Tuesday 27 February 2024

Disquiet in the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy as Oyetola's son extortion unsettles workers

There is a growing sign of a showdown in the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy as workers in the agencies under it are uncomfortable with the excesses of the son of the Minister, Gboyega Oyetola, this newspaper has learnt.

According to sources in the Ministry, Femi Oyetola, the Minister's son, carries himself in a way that is unbecoming in the agencies that is under the supervision of his father, using his relationship with the Minister to coerce top officials in the Ministry to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

It was gathered that Femi imposed himself on officials of the ministry even when he has no role whatsoever, dropping the name of his father to extort money from the officials.

"On one occasion, Femi (Oyetola) stormed the office of a Director in the Ministry and demanded for money to fund his weekend expenses. When the official seek to know the basis of such request, Femi flared up at him, warning of consequences if his demand is not met," one of the sources who chooses not to be named narrated.

She said Femi furiously asked the Director to find out about him in Osun state where his father had served as Governor, noting that the rattled official was left with no option but to surrender to the demand of the young Oyetola.

It was gathered that Femi was imposing on officials in Osun while his father was Governor, pressuring them to surrender to his extortion to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

Another source said Femi extortion is not limited to the Ministry but agencies that are under it, saying the son of the Minister moved from one agency to the other to draw out money from the officials.

The source said Femi is a regular visitor at the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), which is manned by a former Commissioner in Osun state under his father, Mr. Bola Oyebamiji, who seems to indulge the reckless demands of the Minister's son.

At a point, the source noted, Mr. Oyebamiji impressed on officials under him to attend to any request that comes from Femi, stirring concerns among workers in the agency on the impunity that is taking root in the Ministry.

"This is not the first time we will be having a Minister with a son but what we have seen with Femi (Oyetola) is quite disturbing," the source who works in NIWA but do not want name in print for fear of reprimand said, adding that "He (Femi) takes advantage of his father's position to extort officials and if you don't want to go with him, he resort to threat. It is really troubling."

The shabby practice of Femi, according to a presidential source, has not go well with the Presidency, especially members of the President's family, who considers the Minister's son conduct as a blight to the Tinubu administration and want his father to reign in him before it is too late.

"Femi (Oyetola) extortion scheme has reached the attention of the Presidency and I can tell you, they are not happy about it. Particularly the First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu and the President's first daughter, Iyaloja Shade Tinubu, viewed his conduct as reckless and capable to tarnishing the image of the Tinubu administration if not curbed," the source noted.

"Even Seyi Tinubu is not happy about reports on Femi, wondering why he chooses that root and not take a clue from what he's doing to positively project the administration. And what he even uses the money for is not people should even know."

1 comment:

  1. The Officials concerns should take their report to the Presidency for adequate and necessary actions.


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