the state government is open to collaboration in the various forms of public private partnership” adding “we clearly need the indispensable collaboration with associations and groups like the Osun Development Association.

“Presently our government is working on the Alumni-Government partnership Board for school development. We are restrategising on partnership to grow the state digital economy, education, health and agriculture.

“I therefore extend hands of developmental partnership to the ODA and other related associations. Join hands with us to transform Osun for the better. Our doors are open”, the Governor told the ODA chaired by Dr Segun Aina.

Signed: Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor.

Osun Masterminds is Mischievous on Roads and Fertilizer Allegations - Adeleke's Spokesperson

NEWS RELEASE OSOGBO- 29/06/2024 - Osun Masterminds is very weak on research and still laced with partisanship in its ...