Friday 1 December 2023



A judicial watchdog group, Legal Accountability Forum (LAF), has accused Justice Yinka Aderibigbe of usurping the powers of the National Judicial Council and tampering with evidence in matters already before the NJC.

In a statement Friday morning in Abuja, the group alleged that Justice Aderibigbe has been threatening those who wrote petitions to the NJC and working round the clock to destroy evidence even when the NJC led by the Chief Justice of the Federation is already reviewing the petition against the state CJ.

Our field team in Osun reported that Justice Aderibigbe has been directly pressurizing and threatening members of the state judicial workers' union and other parties behind the petition against the CJ.

Justice Aderibigbe was reported to have banged into a meeting between JUSUN and the Chief Registrar and even called the Chief Justice to speak with aggrieved judicial workers on the issues already subjudiced since she (the CJ) went to Court.

We seek that the NJC call the affected judge to order as the matter he is dabbling into is subjudice as there is a petition to the NJC which is a quasi-judicial organ.

"Our interest at the Legal Accountability Forum (LAF) is ensuring the integrity of the judicial system. On this Osun matter, we want to see justice done to all parties involved. Judges must respect the NJC as a critical institution by staying away from interfering or tampering with evidence before the body.

If Justice Aderibigbe refuses to abide by best practices, he may become an accomplice in the matters before the NJC. In this Osun matter, we want justice for judicial workers no matter whose ox is gored.

Comrade Adekola James, Southern Coordinator

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