Tuesday 31 October 2023

Osun Mastermind Group: The Truth Beneath A Facade of Public Concern

By Jubril Akintayo Onseyoo

The recent noise generated by the Osun Mastermind Group regarding the Osun State Government's 100 billion naira infrastructure plan is nothing but a feeble attempt to gain relevance and undue attention.

The group is made up of a ragtag bunch of scavengers who have no interest in the well-being of the people of Osun State. They are simply looking for a way to line their own pockets at the expense of the public.

This group, comprising a pathetic crew of opportunists, do not care about the well-being of the people of Osun State. Instead, their primary agenda is 'knock-the-government and get paid'.

In their recent address, the group propagated a slew of lies and distortions. They alleged that the government lacked transparency about the infrastructure plan, yet the reality stands in stark contrast. The government meticulously outlined how the funds would be gotten and allocated, providing ample opportunities for public input and scrutiny. At the unveiling of the 100bn naira infra-plan, journalists were given opportunity to ask questions and critique the plan. In his response to the questions raised on how to get fund to carry out the plan, Governor Ademola Adeleke stated that he has been able to block leakages in the finances of the state in the last 11months that he has held sway, thereby giving him the opportunity to save funds for the plan. He equally stated that he has not been taking security vote due to him as Governor. Rather, he has been channeling the funds to the infrastructural development of the state. He also mentioned expanded revenue base, FG refunds etc as sources of funds. He reiterated that his government will not be taking loan to carry out the plan.

Furthermore, the Osun Mastermind Group asserted that the government lacks the capacity to execute the plan effectively. This claim, too, crumbles under scrutiny. The government boasts a commendable track record of effectually completing infrastructure projects within stipulated timelines and budgets, proving their capability. Vivid example is intracity roads began and completed within first few months of this government in many Local Government Areas in the state. Another example is provision of potable water in the 332 electoral wards in the state. Not to talk of Osogbo-Ikirun road that was abandoned by the friends of Mastermind Group, Oyetola Administration but completed within first 100days of the Adeleke Administration. The Mastermind should be questioned by the people of Osun State to provide evidences that suggest the Government may not be having capacity to execute the plan.

However, beneath the facade of concern for the public lies a bitter truth: the Osun Mastermind Group is, in essence, a front for the All Progressives Congress (APC), the party ousted from power in Osun State last year. Their bitterness over their defeat has manifested in a campaign of misinformation, aimed at undermining the credibility of the Adeleke administration.

It is imperative for the people of Osun State not to be swayed by the manipulative tactics of the Osun Mastermind Group. Their motives are far from altruistic; they are merely a group of political scavengers always seeking to exploit situations for personal gain. The public should discountenance their words, recognizing them for what they truly are: inconsequential and unworthy of attention.

Jubril Akintayo, a Project Management Consultant from Iwo LGA, resident in Abuja

Osun Multi- Billion Naira Infra Plan Strongly Complies with Procurement Laws- Information Commissioner


OSOGBO - 31/10/2023 - Osunstate.gov.ng

Osun State Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Hon Kolapo Alimi, has affirmed that the recently unveiled multi-billion Naira infra plan has strong sustainability components alongside strong adherence to due process and procurement laws.

Speaking while hosting the leadership of Coalition for Good Governance(C4GG) in his office today, the commissioner clarified that the government of Governor Ademola Adeleke complied with provisions of the law in the design and the ongoing implementation of the infra plan, noting that no procurement law is violated.

"Permit me to clarify that all projects listed in the plan were subjected to due process requirements. We invite the public to note that before the unveiling of the plan, the Ministry of Works has been implementing some intervention programmes across the state using direct labour.

"Those projects listed by Mr Governor are not covered by those intervention programmes. The infra plans are contractual projects whose advertisements for bid submissions are already published in compliance with due process.

"The public is also informed that the state has a supplementary budget preparatory to the submission of the 2024 appropriation proposals to the House of Assembly by Mr Governor. My point is that nothing is being done outside the law in line with Mr Governor's mantra of due process, rule of law and fear of God.

"It is also important to at this point urge any group or individuals to seek more information if they so wish by applying the Freedom of Information Act. This administration is committed to free flow of information under an open governance model.

"We want to reiterate that the multi-billion naira infra plan is to be executed without loans from financial institutions. We affirm as the State Chairman of the PDP had said that the fund will come from savings, blockage of revenue leakages, expanded revenue base, refunds from federation accounts and reduction of the cost of governance. The plan is sustainable with a multiplier effect on the state economy.

"On behalf of Mr Governor and his entire cabinet, we thank Osun people home and abroad for the overwhelming approval of the infra plan. We also commend fellow Nigerians who appreciated the ingenuity and innovative thinking of the state government.

"To ensure delivery as planned, Mr Governor will soon inaugurate a monitoring team composed of individuals from the media and the civil society. This is to ensure value for money and quality assurance.

Speaking earlier, the Coordinator of the C4GG, Hon Tayo Adegbemile said the group was at the Commissioner's office to brief the state government on its ongoing survey and monitoring of the state of governance in Osun state.

"During the Ipade Imole, we submitted a monitoring report to Mr Governor. We are now on the second phase. We are conducting a statewide survey ahead of the one year anniversary of the Adeleke administration", Mr Adegbemile.

Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Osun PDP To Masterminds: Stop Overrating Your Importance, Scavenging Is Not Activism

Furtherance to our reaction to the vituperations of a motley group calling themselves the Masterminds, Osun State PDP wishes to advise that members of the group live within the means of their ratings and not overhype their usefulness.

Yes, granted that members of the masterminds are at liberty to rue their choice in the last governorship election in the state with all forms of disguised lamentations, however we hold that such cries must be laced with some levels of reasonability.

Elements in the masterminds should be reminded that Governor Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke of Osun State towers above their irritating method of seeking attention or creating occasional impressions to dig out their usual target crumbs.

Without fear of sounding arrogant or immodest, masterminds components are too inconsequential in integrity and cognitive clout to injure the growing popularity of a political institution like Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State. When they openly pitched their tent against the election of his Excellency last year, they sank with their tent.

We make bold to say that none of the elements in the group of adult beggars is close to what they arrogate to themselves. Brutally scavenging around should not be a life of professionalism and that is why their noise can only be deafening in their own room.

While the PDP administration will be waiting for the anti-graft agencies being dangled around by the unemployment induced jesters, our great party, the PDP will continue to support Governor Ademola Adeleke's robust quest to address the infrastructure deficit in the state.

The masterminds are enjoined to enrich their protests with the fact that the infra-plans will exceed even the hundred billion naira mark, as other phases of developmental projects are already being mapped out. Therefore, their petitions should not be limited only to the 100 billion phase, they should project into the future.

True stakeholders in the state have been consulted before His Excellency made public his infra plan. The likes of masterminds are not close to reckoning in terms of consultation of this administration because those who made them consulting partners only ended up as failures.

For PDP, we are in tune with the refusal of Mr Governor to patronize identified friends of those who ran Osun aground. We found and maintain our stand that it is against the interest of Osun State to open further doors of consultation with incontrovertible purveyors of failure in government, whose major interest is more of personal patronage than collective interest of the populace.

The PDP administration particularly, His Excellency, Governor Ademola Adeleke is too entrenched in his commitment to address the avoidable rot inflicted on the state by friends of the Masterminds. Thie administration is not the type some professional rogues will attempt to intimidate with some feeble threats of any anti-graft agency just because we are not providing 'soups' as they expected.

Or what more! We have noted with amusement, the constant mention of pots of soup by the supposed activists, which presupposes that the heart of the inconsistent wanderers is firmly gazed on patronage of soups rather than genuine love for anyone, not even their next neighbors in the state.

The anger expressed by' the 'Alagboole Activists' against the state chairman of the ruling party to us, was unnecessary. The chairman reserves every right to support the government of his governor, especially when criticism against such government was coming from non-entities like the masterminds.

Hon Ayodeji Areola Osun State PDP publicity Secretary 31/10/2023

Monday 30 October 2023

Osun Masterminds, an APC Wailing Group, in Lost Battle with Procurement -Compliant Adeleke - Osun PDP


The Osun state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party has described a mercenary group , Osun Masterminds, as a wailing group of the state's All Progressive Congress (APC) that is still bitter about the July 2022 electoral defeat.

Reacting to threats by the sponsored group to drag the state to the anti-graft agencies over the recently unveiled multi-billion naira infra plan, the party in a statement by its State Chairman, Hon Sunday Bisi said Osun Masterminds is so blinded by the loss of patronage it enjoyed under the former APC government that it remains deaf and dumb to due process compliance already ongoing on the infra plan.

The Mastermind fought hard to get APC retained in power but the group and its sponsors were flatly rejected and disgraced by the people who voted massively for the PDP and its candidate, Governor Ademola Adeleke, pointing out that "ever since then, the hired group has been acting as an unrepentant agent of rejected and defeated politicians"

The public will recall that the state government has already announced an ongoing procurement process, bid advertisements have since been placed and a supplementary budget was already worked on by the State Assembly. A jaundiced group of stomach activists refuses to read clearly the statement of Mr Governor that all due process and procurement requirements are being complied with.

The group despite having a supposed professor as a team lead is also silent on the Governor's clear statement that the fund for the infra plan is to be sourced from savings, cost cutting measures and broadening of the revenue base of the state. The Governor was categorical that a project account has been opened specifically to fund the infrastructure plan without borrowing a kobo from a financial institution.

We wonder how saving money from frivolous expenditure as was in the past should warrant the threat of an anti-graft probe. It is even imbecilic of the group to threaten a state government for unveiling an infra plan even with full explanation of strategies of funding, justification for the projects and sustainability of the agenda. When will the so-called Mastermind accept the defeat of their masters who were defeated in four consecutive elections?

We dare the APC group to go ahead with its threat even as we affirm that Osun has moved on from an anti-development leadership to a pro-pepple , development focussed governorship. PDP is running a government of due process and transparency. We will not be distracted by rantings of political jobbers masquerading under civil society activism. Signed
Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman, Osun State PDP 30th October, 2023

Jagaban hailed Gbajabiamila, described President Tinubu's vote of confidence as a morale booster.

House of Representative member Representing Ibadan North Federal constituency, Hon. Olaide Akinremi Jagaban, has described the vote of confidence passed on the chief of Staff to the President, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila as a morale booster to spur him to do more for the country.

Jagaban while addressing some selected journalists in Abuja on Monday, said the appointment of Gbajabiamila as Chief of Staff was well thought out by the President; he wondered why some unscrupulous elements are hell-bent on causing unnecessary issues that do not exist.

“Those of us who worked closely with the former Speaker of the House of Representatives in his prior years at the National Assembly know him to be steadfast, maintaining his integrity without compromise. The propaganda and negative rumors going around in some newspapers are disheartening to those of us who know him for an unblemished record for the past 20 years in the House of Reps. We know that these rumors are being sponsored by some element that never wishes the Government well; they are not comfortable with some decisions of the President that are against their interests, so they thought blackmailing the Chief of Staff would give them a way in, which have all but been squashed by the statement of Mr. President today. Our President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of wisdom who will not compromise the Goodwill of the nation, irrespective of the closeness of anyone to him."

Jagaban advised the group of people or individuals planning any form of protest to better channel their energy to something more meaningful; he said the evil machinations of Government enemies have been exposed and can never resurrect again.

The media has been awash with the plan by the President to sack his Chief of Staff, but on Monday at the Federal Executive Council, the President said, "First of all, let me reiterate to all of you that I’ve heard the stories flying around. Mistakes will be made, and perfection is only for God Almighty. I have 100% confidence in the integrity of my chief of staff, RT Hon. Femi Gbajabiamilla. All campaigns of calumny against him must stop. If I make mistakes, I’m ready to own up to it."

Jagaban described the President's statement as a 6-inch nail in the political propagandist's coffin.

Governor Adeleke Dissolves Statutory Commissions


Governor Adeleke Dissolves Statutory Commissions OSOGBO- 30/10/2023- Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun state has approved the dissolution of statutory commissions with immediate effect.

In a circular by the Secretary to the State Government, Hon Teslim Igbalaye, the dissolution takes immediate effect.

The affected commissions according to the SSG are the State Civil Service Commission, the Judicial Service Commission, Osun State Independent Electoral Commission and Osun State House of Assembly Service Commission.

The Secretary to the State Government conveyed the appreciation of Mr Governor to members of dissolved commissions for the selfless and meritorious service to the state.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Sunday 29 October 2023


In a resolute effort to bridge the infrastructural gap and usher in an era of progress and prosperity, Governor Ademola Adeleke has unveiled an ambitious 100 Billion Infrastructural Plan for Osun State. This visionary plan, grounded in principles of fiscal responsibility and local empowerment, aims to rejuvenate every corner of the state. As we delve into the highlights of this transformative blueprint, it becomes clear that no aspect of Osun's development has been overlooked. To provide a concise overview, let's explore these pivotal elements in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ):

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1: How will these projects be funded?
The projects will be financed through resource leakage prevention, internally generated revenue, and Federal Government Refunds on Projects.

Q2: What are the guiding principles of this plan?
The plan is founded on strict compliance with procurement laws, due process, and the rule of law.

Q3: Will local resources be prioritized?
Absolutely. The workforce, contractors, and materials will be locally sourced to ensure that Osun's resources benefit Osun.

Q4: What's the expected completion timeframe?
The target infrastructures are expected to be completed within a year.

Q5: What healthcare improvements are included?
It involves the rehabilitation of 345 health centers in all 332 wards across the state and the second phase of providing potable water to underserved areas.

Q6: How about education?
Phase two of rehabilitating 31 schools in the 30 Mother Local Government and Modakeke Area Council is on the horizon, along with a forthcoming teacher recruitment drive.

Q7: Any road infrastructure enhancements?
Yes, there will be construction/rehabilitation of 45 roads, each at least one kilometer long, in each of the 30 Mother Local Governments. Plus, major town roads will be dualized.

Q8: What about urbanization projects?
Urbanization is a key focus with the construction of five flyovers, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the three senatorial districts. Additionally, streetlights will illuminate major towns.

Q9: How is healthcare being addressed?
The plan includes the second phase of the free Imole Medical Outreach, expanding access to vital healthcare services.

Q10: Will every part of the state benefit from this plan?
Yes, every area of Osun is considered. For dualization and flyovers, areas not initially covered will be listed in future plans.

Q11: Is there oversight and transparency?
A monitoring committee, comprising media and civil society representatives, has been established to ensure transparency and accountability.

As the 'Imole' projects illuminate every nook and cranny of the state, this comprehensive plan underscores a commitment to leave no area untouched in the pursuit of progress. Patience and anticipation for the transformation ahead are encouraged.

Ismail Abdulganiyu (Mastermind)

Gov Adeleke is passionate about the development of Osun... Aide

The one hundred billion naira infrastructure plan, unveiled by Governor Ademola Adeleke is borne out of his passion for economic growth and development of Osun state

Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on the Bureau of Social Services, Mr Akintunde Bello stated this while featuring on Imole Ayo, a sensitization programme which promotes the activities of governor Ademola Adeleke's administration on OSBC Radio and Television channels

The weekly Yoruba simulcast programme is put in place by the office of the spokesperson to the Governor to showcase the achievements of the present administration in Osun State

Mr Bello expressed the confidence that, when completed, the projects would turn the State around to an investment destination and address huge infrastructure deficit in the state

Dispelling the rumors being peddled around that the execution of the multi billion naira projects will affect regular payment of workers salaries, the governor's aide emphasized that, Senator Adeleke prioritizes the welfare of the state workforce and retirees, therefore, the infrastructure plan would not in any way hinder the salaries and allowances of workers and pensioners in the state

According to him, it is the duty of a responsible government to pay the salaries of its workforce as and when due, hence the governor has been living up to the task in this regard

The SSA, Bureau of Social Services reminded contractors handling all ongoing projects across the state and those that will handle the massive multi billion naira projects to do the jobs according to specification to justify the huge investment of the state government in infrastructural development

Multi-billion Naira Infrastructure Plan: Osun APC is Anti-Development- Osun PDP


Osun state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described criticism of its government's multi-billion naira infrastructure plan by the state's All Progressive Congress APC) as "unpatriotic, reprehensible and a display of anti-development anti-people politics for which the opposition is known for"

Responding to an ill intentioned statement from the opposition , the State Chairman of the PDP, Hon Sunday Bisi chided the APC for playing politics with "a development agenda that is widely adjudged to be commendable, long overdue, sustainable and very paramount to the economic revival of our dear state.

" Reading through the APC statement, we see a party that is in bewilderment and severe pain at the ingenuity, innovation and financial engineering of the Adeleke governorship. We see a bunch of rejected politicians who cannot fathom the depth of strategic thinking that produced the crafting of an ambitious infra plan carefully put together with an eye on sustainability and multiplier effect on expansion of state economy and well being of pur people.

The PDP government inherited a state with over 95 infrastructural deficits as at November 2022. Our internal state infra audit when PDP took over revealed that the infrastructural decay cut across all sectors education, health, roads, water among others. We then developed an initial emergency plan that led to the complete renovation of 31 schools, 45 kilometers of roads, 332 functioning boreholes, commencement of rehabilitation of water works, rewarding intervention in the health sector and major actions on such roads as Osogbo-Ikirun and the Osogbo ring road among others.

Despite the accomplishments of the last 11 months, our government under Senator Ademola Adeleke decided to address the infra crisis in a more holistic way, hence the infra plan. We invite the APC to drop its poverty mindset which limited its thinking and plan for the state when it was in power.

We call on the APC to read the full speech of Mr Governor in which he spelt out the strategies, the projects, the funding plans and sources of such funding. The APC should get educated that not all Governors are interested in diverting public funds as was the practice when the opposition holds sway.

The opposition, while admitting that the Governor said funding will be without loans, was still confused on how such funds will be generated because under the APC government, its leaders lacked basic understanding of financial innovation and re-engineering. That lack of capacity under the past APC government was deepened by greed and overriding motive of self-enrichment and lack of genuine empathy for the immediate, short, medium and long term well being of our people.

Let's ask the shadowy APC chairman in what way is the renovation of schools, upgrade of health centers, provision of water projects, dualisation of roads and utility-driven flyovers to prevent accidents and save lives phony and white elephants projects?

On sources of funding, the Governor told the state clearly that he has created a project account into which savings from leakages, refund and infra related interventions are lodged. He also narrated belt tightening measures as the government is being run on shoestring budget such that up till now the state cabinet members have no official vehicles. The past APC government left with all functional state vehicles after their defeat last year.

We also find it curious that the balkanised APC leadership is so uneducated as not to understand the nexus between infrastructure upgrade and economic development of the state. In this 21st century, it is a shame that the opposition does not know that such infra plans generate jobs, boost local SMEs, expand the state economy, drive inflow of investment and improve the livelihood and health of our people.

Even more curious is the refusal of the APC to acknowledge that the PDP government is clearing its mess of infra deficit, half salary and pension debt while at the same time paying monthly salaries of workers regularly. By addressing pension and half salary issues, Governor Adeleke is already handling palliative issues even outside distribution of food items as there is a close link between the formal and informal workforce in the state.

For opposition that is married to fake news, let us clarify that only Two Billion Naira was received for palliatives and Seven Billion Naira for Infrastructure intervention. The N7 billion is a drop in the ocean of over one hundred billion naira the state is to spend on infrastructure. Nonetheless , the Seven Billion Naira is saved in the State Project Account.

The party is also happy to announce that the State Government is already in negotiation with the workers on the new minimum wage. The PDP government is not an anti- workers' party like the state APC. The workers know their friends and allies

Before unveiling the infra plan, Governor Adeleke told the party and I quote him as follows: " The task of the leader is to think big, bigger than the present state of your society. Osun is the cradle of Yoruba nation, we must not allow the legacy of bad governance of the past to hold us hostage. A new Osun that has transited into an agro-industrially developed state with modern infrastructure and a healthy and functionally educated population is our dream. Let us go for it"

It is true that a thief thinks everybody is a thief. Many anti-people leaders believe everybody should be against the people. But several exceptions exist. For the PDP government, our Governor is a blessed leader from an exceptionally blessed pro-people family and his major focus is to deliver a legacy of hope, development and collective prosperity for our people.

Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman, Osun State PDP. October 29th, 2023.

Saturday 28 October 2023

Osun PDP Commends Governor Adeleke for His Remarkable Commitment to Transform Osun State


The ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has expressed admiration for the unwavering dedication of the Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke, in spearheading transformational development for the state and his consistent delivery of good governance to the people of Osun.

In a statement issued by the Media office of the party, the State Chairman, Hon. Sunday Bisi extolled the achievements of Governor Adeleke, who is now widely referred to as "Mr Performer," for his relentless commitment to uplifting the standard of governance transparency and the initiative of intimating the good people of the state of his admin
istration's new phase of infrastructural plan, which was unveiled yesterday.

"This comprehensive multibillion-naira project, slated for completion within the next 12 months, will no doubt usher in a new era of measured deliverables and address infrastructure deficit in the state positively which in turn will significantly impact the lives of residents of Osun State."

"This ambitious timeline serves as a clear testament to his commitment to expeditiously advance the development of Osun State. It reflects a profound understanding of the pressing necessity to address the evolving needs of the state's populace."

"The people of Osun State are indeed fortunate to have chosen such a selfless leader to steer their state's development. Mr. "Performer's" infra plan underscores his crystal vision and dedication to enhance the master plans of the founding fathers for the state.

"In an era where many leaders might shy away from bold moves due to economic constraints, the Governor has demonstrated exceptional determination and foresight. His decision to invest in the state's infrastructure during this period of economic uncertainty is indeed commendable."

"A notable facet of this project is Governor Adeleke's commitment to the utilization of local content in its execution. This approach not only promotes economic growth within the state but also ensures that benefits of this large scale investment remain within the state's economic landscape."

"This approach promises to generate employment opportunities, invigorate local businesses and economic stability, all while advancing the development plan."

"The scope of His Excellency, Mr. Achiever's infrastructure development plan is nothing short of impressive, spanning a wide range of projects that traverse the geographical expanse of Osun State."

"This innovative agenda brings to bear Governor Adeleke's belief that "power belongs to the people," and consequently, the delivery of good governance should extend to every community, village, and city in the state, as evidenced by the strategic project locations."

Hon. Sunday Bisi State Chairman, People's Democratic Party, Osun State. 28th October 2023.


By Sarafa Ibrahim

In the heat of the 2022 governorship election in Osun state, those opposed to the choice of Senator Ademola Adeleke as governor came up with a petty argument to downplay his suitability for the role. They played up his hobby of dancing as a weakness that should discourage the electorate from settling for his choice, casting serious doubt on his ability to handle the enormous responsibility that comes with being a governor of a state like Osun, struggling with daunting challenges caused by past maladministration.

What they missed, and now quite evident, is that a happy man will always radiate happiness to the people he leads. This has been the experience with Governor Adeleke in the last 11 months of his assumption of office, not just shattering the wicked expectations of his traducers, but proving the Osun electorate that entrusted him with their mandate right.

The most recent example is the unveiling of a multi-billion infrastructure fund for the state. Massive? That is right, but more appealing is the insight into the future and the ambitious resolve to birth a new Osun that was reflected in the infrastructure plan. Another thing was the spread, which clearly was a departure from the past, which saw projects usually concentrated in the state capital, Osogbo.

In the infrastructure plan, at least five overhead bridges will be constructed in the state, with two of such to be situated in Osogbo, while the remaining will go to the two other senatorial districts. And to note that the infrastructure plan will be funded without any loan from financial institution, to the extent of burdening the future, makes it even more superb.

And not just overhead bridges, but the dualization of identified roads in Ede, Osogbo, and Ilesa in a bid to ease traffic jams and reduce accidents. In addition to this, Governor Adeleke will be undertaking the construction of a total of 45 kilometers of roads across the state, with each local government having at least 1.5 kilometers to improve connectivity and enhance the local economy.

As usual, some people, noticeably from the opposition, tried to introduce their infantile thoughts with the question of why the state needs such infrastructures at a time like this. The limitations those thoughts conveyed were aptly countered by a citizen on X (formerly Twitter) with the handle @ibkzee1 by noting that "Presently now all this flyover don't really needed but it will be needed in the next 5 years. Maybe! So, if you do it now is a plus(+) for us. No wahala."

Any reasonable mind will share this sentiment. The government should be forward-thinking otherwise will leave the people with the pain of failing to act in time. Most of the challenges we are facing today could have been solved yesterday, and even at a cheaper cost, but reasoning as the one openly expressed by APC elements did not allow it.

To be clear, the infrastructure plan of Governor Adeleke answers the questions of not just today, but also seeks to put Osun in a good standing in the future. This aspiration was loudly echoed by Governor Adeleke at the unveiling ceremony when he said "Osun as the cradle of Yoruba nation must move quickly on the ladder of development. We can and must surpass those presently leading among comity of state." What an ambitious push!

By investing in the rehabilitation of 345 health centres in the 332 wards in the state, Governor Adeleke would be expanding healthcare access to people at the grassroots. Because this would not just be about painting the walls of the centres as we have seen in the past, but a total overall of the facilities and provision of portable waters, new toilets, bedsheets, solar power installation for 24/7 electricity, and more importantly, drugs to ensure that they can serve Osun people better.

This will be complimented by the Imole Surgical and Medical Outreach, which according to Governor Adeleke, will now hold every quarter to render needed medical services to the people of the state. So far, the Imole Surgical and Medical Outreach has been held twice, and no less than 50 thousand people, mostly residents have benefited from all sorts of medical interventions ranging from free surgeries for Cataracts, Pterygium, Hernia, and some swellings on the body. Persons with medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, malaria, cough, and tuberculosis, among other diseases, were also catered for.

And education sector was not left out of the infrastructure plan. It must be noted that in the last 11 months, Governor Adeleke had embarked on the rehabilitation of public schools in Osun state to improve the learning environment. At least, one public school in each of the local governments has seen an infrastructural upgrade, addressing the debilitating state of some of these facilities.

Governor Adeleke, according to the infrastructure plan, will continue in this direction, as one school in each of the thirty local government areas and area office will get a complete infrastructure uplift. Just as done in phase one, identified public schools in Osun state will wear a new look with an infrastructural facelift, and also equipped with essential learning tools, including desks for students. These investments will soon be complemented by the recruitment of competent and qualified teachers as Governor Adeleke hinted that "a need assessment is ongoing to determine the teachers' requirements across subjects and schools. This will help to determine the numbers of teachers to recruit."

The provision of clean and portable water for the people also got the consideration of Governor Adeleke, as the infrastructure plan included the sinking of 332 motorized boreholes in the entire wards of the state. Just as achieved with the first phase of the boreholes project, the new set will avail underserved communities in each political ward with access to clean and drinkable water. Also inside the infrastructure plan is the lighting up of Osun through the installation of solar-powered streetlights in all major towns, particularly Osogbo, to enhance security and contribute to the economy.

And here is the most fascinating aspect of the infrastructure plan– it will be delivered within 12 months. That is, by this time next year, we should be having the full effect of the infrastructure, and the impact on the people and the economy of the state can be better imagined. Don't also forget the commitment of the Governor to local content in the execution of the projects by declaring that "Osun money will be spent in Osun. We are determined to eliminate capital flight as witnessed in the past."

In short, the last 11 months of Governor Adeleke in the administration of Osun state have been refreshing, and if we consider the bold prospects of the infrastructure plan for the state and its people, the future looks even more promising. This is why it will be so hard not to share the comment of a friend, John Shuaibu, in a WhatsApp group that "He (Adeleke) is doing well. The dancer, the performer." I'm sure the fiercest antagonist of Governor Adeleke will agree in their minds that they were wrong about him, although, may find it hard to say it out.

• Sarafa Ibrahim is a Special Assistant to the Osun State Governor and writes from Iwo, Osun State.

Friday 27 October 2023

Viewpoint: Osun Multi-billion Naira Infrastructure Plan Long Overdue- Governor Adeleke

I organise this event as a major landmark in our push for the making of a new Osun State. Our administration is using this gathering to prove to the world that a new Osun is possible. The main purpose is therefore to unveil a Multi-Billion Infrastructure plan to address the huge deficit the state is experiencing.

Sound infrastructure is a condition for economic growth and development. The difference between a growing economy and a dormant one has to do with how developed the state infrastructure is. In the case of Osun, I have used the last 11 months to address the over 90 percent infrastructure deficit our administration inherited. But more still needs to be done, hence the ambitious plan to launch this infra plan that covers roads, health, water , schools among others.

Osun as the cradle of Yoruba nation must move quickly on the ladder of development. We can and must surpass those presently leading among comity of states. We should carry first in new age sectors like digital economy, sound infrastructures and others. We must overcome our inherited burden and chart a path of 21st century growth for our people.

By today's event, our administration is building the confidence of the investing public. Osun state is ready and open for business. By investing so much in infrastructure upgrades, we are laying the foundation for effective public private partnership. We are getting set to key into infra financing opportunities as long as it will not add to the financial burden of the state.

Let me declare here that the infra plan I am about to unveil is purely state sponsored without any loan from financial institutions. I must also add that we are hitting the ground running immediately after this launch. We are complying with all procurement laws and due process.

Very importantly, our administration is ensuring localisation in the implementation process. Local content in terms of sourcing of materials and workforce are key to transfer skills and economically empower our people. This is in line with the five point agenda of our administration which seeks to boost the local economy. High local content is married with a strong maintenance plan to ensure the sustainability of the infrastructure.

With the flagoff of today’s infrastructure development, we are poised to further boost the State Economy as 95% of the Projects shall be executed by local content. Osun Money will be spent in Osun. We are determined to eliminate capital flight as witnessed in the past.

Before unveiling the infra plan, I invite you to watch what we have done in some critical sectors in the last 11 months.

We could show you more but for time constraints. You saw the schools before and after. You saw the medical outreach and how several thousands benefitted. Of course, the roads were captured. You saw the boreholes and how they are serving our people. After showing you a glimpse of what we have done within the infrastructure sector in the last 11 months, it is my honour to unveil new projects and infrastructure for the state.

1. Rehabilitation of 345 Health Centers in the 332 Wards in Osun State: Rehabilitation will include, Provision of Potable water, new toilets, and bathrooms, Beds, Mattresses, Bedsheets, renovation and painting of buildings, new curtains, and Solar panels/Inverters for 24 hours electricity etc. Our approach is to take medical services to the doorstep of our people wherever they may be.

2. Phase two of Portable Water Provision in 332 wards of Osun State. Which includes, Overhead Tanks, dispensing taps, generators, or solar panels. Under Phase One as you have seen, 332 water projects were completed. They are all functioning. Under the new plan, another set of underserved areas across the 332 political wards will be served with water projects.

3. Phase two of rehabilitation of 31 schools in the 30 mother local governments of Osun and Area Council. This includes portable water, new roofs, new toilets, renovation and painting of buildings, and Provision of desks and chairs. As you have seen in phase one of the school rehabilitation, our approach is to take a school and completely rehabilitate the buildings completely with desks and other learning facilities.

4. As a follow up to the completed rehabilitation of selected schools, the government has commenced the process of recruiting new teachers to address teachers' shortage in our schools. Currently, a need assessment is ongoing to determine the teachers' requirements across subjects and schools. This will help to determine the number of teachers to recruit.

5. Construction/ Rehabilitation of 45 roads of at least one kilometer in each of the 30 mother local governments, making a total of 45 Kilometers. As you saw in the preview, we have earlier completed about 45 kilometers of roads across the LGAS. These new roads are fresh projects for phase two.

6. Dualisation of Roads: In a bid to ease traffic jams and reduce road accidents, we are dualising some roads in some major towns to start with. The listed towns include Osogbo, Ede and Ilesha.

7. Construction of five Flyovers to ease traffic accidents and traffic jams. The identified projects are as follows:

● Osogbo - two namely Okefia and Lameco junction
● Ikirun- One
● Ife- one, Mayfair
● Owode Ede- One

8. Street Lightning: We are to install street lights in all major towns, especially Osogbo as the State Capital. This is important to enhance security surveillance and boost the night economy.

9. Imole Medical Outreach
Two medical outreaches were conducted in two locations in each of the three Senatorial districts in the last ten months. Various surgical procedures, including cataract eye surgeries, were done during the outreaches. The outreaches will be conducted once per quarter in the years ahead

Ladies and Gentlemen and my good people of Osun, all these projects shall be completed within 12 months by the grace of God.

It is therefore my honour and privilege to flag off the multi- Billion Naira Infrastructure Development of Osun. I implore the good people of the State to cooperate with the Contractors that will be handling these projects with the best of hospitality.

For further technical details on these infra plans, I will now call on team lead for each of the sectors to speak on costing and other requisite details

● Senator Ademola Adeleke, Executive Governor of Osun State delivered his speech at the unveiling of the multi billion naira Osun State Infrastructure plan.

Rep: Governor Adeleke Congratulates Hon. Ajilesoro on Appeal Court affirmation


OSOGBO– 27/10/2023– Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State welcomes the judicial affirmation of the election of the member of the House of Representatives for Ife Federal Constituency, Hon. Taofeek Bimbo Ajilesoro, as a strong rebuke against attempt to trample upon the will of the people, noting that the decision of the Appellate court has further assert the will of the people as supreme in a democracy.

The Governor who congratulates Hon. Ajilesoro for overcoming the distraction posed by the several months of litigations, salutes his dexterity and courage in protecting the mandate of the people through the two-phased legal battle.

While saying the judicial pronouncement of Ajilesoro marks an end to the months of questions that dogged his victory at the poll, Governor Adeleke charges Hon. Ajilesoro to continue on the path of service and impactful representation that earned him the people's mandate.

"It is exciting to note that that the legal contest of Hon. Ajilesoro's election has been put to rest," the Governor noted, adding that "The Appeal Court pronouncement is another reminder that the people will always win, no matter the attempt to circumvent their will."

"On that note, I congratulate Hon. Ajilesoro on this deserved victory, and urge him to take his affirmation by the court as a challenge to continue to deliver for the people.

"As a representative of the people, he should strive more than before to advance their interests and pursue interventions that will make much difference for them."

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, The Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Thursday 26 October 2023

Governor Adeleke Congratulates President Tinubu on Supreme Court Affirmation


OSOGBO– 26/10/2023– Osunstate.gov.ng

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated President Bola Tinubu on the affirmation of his election by the Supreme Court, saying the time to come together for Nigeria is now.

The Governor made the congratulatory remarks in the presence of the Iyaloja General of Nigeria, Folasade Ojo-Tinubu who was at Ede to attend the 8th Day Fidau prayer of the father of Osun State Commissioner for Science and Technology, Alhaji Wahab Ayofe.

Governor Adeleke notes the finality of the apex court ruling on disputes on the 2023 presidential election, pointing out that the resolution of the questions that surround the Presidential election will bring about focus in confronting the many challenges facing Nigeria.

He lauds the main opposition candidate in the election for deepening the country's electoral jurisprudence by testing their complaints at the law court, adding that our judicial system has once again proven itself in tackling disputes that arise from our elections.

"On behalf of the good people of Osun State, I congratulate President Tinubu on his judicial victory at the apex court," the Governor was quoted as saying.

"It is my hope that your presidency will bring progress, unity, and prosperity to our nation, and I want to restate my commitment to partner you in offering good governance for our people."

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Dotun Babayemi is Ignorant of Governance Process in Osun - Spokesperson


Former member of the Peoples Democratic Party, Dotun Babayemi is ignorant of governmental process in Osun state, hence his imbecilic statement on alleged governance from private homes.

Spokesperson to Governor Ademola Adeleke, Mallam Olawale Rasheed in a statement on Wednesday evening said the former PDP member has been in political oblivion for long and cannot grasp the beehive of activities the Bola Ige House, the Governor's office, has become since Governor Adeleke assumed office.

With several events including state executive meetings and the ongoing treasury board meetings held at the government secretariat, Babayemi is deep in the wilderness thereby unable to comprehend the amazing positive development the Adeleke administration has brought to Osun.

The expelled party member is equally in the dark as to the ongoing transformation of the Government House where the Governor even recently hosted the outgoing state police commissioner.

We affirm that the machinery of government is running efficiently from relevant government offices and more importantly, the Governor stays late in the renovated White House to conclude serious state matters on several occasions.

The style and approach of Mr Governor is producing amazing results as evidenced in a series of accolades even from those who previously backed the failed usurper, Babayemi during his desperation to steal the governorship mandate.

If Babayemi is begging for re-absorption into the party, he should first own up to his many treachery against the party and the government that was popularly elected by the voters of Osun state.

In any case, the government of the people by the people and for the people doesn't need uninformed opinions from a man still in a political dark room and who is as yet incapable of figuring out the new reality of his abode in the political wilderness.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Governor Adeleke To Unveil N100B Infrastructural Plan Friday 27th October, 2023.


OSOGBO- 25/10/2023 - Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke is billed to unveil details of his administration's One Hundred Billion Naira infrastructural Plan.

The event which is expected to be a landmark outing for the Governor will focus on projects on road dualisation, flyover bridges, health center upgrade, water provision facilities among others.

The venue is the Executive Chamber's Lounge of the Governor's Office by 4pm.

Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Tuesday 24 October 2023



I stand before you with a heart full of hope and a profound sense of purpose as we gather to celebrate a historic moment in our nation’s healthcare journey and a momentous day in the history of our state. We are here to celebrate a significant stride in our healthcare and that is to flag-off the inclusion of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine into our Routine Immunization schedule, targeting girls aged 9 to 14 years. This decision is bound to have a profound impact on the lives of our young girls and also marks our unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of our community, particularly the future women of our state.

The introduction of the HPV vaccine into our routine immunization program is not just a medical breakthrough; it is a beacon of hope for generations to come. By providing our young girls with this vaccine, we are not merely shielding them from a devastating disease; we are empowering them with the promise of a life unburdened by the fear of cervical cancer “Today, we stand united, armed with the power of prevention”.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the brilliant minds in the scientific community, the dedicated healthcare professionals, and the relentless researchers who have laboured tirelessly to bring this vaccine to fruition. Your unwavering commitment to the advancement of medical science is awe-inspiring. Today's achievement stands as a testament to human ingenuity and our ability to conquer even the most challenging health threats when we join forces.

To the parents, caregivers and guardians present here, I urge you to embrace this opportunity. Let us, together, ensure that every eligible girl receives the HPV vaccine. It is an investment in their future, a gesture of love and care that will resonate throughout their lives. I understand that making decisions about our children's health can be daunting, but rest assured, this vaccine is safe, effective, and endorsed by the most reputable healthcare organizations globally.

I implore you to place your trust in the expertise of our healthcare professionals and provide your daughters with the gift of protection against cervical cancer. Let us be the generation that breaks the chain of this disease and paves the way for a healthier tomorrow.

Educators, you play a vital role in shaping our society's knowledge and attitudes. I urge you to incorporate information about HPV vaccination into your curriculum, fostering understanding and dispelling myths. Knowledge is our most potent weapon against ignorance and fear. By equipping our communities with accurate information, we empower them to make informed decisions regarding their health. I also extend my appreciation to the teachers, community leaders, religious leaders and volunteers who will play a pivotal role in spreading awareness about the importance of this vaccine. Your influence is immeasurable, I thank you for your commitment.

I call upon our healthcare providers to embrace this opportunity as a sacred duty. Your compassion, dedication, and expertise are the cornerstones of our healthcare system. Administer the HPV vaccine with care, understanding, and patience. Each dose you deliver represents a step towards a future where cervical cancer is a rare occurrence. As we embark on this transformative journey, let us remember that our actions today echo through the annals of history. We are not just preventing a disease; we are shaping a healthier, stronger, and more resilient society. Let this day serve as a testament to our collective determination to safeguard the well-being of our citizens, especially our young girls, who represent the promise and potential of our nation and state.

In closing, I express my deepest gratitude to the good people of Osun State, supporting partners; WHO, UNICEF, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Rotary, Nigerian Red Cross Society, other organizations, and institutions that has contributed to making this day possible. Together, we are rewriting the narrative of healthcare in our nation and state. Let us continue this noble endeavor with unwavering determination, compassion, and unity. May our state stand as a shining example of progress, health, and prosperity for all.

Thank you, and may our shared journey towards a healthier future be blessed with success.

NUJ Award: Osun PDP Chairman, Hon Sunday Bisi Expresses Gratitude To Governor Ademola Adeleke, Others

I, Hon Sunday Bisi, Executive Chairman of Osun State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, is delighted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support I received from several quarters over the award bestowed upon me by the Osun State Chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists. I am truly honored and humbled by this recognition.

I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to Almighty God and all the people of goodwill who contributed to the success of this award. Your support and encouragement have made this achievement all the more meaningful.

I am particularly grateful for the unwavering support and fatherly guidance of His Excellency, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke, the Executive Governor of Osun State. His motivating presence before and on the day has always inspired me, and I am sincerely grateful for his continued support.

I would also like to express my immense gratitude to Dr Deji Adeleke and Yeye Modupeola Adeleke Sanni, pillars of the Adeleke dynasty, for their invaluable support on the day. May God bless and strengthen the dynasty abundantly.

Members of the national assembly from Osun State both at the Senate and House of Representatives, I appreciate your wonderful support all the time and specially yesterday. You can be sure I hold you in high esteem as always

My heartfelt thanks go out to the Honorable Speaker, Members of the State House of Assembly, represented by Chief Whip Hon Wale Akerele, the Secretary to the State Government Alhaji Teslim Igbalaye, Chief of Staff, Alhaji Kazeem Akinleye, the forum of Honorable Commissioners, Forum of Special Advisers, and the ALGON for their unquantifiable support.

I would like to acknowledge my dear friend, Dr Akindele Adekunle, the immediate past caretaker committee chairman of our great party and the Special Adviser to His Excellency on Public Health, for his unwavering support. I am also grateful to the members of the state working committee, zonal leaders, state officers, local government party chairmen, and all the leaders of our party for their immense contributions.

Special appreciation goes to the Osun State Chapter of NUJ, led by Comrade Wasiu Ajadosu, for considering me worthy of the Grassroot Politician of the Year award in the state. This recognition will serve as a catalyst for me to work even harder as the chairman of my party and for the betterment of our state.

Once again, I extend my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your support, encouragement, and belief in my abilities. May God Almighty bless you all abundantly.
I thank all sincerely.
Hon Sunday Bisi Osun State PDP Chairman 24/10/2023

Monday 23 October 2023

Gov Ademola Adeleke Tasks Journalists On Nation Building As Osun NUJ Honors Osun PDP Chairman, Sunday Bisi

The executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke has applauded members of the Nigerian Union of Journalists for their roles in shaping Nigerian Polity for the good of the citizens vis-a-vis the removal of fuel subsidy and other policies of government, admonishing the pen pushers not to abandon professional correctness for bandwagon of momentous exegesis.

The Governor who was represented by the commissioner for information, Oluomo Kolapo Alimi at the awards ceremony organized by the Osun State Chapter of the NUJ, urged journalists in the country to do more against usual political patronage and interrogate major policies of government affecting wellbeing of Nigerian citizens.

The Osun State Chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists had on Monday, 23rd of October 2023 bestowed a meritorious award of excellence of Grassroot Politician of the Year on the state Chairman of the Osun State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party with dignitaries from all walks of life gracing the annual event.

The PDP chairman while reacting to the honor done him by Osun NUJ, commended Journalists for what he described as watchdog roles in the society, without which the world would have collapsed into helpless and irredeemable anarchy.

While urging media practitioners to live above board in line with the dictates of their profession, the PDP chairman assured the Journalists of his commitment to those attributes that have qualified him for the prestigious award, especially when such was coming from a reputable organization as the NUJ.

Hon Sunday Bisi used the occasion to express gratitude to the people of Osun State for standing by the PDP to reclaim governance of the state after twelve years, asking them for continued support for the PDP as well as Governor Ademola Adeleke led administration.

He enjoined Nigerian journalists to do everything within their powers as member of the fourth estate of the realm to make Nigeria a better place to live for all. The chairman queried a situation where Rwanda and other counties with awkward history in the world now fare better than a naturally endowed country like Nigeria.

Governor Adeleke Hosts State Executive Council Meeting on Budget 2024, Unveils Key Policy Plans


Governor Adeleke Hosts State Executive Council Meeting on Budget 2024, Unveils Key Policy Plans OSOGBO - 23/10/2023 - Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke on Thursday hosted the State Executive Council meeting with key focus on treasury board decisions as it affects preparation for budget 2024 and landmark pronouncements on state governance.

The meeting attended by all members of the executive council deliberated on 2024 budget proposals from the Ministries, departments and agencies as a prelude to the submission of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework to the State House of Assembly.

Addressing the Council, Governor Adeleke called for due diligence on the budget preparation process, reading out key policy directives on the governance of the state.

The Governor directed the immediate suspension of foreign travels by top officials, urging application of virtual meetings for attendance and participation at international business and investment events.

"Foreign trips for top officials for the rest of the year is hereby suspended unless there is a direct emergency to be authorized by the Governor", the Governor directed

Governor Adeleke further instructed that state expenditure should henceforth be focussed on implementation of critical projects across the sectors.

According to him, "we must sustain the momentum of our service delivery by avoiding excessive spending on recurrent and overheads"

He also called for personal sacrifice on the part of cabinet members, positing that cabinet members and all members of the administration must demonstrate readiness to sacrifice in the face of the state's harsh financial situation.

"Our needs from office to accommodation are much but our resources are limited. So we have to devise a coping mechanism pending the time our funding situation will improve" , he affirmed.

As a way of enforcing efficiency in the governance process, the State Governor also directed the Head of Service to prepare a memo to streamline the relationship between the Commissioners and Special Advisers.

"While memos by Special Advisers must pass through the Permanent Secretary to the Commissioners, the Commissioners must ensure fair play and accommodating spirit" , the Governor declared in a move to pre-empt possible rivalry among top appointees.

"Members of the Council are to also note that I will be unveiling the Administration's N100 billion Infrastructure Plan by Thursday. The plan covers roads, health, water, housing among others.

"I invite us all to note that this Treasury board deliberations are critical to the achievement of our governance goals. We must take it with all seriousness", the Governor affirmed.

The Council meeting was attended by the Deputy Governor, Prince Kola Adewusi; the Secretary to the State Government, Hon Teslim Igbalaye; the Chief of Staff, Hon Kazeem Akinleye; the Head of Service, Mr Samuel Ayanleye Aina, commissioners and the ten cabinet ranked special advisers.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Governor.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Governor Adeleke Receives Honourary Membership of IBB Golf Club, Promises to Remain a Responsive Leader


ABUJA - 22/10/2023 - Osunstate.gov.ng

The leadership of the IBB Golf and Country Club on Saturday conferred an honorary membership status on the Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke at a glamorous event with further invitation to the stylish politician to formally join the elite club.

Chairman of the Tennis section of the club, Ambassador Humphrey Orjiakor explained that the conferment on Governor Adeleke was in recognition of his style of leadership in Osun, where he has adequately provided space for young people to excel in politics and governance.

The presentation was done by the Chairman board of trustees of the IBB Golf And Country Country, Maj. Gen. IBM Haruna (rtd) , who also handed over a formal application form to the Osun State governor.

AVM Haruna described the Osun Governor as a pro-people Governor who is happily delivering dividends of democracy to his people.

Ambassador Orjiakor had also described the Governor as a role model and the type of leader of the nation due to his simplicity, performance and his supporting the youth to occupy top offices in government, citing the case of the 38 year old Wale Egbedun , the Speaker of the Osun state House of Assembly. Hon Egbedun is a member of the Tennis section at the club.

Governor Adeleke arrived at the Golf club at exactly 8:00pm following an invitation that was extended to him by the executive committee of the Tennis section.

Before showing up at the gala night reception hosted in the pavilion of the Tennis section, the Osun State Governor stormed a night prize and award presentation ceremony of the 2023 Women’s Golf Open, where he felicitated with the ladies.

Accepting the honourary conferment, the Osun State Governor explained that he was excited by the recognition.

He said, “I have now seen a place that I will come to for brainstorming and relaxation, anytime I am in Abuja. Mr. Chairman, I really appreciate this. I am so happy that you are doing this for me.”

“I can tell you that by doing this, light has come to the tennis section of IBB Golf and country club,” an elated Governor Adeleke noted.

The Osun State Governor told members of the club that although many Nigerians had advised him that while in a high office, as a governor, one should not be his true self, he will continue to live as the real man that he has always been known for.

He said, “many Nigerians told me that if you are in a high place, you should not be yourself, I will not be like that. There is time for everything, there is time to enjoy yourself and there is time to work.”

Governor Adeleke assured that his government was working hard to develop his state and improve the lives of the people.

“You know, a lot of people underestimated me when we were campaigning along the line. Very soon, I will be celebrating my one year in office, November 27. We have done a lot in the state and more people are coming to say that they want to invest in the state because of what we are doing.

“People that I don't even know. They say, by just seeing my face, they want to come and invest. I want to make Osun State a reference point,” Adeleke stressed.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor



OSOGBO– 22/10/2023– Osunstate.gov.ng

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State notes with excitement the confirmation of Mr. Bashir Adewale Adeniyi as the Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service by President Bola Tinubu, hailing the decision as perfect and offers promising direction for the outfit.

The Governor appreciates President Tinubu for recognizing the capability of Mr. Bashir to drive his agenda in the paramilitary outfit, saying his confirmation is a bold assertion of the President's commitment to redirect Customs for more efficiency and productivity.

He congratulates Mr. Bashir for the deserving progress in his career, noting that his confirmation is a reward for years of dedication, competence, and pronounced commitment to public service.

"On behalf of the good people of Osun State, I heartily rejoice with a distinguished professional, Mr. Bashir Adewale Adeniyi on his confirmation as the Comptroller-General of Customs by President Bola Tinubu," the Governor was quoted as saying in a congratulatory note.

"Mr. Bashir's confirmation is a testament to his enticing public record, competence, and devotion to the Customs service over the years. It equally underscores President Tinubu's commitment to giving people with proven capacity increasing responsibility in the task of moving the country forward."

While expressing his full confidence in Mr. Bashir to continue to serve with dedication, professionalism and integrity in his new role, Governor Adeleke reminds him that not just the people of Osun State, but the entire nation look forward to improved contribution to the country from the Customs under his leadership.

Governor Adeleke prays for Mr. Bashir to have a rewarding time with a lot of accomplishments as the Comptroller-General of Customs while echoing the pride of the people of the state to have such a distinguished individual representing the state in such an important position.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

Saturday 21 October 2023

Osogbo Tennis Club Championship: Egbedun Congratulates the Winner, Appreciates the Deputy Governor

NEWS RELEASE 21 - 10 - 2023. The Osun State House of Assembly Speaker, Rt. Hon. Adewale Egbedun has congratulated the winner of the Osogbo Tennis Club 2023 Ladder Ranking Championship, Mr Adekunle Uthman, the CEO of Armstrong Paints, for the efforts he put into winning the competition. An Epic Final match that lasted for about two and a half hours was played between Adekunle Uthman and Mr Ezekiel Owoeye, the CEO of Ezekiel Global Ventures. Recall that today's match was in continuation of the suspended final match that started on Thursday. Mr Ezekiel took the lead having won the first set of the game 6 - 1. The eventual winner, Mr Adekunle Uthman came from behind to win 7 - 6 in the second set and 10 - 8 in the super tiebreak. While presenting the medal to the runner-up, Rt. Hon. Adewale Egbedun seized the opportunity to appreciate the Deputy Governor of Osun State, His Excellency Prince Kola Adewusi for making himself available as the Special Guest despite his busy schedule for the weekend. He also commended the sport-loving man who is in charge of the Ministry of Sport in the State for doing an excellent job at ensuring that sport is revitalised in the State. Egbedun who is also a member of the club, commended the resilience of the winner for the brilliant display of skills to upturn the game to his favour. In his remark, Prince Kola Adewusi commended the two finalists for a wonderful display of skills in the game. He also appreciated the club for inviting him to witness the final, he added a suggestion that the Club should come up with the idea of hosting a Tennis Competition among the Secondary School students in the State. He concluded with an assurance that Sen. Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke-led administration would leave no stone unturned to ensure that sport is being developed in the State. Dignitaries from all works of life witnessed the final among which we have the Honourable Representing Irepodun/Orolu State Constituency, Hon. Adekunle Oladimeji. Signed: Olamide Tiamiyu, Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker, OSHA.

Friday 20 October 2023

Osun PDP Criticizes APC Factional Chairman, Lawal for Lack of Basic Understanding of Governance.


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the ruling party in Osun State has again lashed out at the factional chairman of the opposition APC in the State over its criticism of newly commissioned projects in the state, warning the opposition leadership to purge itself of persistent idle talks, if it must be taken with any pinch of seriousness.

PDP advised the troubled APC not to run itself into disarray just less than a year in office of His Excellency, the executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke under whom the state has undergone tremendous progress, with increasing interest from investors seeking to contribute to the state's growth and development.

This improved governance has understandably reduced the opposition APC to cheap gossip hustlers, engaging in spinless grumblings, which appear to be driven by their obvious apprehension in the face of Governor Adeleke's growing popularity based on his people's friendly disposition in office.

A statement made available by the Media office of the PDP and signed by the state Chairman, Hon. Sunday Bisi, described the Osun APC Chairman and his handlers as men of yesterday, who are genetically allergic to the positive impact of good governance as such is strange to their DNA, both as individuals and collectively as members of notorious gangsters in APC."

Hon Sunday Bisi particularly asked Lawal, the makeshift APC Chairman in the state, to go back to his lords for proper orientation about standard rudiments of his roles as opposition chief priest before he destroys the little strands of life left in the deposed locusts.

"The schoolboy talks of the likes of Lawal, aggravated by the amalgamated incompetence of some scavengers around him, who have reduced the 'once upon a time' ruling party to moonlight jesters, whose low managerial acumen mirrors the protracted challenges faced by his party and his role as the face and commander in chief of opposition colony in Osun State.

"Lawal should educate himself about the concept of Tax Credit Arrangement, as infrastructure finance weaponry deployed as a policy, offering tax credits to individuals, organizations or businesses as incentives for specific activities. These tax credits effectively lessened the tax liabilities of the recipients with the state also having stipulated infrastructure plugging in return"

"This is precisely part of what Governor Adeleke advocated, resulting in the recently commissioned projects. It Is also worth reminding Lawal that the state's infrastructure deficit is a direct consequence of their 12 years of mismanagement Which almost buried the state in financial rubbles. It therefore requires all patriotic efforts and political will of the state Governor to bring the state back to life.

"This is not Oyetola's Pandora Mansion arrangement whereby the state is looted dry with the proceeds shipped out and splashed on choice mansions in London. His Excellency, Governor Ademola Adeleke will continue to do everything within the law and his mandate to develop Osun State and the APC must brace themselves for this If it aches them in any way"

As a matter of fact, His Excellency will gladly offer the tearful APC the same pattern of incentive whenever they develop a heart of genuine love for Osun State by investing in any developmental sector in the state. Even it is just a block of pure water business and not just busy themselves exuding pains of an abruptly weaned infant."

Osun State, according to the Hon Sunday Bisi, is no longer a fertile ground for some tinted criminals, using the state as a hatchery for looting public funds, thereby pinning helpless people down to log of poverty.

"To address APC's ignorance, Edo State Governor, Governor Obaseki, attended the commissioning upon Mr. Rasheed Sarumi's invitation, as they share a friendly relationship." This happens everywhere with people of impeccable integrity as against some nests of barefaced thieves disguising about in political babarigas.

"Government is said to be a continuum and the continuity certainly cannot be in offsetting only the APC imposed financial liabilities. The PDP administration in the state is bound, as contained in the path of office and the pact signed with the masses of Osun, to ensure continuity of developmental projects and resuscitate all abandoned ones for the wellbeing of the state.

"If Governor Adeleke had acted vindictively like his predecessor, throwing punches around, fighting everybody, mostly imaginary enemies and abandoned all projects initiated with the state funds, borrowed or PPP arrangements, the 55km roads would not have been completed for the use of the good people of the state," Osun PDP Chairman emphasized.

Hon. Sunday Bisi State Chairman, People's Democratic Party Osun State Chapter October 20th, 2023

Thursday 19 October 2023

Governor Adeleke Constructs 55 km of Roads, Identifies with Sarumis and other Philanthropists


OSOGBO - 19/10/2023- Osunstate.gov.ng

The Osun State Government has constructed over 55 kilometers of roads and is encouraging private individuals to join in the drive to bridge the state's infrastructure deficit, Spokesperson to the State Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed has declared.

Reacting to the opposition party's statement on Ilesa road project sponsored by Mr Rasheed Sarumi and commissioned by Governor Ademola Adeleke, the Spokesperson said the State Governor was invited to commission the road by the businessman and that at no point was any claim made that the state government constructed the road.

Governor Adeleke had while commissioning the road commended Mr Sarumi for his community service and urged other endowed citizens and residents of the state to emulate the contribution of Sarumi.

The Governor at the commissioning stressed further that Sarumi is a model other business leaders in the state should emulate, a position echoed by the Edo state Governor, Godwin Obaseki.

"In what way is it a crime for the state governor to honour a distinguished Osun citizen who is giving back to the society? Governor Adeleke has constructed over 55 kilometers of roads with another 45 kilometers in the pipelines. The administration has not and will not claim projects that do not belong to the administration.

"Is the APC saying the Governor should not have encouraged the Sarumis and others to support community development by personally identifying with them? The current government is bridging the infrastructure deficit and it won't be distracted by a party that failed woefully while in office.

" It is evidently clear that the sordid past of a rejected administration still weighs heavily on the opposition. Governor Adeleke is touching lives, upgrading infrastructures and rebuilding the state from the wreckage left behind by APC.

Even the worst of enemies are daily becoming friends of the administration with regular praise of "Mr Governor, you are really doing well. You indeed prove us wrong"

The opposition should await another shocker in the new week as Governor Adeleke unveils details of his infrastructure plans. Let fake news merchants prepare new rounds of fabricated submissions.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Spokesperson to the State Governor

Wednesday 18 October 2023



1.I am delighted to welcome you all to this state baquet where we are honouring and celebrating our illustrious sons. We are here to eulogize the grace of God in the lives of top national officers who have reached the pinnacle of their careers.

2. The top officials we are celebrating today put the name of Osun on national and global maps. They served and are still serving the nation meritoriously. They validate Osun as truly the land of accomplishments and attainments.

3. Let me start by noting that retired Air Marshal Amoo brought major expansion of air force presence in Osun state. I must put on records that the retired air chief brought the airforce research agency. Our government is already opening discussion with the Airforce for the development of the state airport. My brother, we are building on your legacy to give Osun a sustainable airport.

4. To General Lagbaja, he demonstrates a close sense of affinity with the development of the state. The Army Chief recently supported our administration to restore peace in certain parts of Osun. He commissioned a civil-military school project recently in Ede. The Chief of Army Staff is my comrade for the development of the state.

5. For the Customs Chief, Bashir Adeniyi, his love for our state and Nigeria as a whole predates his appointment. From his days as Public Relation officer to his days as controller at MM1 Airport, he lends constant support to the state and her indigenes. I am lucky he is the Custom Chief at a time I am the sitting Governor of our dear state.

6. Let me put on record our deep appreciation to President Ahmed Bola Tinubu for recognising excellence in our great sons. These top service leaders are exceptional in their competency, efficiency and patriotism to the fatherland. Mr President finds in our sons diligent officers whose experience and capacity are needed at this critical point of our national life. I am indeed elated.

7. I call on our illustrious sons to continue in their passionate service to the fatherland. You are our shining ambassadors donated to the nation. You are making us proud. You must not relent.

8. You should also not forget home. I urge you to be my partners in our push to develop the state. I don't have to bore you with the mess we met on the ground. We are just frontally determined to take the state out of the wood. For this I need your support and that of other eminent Osun sons and daughters at home and abroad.

9. Once again,on behalf of the government and people of Osun state, I say congratulations. We wish you successful tenure.

10. Thanks for listening. God bless Osun State God bless Nigeria God bless all of us

HE, Senator Ademola Adeleke, Executive Governor of Osun State

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