Monday 11 March 2024

Igbajo/Iree Kingship: APC Illegalities now Corrected-Osun PDP


Igbajo/Iree Kingship: APC Illegalities now Corrected-Osun PDP

●Says Adeleke’s Legal Actions Shamed APC and her Chieftains


The Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) in Osin state has commended Governor Ademola Adeleke for upholding due process, chieftaincy laws and tradition to correct illegalities and cronyism foisted on the people of Iree and Igbajo by the former government of Mr Gboyega Oyetola.

Responding to the criticism of the state government by the All Progressive Congress, the PDP derided the reaction of the opposition as lacking basis in truth, logic, law and tradition, declaring that “APC is shamed and humiliated by the legality and populism of Adeleke leadership on Iree and Igbajo kinship matters.

Osun people were shocked at the barbarism and brigandry exhibited by Mr Oyetola when he imposed an unpopular Gboyega Famodun on the people of Igbajo. It was the height of abuse of power as other Princes from other sections of the ruling houses were violently excluded from the selection process while the impostor was hurriedly crowned by Mr Oyetola at the Government House.

Mr Oyetola in the twilight of his administration committed many abominable sins against the culture and tradition of our people even as he mismanaged the state economy under a deeply sadistic leadership style. Ire, Igbajo and Ikirun people endured an inhuman reign of terror until Governor Adeleke assumed the reign of leadership.

We therefore congratulate the Governor for allowing provisions of the chieftaincy law to prevail. We thank him for allowing excluded ruling houses to have a say and presence. We hail the Governor for ensuring level playing fields in the selection process.

Contrary to the hallucination of the APC, the State Executive Council meeting was held today with 23 members physically in attendance while the State Governor and four other cabinet members attended the meeting virtually.

The meeting deliberated on several memos including the approval of the nomination of Dr Ademola Makinde as forwarded by the affected local government and as voted for by the warrants chiefs appointed in line with law when surviving kingmakers refused to perform their statutory duties.

We reminded the APC that the PDP administration is a government of due process, rule of law and public interest, not a regime of sadists, brigands and political armed robbers. Governor Adeleke is particularly a man committed to clearing inherited mess from APC years of maladministration and a leader who is passionate about observance of law and tradition. We task the APC to stop crying wolf where there is known. Igbajo and Iree people are moving on , away from the era of lawlessness and man inhumanity to man. Signed: Hon Sunday Bisi, State Chairman, Osun State PDP

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